
I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre

kaitrosereads's review

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I Want It That Way is Ann Aguirre’s first foray into the young adult genre and she definitely did it right! Nadia and Ty’s story captured my heart and this series has some serious potential.

Nadia reminded me a lot of myself. She’s hardworking, driven, and pretty hard on herself. She is a full time college student who also has a part time job. She has very little free time but she still manages to maintain some great friendships and care about her family. Ty is similar to Nadia in that he’s working as well as putting himself through school but he’s also got a 4-year-old son to take care of. What little free time he has he spends with his son and his parents. Nadia and Ty don’t seem like they’d work since neither of them has much free time but what little time they do have they spend getting to know each other.

Nadia and Ty’s relationship seemed a little instalovey at first but that changed quickly. It was more that they were both instantly attracted to each other even though they both knew they couldn’t possibly work out. They decided to be friends and they really spent time getting to know each other. They definitely had chemistry though and I was just waiting for them to give into the attraction. They were not meant to be just friends, no matter what they thought.

The story wasn’t action-packed but it was still fast-paced. Once I started reading, I could not stop. I fell in love with Nadia and Ty’s story and I wanted to know if they’d get their happy ending. The story also does a great job introducing the characters that will be center stage in the following two books in the series. I wasn’t very impressed with Lauren but Max’s story is one I can’t wait for.

I Want It That Way is definitely a new adult book. There are some serious sexy times. I knew that Ann Aguirre could do romance but I had no idea they could be this steamy! She’s right up there with Jennifer Armentrout and Erin McCarthy in that category.

Overall, I Want It That Way is a fabulous new adult novel that I highly recommend. Ann Aguirre has been added to my list of favorite new adult authors and I can’t wait to read the second 2B novel.

joyousreads132's review

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Listen, I’m not a fan of Backstreet Boys, never in their prime, definitely not now when they’re staging a comeback. So, why did I think this book would be good knowing that it’s a part of a series named after songs of said boy band? Well, I wanted to keep an open mind. I didn’t want my dislike for BSB to cloud my judgement over this book. Besides, I met Ms. Aguirre. She’s a super nice lady. It’s too bad I can’t make niceties with her book, however.

This is a story about a single dad who’s had some really awful experience with a woman whom he thought loved him enough to stick around. Especially after giving birth to their son. But since she wasn’t built to be a mother, she took off. Single dad, then decides that relationships are just too much work for him and his son. So he squashed any signs of attraction to any woman that comes along. He wasn’t prepared to run into Nadia, however.

Nadia is a woman determined to overcome Ty’s misgivings about relationships. In the meantime, she’ll bide her time and take his offer of friendship. They didn’t count on their innate attraction towards each other to be so all-encompassing. They tried, though. And when they finally give in, it’s like an explosion that was too bright, but was spent fast.

There wasn’t much conflict here, to be honest. Ty’s back and forth about Nadia was borderline boring. There wasn’t much substance to the characters either, and Nadia fell too fast for Ty. Sometimes, instant-lust is okay. But the thing is, I couldn’t find anything remotely attractive, personality-wise, about Ty. I didn’t get it. I do like how close to the characterization Ms. Aguirre was for a single dad who works full time and who goes to school part time. I felt ever exhaustion in his bones, and imagined every tired lines mapping his face.

Despite my lacklustre reaction to this book, I want to believe the rest will be at least good. After all, this is Ann Aguirre we’re talking about. I’m hopeful that the brilliance she’d shown in Urban Fantasy would somehow bleed into her contemporary romance stint. However, as the rest of the books share titular rights to BSB songs, my expectations aren’t very high. I guess that could be a good thing.

timitra's review

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There are so many feelings not sure I can them all written down but I absolutely positively loved this book from beginning to end. I highly recommend it. It made me happy and also sad but mostly happy. I can't wait for the next book in this series to come out.

kaybee0515's review

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This book was a freak accident for me. I didn’t know that it was a more risqué book, but it was ended up having me in a choke hold. You grow to love all of the characters and you root for the happiness of Nadia and Ty. 10/10 would recommend and will read the next book!

vikcs's review

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lighthearted medium-paced


bookswithriinu's review against another edition

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Ausalt öeldes, kui vaid raamatu esikaant vaadata, siis endale lugemiseks poleks ma seda valinud, kuna sellised “50 halli varjundit” raamatud pole päris minu teema. Raamatu kirjeldus tundus piisavalt huvitav ja väga tore, et ma selle lugemiseks ette võtsin.

Nadia õpib ülikoolis ja käib selle kõrvalt tööl, et end ülal pidada. Kohtinguteks selle kõige kõrvalt tal aega ei jätku. Kui ta otsustab kulude jagamiseks enda sõpradega kokku kolida jääb talle silma samas majas elav 20-aastane üksikisa. Ty on olnud kohustatud liiga kiiresti suureks kasvama ning kooli ja töö kõrvalt ka last kasvatama. Ka tema ellu ei mahu kuidagi suhted. Saatusel on aga teised plaanid.

Mõlemad peategelased olid minu jaoks väga sümpaatsed, eriti just Ty, kes pidi endast andma kõik, et tavalise noore inimese elu kõrvalt kasvatada poega Ka Nadia olukord ei olnud lihtsamate killast, kes töö kõrvalt pidi stipendiumi säilitamisek kõvasti pingutama. Neid stseene lugedes, kui nad toakaaslastega koos aega veetsid tuletas ka enda ülikooliaega ja ühika aastaid meelde ja pani vägagi samastuma.

Nadia ja Ty suhe tekitas kohe algusest huvi ja kulges väga usutavalt. Ei olnud kohe silmapilkset armumist või totakaid armukolmnurkasid. Minu maitsele oli ka see, et kuigi mõned intiimsed stseenid olid, siis kõik raamatulehed ei olnud seda ebameeldivalt täis. Autor on selle väga maitsekalt lahendanud ja pani pigem keskenduma tähendusrikkamatele küsimustele, et tegelastes kui isiksustes huvi tekitada.
Ka lõpust jäi mulle väga tore mõte kummitama, et alati ei lähe ega peagi elu minema varem välja mõeldud plaani järgi ning õnn võib peituda hoopis milleski üllatavas.

Minul on küll juba ka teised kaks osa tellitud. :)

poorashleu's review

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3.5 Originally posted here

This is the first book in Ann Aguirre’s 2B Trilogy, while I read book #2, As Long As You Love Me, before I Want It That Way, it quickly becomes clear that it doesn’t matter what order you read them in. They are more companion novels to each other than anything else. That being said, parts of As Long As You Love Me, now make more sense, but I don’t regret my choice in order. Such is the life of a mood reader.

I Want It That Way is the story of Nadia, an all American girl who is constantly working or going to school and trying to not break down. And then there is Tyler, who grew up to fast, has a four year old, and is trying to survive. Tyler lives in the apartment below Nadia and he doesn’t want to keep her down. Of course, they meet and they work well together. They push each other in a way a couple should, but they never call each other a couple. Tyler had a shit past and he doesn’t want to fall in love with anyone until his son is older, in high school. So ten years from now. He doesn’t have time for love because he doesn’t deserve. This is what he tells himself.

Nadia believes that they can be friends with benefits with no repercussions. Of course this doesn’t work. She falls in love with him. Hard. Even when they aren’t using the boyfriend/girlfriend nomenclature it still kills her when they ultimately break up. (That is not a spoiler FYI, it’s a romance novel, OF COURSE THEY BREAK UP). He wants more of her, but refuses to involve his son in his romantic life, he doesn’t want anyone to hurt. But of course there is hurt. So much hurt. What was interesting to me, was, because I read the second book first, I saw how Aguirre flowed and twisted the two stories together. It made me appreciate them more.

That being said though, there was nothing in particular about this as a romance novel that was making me want to re-read it. The writing was solid, and heck the plot was solid. But there wasn’t a particular thing about this novel that was making me run out to purchase it.

diaryofthebookdragon's review

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This is first book by Ann Aguirre I have read. I can already see friends, who recommended me speculative fiction novels by Ann Aguirre, taking a swing at my head. Probably with a some hardback, because they always keep them close for emergencies. In my defense I can say that it was on NetGalley, it had shiny pretty cover and contemporary romances are perfect reads for the summer. Who could have resisted?

As soon as I finished reading the first paragraph of I Want It That Way, Naida and I were BFFs. Her narration had natural flow. And the best part was how she makes fun of her own poetic descriptions.

"He had auburn hair, brown eyes and a strong jaw dusted with gold scruff. I’d always had a soft spot for gingers, probably a result of growing up on Harry Potter movies. He was also tall and lean with a sculpted, ascetic face, like an austere warrior who would be at home on the prow of a ship. Okay, it was possible I’d watched too many episodes of Vikings this week."

If you haven’t guessed yet. The described ‘hunk’ is Ty, Nadia’s new neighbor. There is a huge list of reasons why Nadia should not get involved with Ty: “He has a four-year-old, he works fulltime, takes college night classes, and he doesn’t date.” So Ty and Nadia are just friends. As Nadia described it:
"I want you to take off your pants. But I’ll settle for deep, meaningful conversation."

What I wanted just that way?
• Realism. There are a lot of new adult contemporary romance novels who are about sex, angst, bdsm etc. I Want It That Way is not like that. It’s real, with real people who have the same problems you had when you were young: at college, trying to earn money for living, hanging out with friends, trying to prove to their parents how they are not total failures… It’s love, tears, work, boredom, laugh, sadness, grief, … It’s life.
• Friendship between Nadia and her roommates. Also there are some lessons that Nadia will learn: like that friends do not have necessarily to have same goals like you…
• Banter between Nadia and Ty:
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
“I refuse. I’ll invent a time machine as soon as I get home.”
“I highly suspect that will take longer than twenty-four hours.”
“Always, the ladies underestimate me,” he said mournfully.

• When the inevitable happens and Nadia and Ty sleep together, (I don’t think this is a spoiler, because in this kind of novels they always do end up together.) it’s great to see them exhausted after one or two times. No all-night sexual marathons like in some other romance novels.

What I did not want that way?
• Time sometimes moves too quickly and weeks or months pass by with brief description of events. I did not feel like that amount of time has passed and deeper connection between Nadia and Ty seemed too instant.
• Ty has a four year old kid. This could have been a source of a lot of funny accidents and added even more humor to the story. Ann Aguirre didn’t use this plot element to it’s full potential.
• Book titles in trilogy are titles of Backstreet Boys songs… REALLY? No better idea?

In The End…
Ann Aguirre‘s trilogy 2B Trilogy starts with a surprise - I Want It That Way, a book that is cute, funny, romantic and real. In the horde of romance novels bragging with new adult label, I Want It That Way is one of the rare ones that truly belong to this genre.

Recommended for those who like to read about real people juggling college, work and friendship (and don’t mind heavy load of romance in the story).

Disclaimer: I received this ebook from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.

eraynayreads's review

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Ok, yeh... You tricked me! I didn't want Nadia and Ty's story to end! Can't wait for the next book.

kayla_llbr's review

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"The first time I saw Ty, I fell down the stairs and tore my pants. A superstitious person might called that an omen. He had nothing to do with it, of course; that was just a quirk of timing."

I was excited for I Want It That Way because 1. My friend Stephanie, of No BS Book Reviews, loved it and 2. each book is named after a Backstreet Boy song. While I wasn't the biggest BSB fan (Nsync baby!) I was eager to check this series out and I'm glad I did. Despite a few hiccups, I really liked I Want It That Way.

"You want me to bare my soul, huh?"
I want you to take your pants off. But I'll settle for deep, meaningful conversation.

I Want It That Way was funny, sweet, and packs plenty of swoon. My favorite part of this novel was Ty and the devotion and love he has for his son, Sam. A man who is a great dad= instant sexiness. Ty sacrifices so much of his own personal happiness and while that leads to problems with him and Nadia, that just made his character drool-worthy.

"You take another little piece of me every time you open your mouth. You know that, right?"

Ty says these things that literally had my heart racing. It was understandable to see how easy Nadia was falling for him but my problem with that was how fast it happens. I wouldn't call it insta-love but within just a few conversations both of them came off as too connected too fast. Especially since most of those conversations centered around their mutual attraction to one another.

"I'm afraid if I blink, you'll be gone. I didn't think anyone would put up with the rules and limitations that go along with me."
"You're worth it."

The moments of intimacy between Ty and Nadia were charged with sexual tension and longing. They embark on a friends with benefits approach to their relationship and even the foreshadowing that this had bad written all over it, it was relatable. Unlike books like Ugly Love, that show how little the woman receives from this sort of arrangement, the risk of things backfiring was worth the reward of them spending time together.

"I love you, I thought. It wasn't rockets or fireworks or any of the Hollywood effects I'd been led to expect. Instead, it was crisp air lightly touched by the scent of burning wood, spiced with insatiable longing."

I Want It That Way is one of the better NA novels I have read of late. I laughed, swooned and ached for Nadia and Ty's story. I can't wait for As Long As You Love Me, the second book in this series that follows Nadia's best friend Lauren, and Nadia's brother, Rob.

3.5 stars*