
Easy Love by Kristen Proby

xcaity's review

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3.5 -- I love a good contemporary romance, and that's exactly what this was, but parts of it felt more like setting up a porn scene than setting up a romantic, lovey, also sexy attraction. That's probably not a good argument, but I'm having a little trouble finding a way to describe what my issue was. I'll say I will most likely continue to read about the Boudreaux clan.

melly2966's review against another edition

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suzysuzy34's review against another edition

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Got this one free from amazon a while ago and thought I would give it ago. My hackles always rise when the heroine’s nipples stand on end and her panties get damp within the first few pages when she meets the hero!!! Come on have some self respect! Sorry not for me and went downhill from there.

trudyd's review against another edition

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I didn't think Kristen Proby could top the With Me in Seattle Series, I was wrong. Kristen Proby just keeps getting better and better. Easy Love, first in the Boudreaux Series, was awesome. The characters were not over the top, they were real. I was given characters to love, to hate, to despise, to crush on, to cheer on and to cry over. I was able to picture New Orleans thanks to her detailed descriptions. I want to go to New Orleans. Eli Boudreaux is CEO of Boudreaux industries. He needs the assistance of a special person to solve a corporate problem. Kate, goes from job to job, avoiding relationships and solving problems. The story follows the same theme as many others. The roller coaster relationship had me laughing, crying and cheering The side stories and histories of the characters had me hooked, not only with the story but the family and friends of Eli. luckily I don't have to wait long.

2/25/2021 Enjoyed the audiobook over the last few days. Really enjoyable but the sex scenes turned my boys faces read when the came outside to talk to me. Oops.

mandapanda0310's review against another edition

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echoingbooks's review against another edition

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“you can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. It was his way of reminding us that you can’t control most of what happens in life. You can only control your reaction to it.”

I always loved reading Kristen Proby’s book and I can tell you she did good in this book.I can tell you now that I devoured this book….. I read it in less than 24 hours, I just loved Eli and Kate’s story and how amazing they were. Yes I gave this book a 4 star but I can easily make it a 5 heart/star rating. Reading Kristen Proby’s books gives me unending passion. I cannot explain how Proby’s books can pull me in so quickly, it’s like the book has has hypnotic powers. When I heard that there is going to be another series like… I was so over the moon and I added the series to my TBR Pile immediately. I loved this book so much and I never wanted this book to end….. If this is the beginning of the series… then good lord, we’re in for one hell of a ride! When I think of Eli I can just say O-M-G! I know for a fact that Kristen can write amazing sexy hot boyfriends( obviously have you read about the men in her With Me in Seatless series?!) so if you decide to read this book then you sould be ready to swoon but I can tell you now…. You won’t be ready for Eli of any of the Boudreaux men! I mean who can be prepared for southern boy with an amazing, sexy accent with gorgeous whiskey colored eyes? I know I can’t; Eli should come with a warning label! He has a deliciously filthy mouth and he can do a lot of delicious sinful things and he has one amazing smile( my weakness!) oh and what can I say about his ass? He has a nice ass! ;) That obviously is just the surface, I mean he is a blissfully fantastic man… He is kind,generous, sweet, intelligent, charismatic and very thoughtful….. I can go on but the. I will write a novel :p I love how Kristen writes her books that the characters are a very close family and when you read this book you can see that they are a close family with all those interactions! Eli thought he could never love anyone and it took a beautiful redhead to show him that his wrong.

“Let me make it clear; we can have sweat dripping, sheet ripping, furniture breaking, screaming, trembling, hair pulling, ass smacking fucking for hours, or soft, sweet, quiet, intense lovemaking for days. You can have either or both, but we’re not leaving here without me being inside you, sugar.”

I can tell you one thing. Kate did so not know what she was getting into with Eli. She thought she is only going to figure out who is stealing from the Company but she got more than she expected. What I loved about Kate is that she didn’t cuss- yes it might sound silly but it’s actually very adorable and I smiled a goofy smile when ever Eli got her to cuss! I loved the friendship she had with Savannah and Declan…. She has this sweet relationship with the twins and I loved the both of them to bits( can’t wait til I get their stories) I can tell you Kate is remarkably strong, she has so much strength and sass that I could not get enough of her. The more I read about her the more I wish that I have a bestie like her I mean who can ask for more? Eli never stood a chance against her charms I mean who could not love her?

“This man can kiss like no one I’ve ever met. He kisses like it’s his damn job.”

This story has so much bliss and joy….. Eli and Kate had this connection from the moment they met that build into sexual tension and chemistry that gives so much passion that made you want to fan yourself! I couldn’t help but enjoy every second of this book! I loved all the little ways Eli showed how much he cares so yeah it was not all about the sex that was just the icing on the cake! I loved their banter and playfulness and he really liked to feed her. They started as friends with benefits but it evolved into so much more between them without them even noticing it. There relationship was so easy for them, I mean it was effortless….. This relationship has all the goodness and the feels that leaves you swooning!

“I fell into such an easy love with you, I didn’t even realize it was happening until one day, it was everything.”

I can mention that you will not fall in love with just Eli and Kate but you will love the whole family. Seriously you won’t be able to help yourself for loving them! I really can’t wait till all of them has their own books. Trust me on that! This book just flowed so naturally and fluidly. Easy love is in Kate and Eli’s POV well up until the end! The epilogue is in Kate cousin POV which means his book is next and I can’t wait to read it! I will be reading that book next starting today so I can’t wait to see what the Boudreaux family will mean to him! I need more of the Boudreaux family!!!

“The best,” Eli finishes on a groan and eats one of the treats in two bites. He licks his lips, and my ninety-dollar black lace panties are soaking wet. This man should come with a warning label.”


racheljade100's review

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chellereadsrd's review against another edition

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I picked up this book because I wanted to try and listen to an audiobook to see if they would be a good fit for me. The book wasn't awesome, but it was uncomplicated, I guess is the word I'm looking for. And this is precisely what I was looking for, a story that would be easy to follow.

That said, I can't really say I particularly enjoyed this audiobook, and this is because of the female narrator. I just didn't really liked her "southern accent" and found it sometimes off-putting.

All in all, I enjoyed the audio book experience, and I'm ready to give it a second chance. Just have to be more selective about my narrators.

filthylittlereader's review against another edition

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Oh what a way to start off a series and I need all the Boudreaux sibling stories!
I love me a filthy gentleman that loves his mama. Eli was just that. He was a gentleman in the streets but a dirty man behind closed doors. The scenes with him and his mama straight warmed me to my core. The steamy scenes with him and Kate one word: haaawt. Kate didn’t stand a chance of not falling for him and neither did I because the man was just yummy! My first book by Kristen Proby and I am already 100% invested in the remaining stories of the series and eager to check out what else is in her catalogue!

petraperusesbooks's review against another edition

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So, this one was free on Amazon Kindle, and the synopsis got me interested in the book. I think it's my first Kristen Proby book, altough I'm familiar with her name.
Sadly, my expectations were quite quickly lowered, as I found the story less than engaging. I don't know, maybe it lacked the tone and writing style I prefer, or I was just out of it somehow, but I barely got through it.
I liked the heroine, Kate, she seemed like a good egg, had strenght, determination, passion for life. And I appreciated, that her background wasn't overlooked, her past haunting her was represented, because in today's climate a lot of women don't come out of situations as furtunately as she did.
Eli was made to be swoon-worthy, but I didn't really care much about him, except maybe him being cute using French words.
I think too much emphasis was put one the sexy times scenes, and not enough to see the character's development. Their relationship seemed a bit one-dimensional to me, not enough moments passed between them, that would make me feel the connection they supposedly felt for each other.
So, I would've liked a bit more description (of the workplace happenings, the sibling relations, Kate's past, etc.) less jumping from scene to scene in order to portray the romance.
The storyline would've guaranteed a better execution, but each to their own, I guess.

Rating: 2*