dnglvr's review against another edition

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The early pages of this book were a struggle, however I am glad I pushed through to reach the heart of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s message. As a scientist and priest, de Chardin defines Christianity in the age of evolution and scientific discovery.

aaronwhite's review against another edition

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A remarkable work of theology, philosophy and scientific inquiry. de Chardin explores the divinization of both our active lives and our passivities, the work we do and the work done upon us, even through our limitations and faults. God is at work in all of it, and we should not fear the work of human progress. In fact, it is exactly in that place that we can put great hope, for the divine milieu is working itself out in all things in this way.
I was particularly struck by this thought while reading this master work: Death to self, here and now, is a tilling of the ground of our being. It is not the full thing but it is a necessary thing, so that the true death of the seed of our selves may have good soil in which to grow, The soil/self is turned over, the weeds are pulled, the rats displaced, the ground made ready for that great and glorious day when we are truly made new.
But God in Christ (and we in Christ and Christ in the Father and Christ in us by His Spirit) is already growing in us, and in the world. He is already uniting Himself to us. This too is preparation, and this is where all analogies ultimately fail. The best analogy is "seed", which carries already all the DNA required to produce what it has been created to be, but must first be sown and die and be fully immersed in the soil before it can manifest itself.
So whatever union with God is available to us now, and it is available, there is a much deeper union that is coming (epektasis). And while it includes us personally, and does not obscure or destroy us as persons, it also includes everyone and everything else, transformed into the likeness of Christ. And we begin to live this out and propagate it through personal purity, faith and fidelity, and through communal charity.

nrichtsmeier's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative slow-paced


kmdra06's review against another edition

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It speaks to the revision of Teilhard that his thought seems hardly revolutionary for those who read John Paul, Benedict, and Francis.