lyndajdickson's review

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Please note this review is only for "Concerns of the Second Sex" by Pavarti K. Tyler.

In a society where women haven't been emancipated, fourteen-year-old Helen, the seventh daughter of Master Calvin's seventh wife, is considered "unmarriable". In her culture, interracial relationships are forbidden and women are born to breed - they are not educated, aren't allowed to read, can't play games of strategy such as chess, and can't even wear pants. With no marriage prospects, Helen now faces the option of factory work, community service, or surrogacy. Helen's mother helps her escape to a suffragist safe-house. But what will happen when her father finds out?

This is a harrowing and thought-provoking story, thankfully with a hint of hope at the end. You'll never take wearing pants for granted again.

Pavarti K. Tyler has done it again. Highly recommended.

I received this story in return for an honest review.

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kimgabriel's review

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The danger with anthologies is feeling that the stories are can't please everyone all of the time.

tareka's review

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What if? It's the question when asked on a large historical scale that could make your head spin. Alt.history asks this question in several short stories by different writers. The stories are nice and engaging and leave the reader with a feeling that the world would have been a totally different place if things went different direction.