
Amor Amargo by Guilherme E. Meyer, Jennifer Brown

adsanvictores's review against another edition

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Bitter End.

One of the worst books I've read, if I may say so. I wasted a day to read this and it didn't even give me positive vibes. Instead, it made me not believe in relationships even more. It brought back painful memories. And even though I was never in an abusive relationship, somehow the pain Alex went through matched mine. Why? I don't even know.

I don't recommend this book at all. But at least I know better not to read something like this again.

sassygal21's review against another edition

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It was a little drawn out for me but i was worth it. It was very good even though i got frusterated at Cole but who wouldn't.

breannamorgan's review against another edition

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I really don't know what to say. The book was well written, but it was wildly depressing. And I hated the protagonist, and the fact that she kept justifying everything just drove me nuts.

sooshicats's review against another edition

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*1.0/5 stars

I read [b:Hate List|6316171|Hate List|Jennifer Brown||6501420] by Jennifer Brown and that was really something. The details were amazingly gruesome and real, and I couldn't put the book down. So maybe it was because I had read [b:Hate List|6316171|Hate List|Jennifer Brown||6501420] before I picked up this one, but I was severely disappointed when I finished Bitter End. I had been seriously excited to pick this one up. Jennifer Brown really gets down to the overwhelming reality of it all, and I wanted to be absorbed in a book again.

As you can see by my one star, this wasn't the case. The story starts off okay, and the main protaganist's (Alex) backstory was truly heartfelt. It's hard to believe that the girl we see in the beginning of the book is going to end up in an abusive situation, and I guess that's what Jennifer Brown is trying to tell us: that it can happen to anyone, and that the wrong kind of love ruins you.

Yet, when it came to the fateful encounter between Alex and her future boyfriend Cole, everything fell flat. Half of the book was slow and it didn't contain any important details, so much to the point where I just put it down and put my head in my hands (and not in the "oh my gosh this is just some real stuff here" kind of way). I didn't get the appeal of Cole at all; he was just a bunch of crude words and awful jokes (no, it wasn't charming at all). When it came to Zack, her best friend, he was just another handful of mindless actions and rude gestures that seemed to describe someone who couldn't take no for an answer, either. Honestly, I felt like Zack was almost as bad as Cole. Alex's other best friend Bethany had potential to stand out as an interesting and meaningful character, but Jennifer Brown didn't give her any place in the book, and she became unimportant to the plot, about as significant as an extra in a movie. In the end, I didn't get to know any of the characters at all, and none of them seemed real to me.

When it comes to the portrayal of an abusive relationship, I think Brown could have done a lot better. I have actually been in an emotionally abusive relationship before (albeit it wasn't between me and a boyfriend), so I was curious to see if Brown would hit the mark. In the first scene where Cole abuses Alex, I really felt the fear and the betrayal. In fact, I think Brown described the way Alex reacted really well.

The thing is, though, the gruesome (but somewhat compelling) scene between Alex and Cole had no transition when it came to other scenes, and the book started to feel like it was repeating the exact same words and situation over and over again. It honestly looked paraphrased to me, and at this point it was painful for me to continue reading. The whole story, in its 350 something pages, glosses over everything and describes almost nothing. I try to compare this to [b:Hate List|6316171|Hate List|Jennifer Brown||6501420] and I can't even believe it's by the same person.

So, because I enjoyed [b:Hate List|6316171|Hate List|Jennifer Brown||6501420], I sat through the entire book in about two sittings. Yes, I did skim over scenes. Yes, I groaned. Yes, I felt like this book didn't even scratch the surface of the horrible reality of an abusive relationship. I understand that it's hard to describe the give and take of something so wrong.

Yes, I could have given this book two stars. But according to Goodreads, two stars means the book is okay, and I didn't find this okay at all. I've read better books than this, and I know that Jennifer Brown can do so much better. I'm disappointed in her, but I still think she's a wonderful author.

I suggest you don't pick up this book and instead use your imagination to see what this story could have been. It's a lot more enlightening than what I found in this book.

emldavis0314's review against another edition

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This book was really hard to read because of how much I related to the story. I was in a very similar situation as Alex was and reading about stuff like this makes me a tad uncomfortable. Overall though it wasn't a bad book and for the most part I did enjoy it. Jennifer Brown writes great books and so far I haven't read a book of hers that I haven't looked. I hope that doesn't change so that I can continue to read her other books.

nicole6559's review against another edition

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If you or anyone you know is being abused please talk to someone. Here are some hotlines, if you need to talk:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866-331-9474; Live Chat:

This book is unlike any other YA book I have ever read. It's raw, and tells a story you will never forget. I must candid though, this book is very emotional and I had to set it down a couple of times because I was ready to burst into tears.

The novel follows Alex, and her new relationship with Cole, the perfect guy. Like seriously I was amazed on how much I liked his character in the beginning, but that quickly changed. As the trigger warning states, this book is how Cole abuses Alex in their relationship. This book perfectly describes the cycle of abuse, and how it tears down a person. It shows how Alex is torn down, and how she believes the abuse is her fault.

Throughout the novel, the story falters in some places. I honestly would have liked more background information on certain things because it felt as if large chunks of the story were missing. The author tends to jump around on that info. But, besides that it was amazing.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about abusive relationships. It is a raw and emotional book, that will leave you feeling sick. Because you know that this happens to people everyday. It gives a whole new perspective in ya genre, and it is a pivotal book in this genre. And I hope more people read it.

readitall199's review against another edition

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I think the start of this book is slow, but the build up is excellent and as suspenseful as a thriller.

Alex falls in love with a student new to the school named Cole. He is a star athlete and handsome. There is a dark side to Cole that Alex doesn’t see. Alex’s childhood friends Zach and Bethany are uncomfortable around Cole.

Alex is trying to come to terms with the death of her mother when she was a young child. The events surrounding this are unclear. The trio have been planning a trip to Colorado- Alex’s mother died there and she believes closure can happen if she visits.

Coles behavior gets more erratic, and soon Alex’s friendships are jeopardized. After each time he abuses her, Alex justifies it. Soon he apologizes and the cycle repeats.

ceuran's review against another edition

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This was SUCH an amazing read. While I was reading this story... Which I stayed up till 7am to finish... I was completely swept away by Alex's story. I felt like I was on this emotional ride with her. Heck, sometimes I even felt like I WAS Alex, that's how vivid this book was for me.

The pacing was incredible. Not once did it slow down or speed up to an impossible pace. It stayed constant throughout the whole novel, and it kept me reading from as soon as I picked it up.

The character development in this novel was also amazing... Alex really changed from beginning to end of this book. In the beginning, she was confused, hurt, lost, broken, and most importantly... She felt unloved. But by the end of the book, she had managed to pick up all of her pieces and put together someone who was on the road to recovery. She had the pieces in her hand, and now all that she needed was to put them back together.

The ending was amazing. I felt an incredible amount of closure while it still somehow managed to remain open at the same time. I was happy and proud of Alex, and I can't wait for Jennifer Brown's next book - Perfect Escape!

eldertoguro's review against another edition

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I understand what Brown was trying to do. This was a precautionary tale, all of the signs of abuse were presented early on. Nobody deserves what Alex went through, from the standpoint of someone who has never been domestically abused it seems wrong but after the first few times Cole hit her I started thinking Alex was really fucking dumb.

Then I remembered the circle of violence, and all of that lovely stuff and realized I was probably being unfair. I did not care for Alex as a character at all. She seemed contrived, had no personality, and some very cliche character growth.

What blew my mind was that she really considered marrying Cole after /everything/ that happened. She did have some pretty cool friends who development wise were ten times more interesting and cooler than she was.

Alex was simply a plot device, you're not gonna get much from her.

I was reading this hoping to be moved like I was after reading The Hate List, I should've passed.

tressac's review against another edition

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i can honeslty say , this book was one of the best books i have ever read. it was totally mind gripping, and amazing. i couldnt put this book down. i fell in love with the characters and the detail. i cried a lot while reading this book, so if you choose to read this book, dont forget the tissues!