
Bargaining with the Devil by L.J. Hayward

alyssadokusho's review

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besides me always mistakenly reading "Jake Riordan" (from the Adrien English series) when it's "Jack Reardon," i really enjoyed this one!

shile87's review

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Jack, who is Harry?

Yeah Ethan! tell me again that it is just SEX.


In this case Assassins, Ethan is no Saint.

What's not to love! we have:

- HOT! HOT! Sex, No Kiss.........


-Jealous, blushing Assassins... huh! but we be good.

- Spy covered in Glitter, wearing lipstick , red briefs and boots. Yaap! consider me a goner.


suze_1624's review

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Three short interludes in the development of Jack and Ethan relationship.
In the first story, Jack and Ethan take their ad hoc relationship onto a more stable, for them, level.
Then professional paths cross when Jack’s new job nearly gets him blown up, whilst unknown to him Ethan had had a hand in the plot too. They had to work hard not to get too hotheaded over this one.
The Jack goes on his most dangerous undercover job yet!!! The disguise description was spot on, imagination running over time. And all those handsy hens! But once again Jack and Ethan have a discord which leads to a deeper connection between them.

div_hufflepuff's review

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#Jathan is back Ya'll! YES HONEY, YEESSS!

If you didn't fall in love with Ethan and Jack in Where Death Meets the Devil, or in Where Death Meets the Devil: Coda, then I don't know what to tell you. Just stop, turn around, and re-search your GR recommendations. But for me this book gave me LIFE! When Hayward said it was available to pre-order, I hopped right on over to Amazon and clicked, and boy was I glad too.

In book 1 you see Jack and Ethan dancing around each other, learning how the other thinks, what makes them tick and such. The attraction is there, but that is all it is, attraction. This isn't some insta-love novel, no it's a slow burn, and believe me when I say the build up is worth the wait. In Coda, you see that attraction turn into a possible "something more" situation, but that was just a small snippet of what's to come. It was in this novel you see those feelings really flourish.

By the end of the novella you find yourself wanting more. I'm routing for this couple so bad, I want them to make it. If one has to turn rogue for that to happen, then I wont complain. They have so much potential and the chemistry is on point. The way Hayward stays realistic with these two characters keeps me coming back for more.

All I can say is, Book 2 where you at man?

jenniferhar's review

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prgchrqltma's review

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Even though we don't get his point of view, I feel like the assassin is the more emotionally open of the pair. Weapons! Adventure! Competence! Sparkly shorts!

yoursam's review

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Jack is like a rom-coms main character, the hot girl everyone loves. This is in no way a bad thing lmao, I'm here for it.

haletostilinski1's review

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A great short story to further along Jack and Ethan's relationship. I still feel like they have a long way to go until they get to love (Jack still won't kiss Ethan on the mouth and it's only about 3 months after "coda" when they made their "lets fuck sometimes" arrangement, and Ethan is off doing his assassin thing and Jack is doing this job thing for so long sometimes that they saw each other like...once a month in those three months. They aren't exclusive, and
Spoilera throw away line about Jack sleeping with someone else "for a few days" surprised me, but they aren't exclusive so that's...I'll deal lol, but I was like...bitch! lol. Although him thinking how he forgot the dude the moment he left was nice...but still. If this series doesn't eventually get to exclusivity I'll...yeah *sigh* ANYWAy, near the end Jack doesn't sleep with another guy when he has the chance, but Ethan was near, so...I don't know that if it's "I don't want to sleep with anyone else" and more just "Ethan's here so I'd rather have him." I mean Jack's answer was more the former when Ethan asks if Jack would have slept with the guy if Ethan wasn't there, but...we'll see if that holds true *shrug*

But their growing relationship is so interesting and fun to read. Also, these boys need to learn to communicate and not deal in absolutes. Ethan almost
Spoilerends their arrangement because he doesn't feel safe in Jack's apartment instead of thinking to ask Jack if he could secure This man...I swear

These two men are both very stunted, very damaged men but seeing them - hopefully - get to falling in love is an amazing journey already. I mean Jack already knows it's more than just sex with Ethan, but that more...he hasn't defined yet.

Can't wait to read more! Love these little stories :D

fleurette's review

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I read it just last night and loved it. It's a great instalment, while we are waiting for the second book in the series to be out. This one is more on the romance than suspense part, Ethan and Jack have quite a bit of sex and they are working out some issues in their unusual relationship.
I love that Jack is doing everything he can to stop Ethan from leaving, even starting a job he doesn't like. Also, I wish they go exclusive, finally.
I rarely do novellas, even those mid-series ones, but I'm glad I made an exception here.

kelbee's review

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Another solid 4.5 star addition. It’ll be 5 when they kiss on the damn lips!