
Kiss of the Demon Girl by Eddie R. Hicks

pjonsson's review

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I have to admit that I almost settled for 2 out of 5 stars on this one. I think the overall story is not too bad and I do, generally, like a kick ass foul tongued heroin but…

…the heroin in this case is really way to much of an arsy, whining brat towards everyone that comes close to her, friend or foe alike. On more than one occasion I thought “grow up for Christ sake!”.

It is a shame since the book has a lot of the good ingredients like a protagonist learning how to use her new powers, some mysteries and twists, lots of bad guys to dispose off. Unfortunately the immature behavior of the heroin was really putting me off.

I am still on the fence as to whether I will continue with this series.

bookbandit's review

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This was a fun read. It's about a Japanese American girl that wakes up with demonic powers after being shot 6 times in a shootout between the NYPD and the Yakuza. Awesome way to start a book. As the story goes on, our smart mouthed anti-hero (actually, let's call a spade a spade. She's an average New Yorker!) tries to pretty much stop the end of the world. It's a nice fun read. If you like strong female protagonist without the dreaded "need a man to save me" trope, this is the story for you! I'm looking forward to the next book!