
Mad About the Major by Elizabeth Boyle

beckymmoe's review

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Mad About the Major is an absolutely adorable Regency version of Roman Holiday--with the HEA the original couldn't give us! (Sorry, honey, it's true. It never would have worked out the way you want it to--and how surprising is it that I'm the voice of reason in this particular situation?)

Though it relies heavily on a few pretty big coincidences, I really just enjoyed the heck out of this fairly short and sweet novel. I was about 2/3 of the way through when I had to take a quick break and pick up copies of two of the other books in the series--Birdie's dad's story ([b:Mad about the Duke|7886215|Mad about the Duke (Bachelor Chronicles, #7)|Elizabeth Boyle||21371088]) and her Uncle Jack's ([b:This Rake of Mine|212282|This Rake of Mine (Bachelor Chronicles, #2)|Elizabeth Boyle||21371085])--and the two of them weren't even in the story all that much! I really liked Ms. Doyle's writing style, though, and what we did see of them was just tempting enough that I've got to learn their stories too. :)

Birdie and Major Kingsley's London adventure is set in motion by a wager--while at a masquerade ball, Kingsley is lead to believe that Birdie's a well-known courtesan and takes some outrageous liberties. Perhaps the most outrageous part, though, is that Birdie doesn't quite react the way a proper female should.
Oh, heaven help her! Whatever was he doing with his tongue?

Truly, he should cease such improprieties immediately.

Or very soon.
In spite of the fact that he gets a black eye for his impertinence--courtesy of her father the duke, though neither gentleman gets a sufficient look at the other--Kingsley can't stop thinking of her. And the feeling's mutual.

So when they run (literally, in Birdie's case) into each other again a few days later, it doesn't take a whole heck of a lot to convince him that he's got to be the one to rescue her from herself. Because Birdie won't last five minutes on her own in London, as she ably shows right away...

And the rest is history. Nothing too shocking or surprising here--really, you can see the big reveal coming from about five miles away--but just a terribly fun way to spend a rainy morning. Or afternoon. Or evening. All while dreaming of your own London adventure...

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

pattydsf's review

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"For he was doing what no other man had ever dared—breaching the high, proper walls that were her due as an heiress and the pampered daughter of a duke. Why, the rogue was peeling her glove off with a slow deliberateness, as if it was common practice to remove a lady’s glove."

There are so many tropes that occur in romance novels. There are often scandals, marriages of convenience, women compromised, dukes and rakes. One of my favorite scenarios is mistaken identity. That is where this fun, short romance starts. Kingsley, the hero thinks Lady Tremont is "no better than she ought to be", rather than a sheltered daughter of a duke.

Since they are both trying to avoid marriage, their escapades become a bit far fetched. However, anyone who is looking for realism in this genre will be disappointed.

I had a great time reading along as another romance follows the standard arc of such books. If you like this type of novel, you can't go wrong with Elizabeth Boyle.

If you enjoy historical romance you might like this blog post: The Internet is an incredible place, I never know what I might learn with a simple Google search.

Thank you to Avon Impulse and Edelweiss for a delightful few hours.

georgiewhoissarahdrew's review

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Sweetly predictable. If this book were a biscuit, it would be a custard cream. MATM passed a pleasant hour or so, and I enjoyed it, but forgot about it immediately.