
The Circle by Dave Eggers

lilylilie's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

this book was intense!

buttonbloosoms's review against another edition

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Eh...dry read...semi intereting...two stars mostly because of the surprise ending...although now that I think about it, it probably shouldn't have been a surprise

soliveros's review against another edition

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While I can appreciate the overall message of the story, as well as an interesting perspective on the rise of a totalitarian state, I thought the book tried to do too much and that it went in several tangents that were not necessary to the story.

betseyboo's review against another edition

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This story is my personal nightmare. I'm not one for going crazy with social media, so very happy when I finished the last page.

princessleopard's review

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


frogsarecute555's review against another edition

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tense slow-paced
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


I've never wanted to burn a book this badly
PS: I'm a bibliophile

dawnzdrea's review against another edition

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This book made me so uncomfortable the entire time. Before TikTok, Dave Eggers takes his experience of living in San Francisco and the horror stories his tech friends share, and turns it all into a gripping fictional story. This felt like a real like black mirror episode. Loved it!

narrenkaiserin's review against another edition

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What a book! 1984 in modern times! A brainwashed protagonist...without moral! I could never live like that.
In the begining I thought what a nice job, nice company. Ht then it became more and more like Big Brother in 1984 by George Orwell! And it was scary! Very scary! We are transparent already. But if we continue like that we will end up like the ones in the book! And that is frightening!

lawrierl's review against another edition

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This book felt like a soapy, easy-to-read novel. I was really bothered by the fact that everything that could possibly have happened did happen... It was really rather fantastical, but I think that was the point. eh.

rebecanunez's review against another edition

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"The Circle" de Dave Eggers es una novela distópica que examina de manera provocativa el impacto de la tecnología y la vigilancia en la sociedad moderna. Publicada en 2013, la historia se desarrolla en una corporación tecnológica llamada "The Circle", que se asemeja a una amalgama de las grandes empresas de Silicon Valley.

La trama sigue a Mae Holland, una joven empleada que se une entusiasmada a The Circle. A medida que avanza en la empresa, Mae se ve inmersa en un mundo de transparencia total, donde la privacidad se ve como un obstáculo para el progreso. A través de la lente de Mae, Eggers explora cuestiones éticas, el precio de la conexión constante y la pérdida de la individualidad en nombre de la transparencia.

Eggers crea un ambiente opresivo en el que la vigilancia se presenta como un bien común, pero a medida que avanza la historia, la audiencia se ve obligada a cuestionar las consecuencias de este enfoque. La narrativa plantea preguntas incisivas sobre la ética corporativa, el equilibrio entre la innovación y la responsabilidad, y la rápida evolución de la tecnología.

Los personajes, aunque a veces arquetípicos, sirven como vehículos para explorar los temas centrales. Mae, en particular, se enfrenta a dilemas morales que resuenan con la audiencia moderna, confrontándola con la creciente influencia de la tecnología en nuestras vidas.

La escritura de Eggers es ágil y cautivadora, manteniendo a los lectores inmersos en la trama a medida que la tensión aumenta. La visión futurista y plausible de "The Circle" plantea inquietudes sobre el futuro de la sociedad digital y resuena con las preocupaciones contemporáneas sobre la privacidad y la omnipresencia tecnológica.

Aunque algunos elementos de la trama pueden resultar exagerados para algunos lectores, la fuerza de "The Circle" radica en su capacidad para provocar reflexiones críticas sobre la relación entre la tecnología y la sociedad. En última instancia, la novela ofrece una advertencia cautelosa sobre los peligros de sacrificar la privacidad en pos de la conectividad total.