
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS by Rick Remender

eq_knocks's review against another edition

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Just properly finished 'reading' this. By reading I mean, it got to a point where I just skimmed the rest. It had so much potential to be more that it was, yet it fell a little flat and was just all over the place. I think this series could have been something more intimate and delve into the sides of heroes/villains true opposite selves. Yet all it was was a bunch of fisticuffs and unnecessary damage. It probably would have been better if it was contain within the Uncanny Avengers series.

Remender can be a tremendous writer but in this case it shows that he works better in self contained work than event series.

joshbrown's review against another edition

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Pretty much just a long melee, but a very interesting one.

rabnerd28's review against another edition

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I liked Deadpool being an was the best the rest.

(The following contains swearing and built up rage. If you are sensitive to such content, or are a small child, do not read.)

Fuck this comic! Fuck this event and everything it stands for! I hate this thing! I hate everything about it!

First: The first half is entirely forgettable and boring. Its just one really boring battle that is made to be the holy grail of battles and yet you know that no one's going to die from this goddamn apocalypse bringer. No they all survive. Then Havok has to be a giant dick about things, and basically causes another rift between the Avengers and the X-Men.

Second: Really personality switch. That's just stupid. I mean good idea, but the execution of it is pretty bad. I feel like the writer never knew the characters to begin with so he couldn't actually invert them to know the opposite. Also- personality change isn't likely to change your morals! And vice versa. Loki and Magneto change their morals once every few years and their personalities pretty much seem the same to me.

Third: Okay, this is possibly the thing that makes me the angriest about this goddamn thing. The Maximoff's backstory change. ARE YOU SERIOUS! WE"RE GONNA DO THIS AGAIN! THAT'S FUCKING STUPID! They have been Magneto's children for so long that changing it now is the dumbest thing Marvel can do. Its basically become iconic. You wanna go tell all the cartoons and the X-Men movies that now all their adaptations are incorrect. Well good fucking luck with that. Also no one's going to accept this. Its so stupid! And you know the reason why they did this? The Marvel cinematic universe. Now before anyone says that I hate the MCU, I don't. I love it. But now Marvel feels the need to make everything like it. The reason they change the twins background in the movies is copyrght mutant thing (seriously fox, just let them use mutants who haven't been part of the X-Men/Brotherhood and actually call them mutants. No one's going to be confused), which is fine. But now they feel the need to change the comics to match the movies. So they can give fox the middle finger. You know what Marvel, not everything needs to be the fucking MCU. You wanna know why they cancelled Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes? They felt that the cartoon wasn't representing their cinematic universe well enough. So they replaced it with Avengers fucking Assemble (which is awful) to match it. They don't need to do that! THE COMICS AND THE TV SHOWS ARE NOT THE MOVIES! READ IT! LEARN IT! EXECUTE IT!

Fourth: The ending makes no sense. It wasn't clear as to what happened to everyone. I thought that everyone's personalities were still ivernted. Nope just some of them. But you know what I had to do to find that out? I had to fucking Wiki it! They should make their endings clear for the love of god! How do you expect me to want to but more if the last issue left me more confused than I was!

Fifth (and final): Thanks to this comic, between its end and Secret Wars we were forced to spent time in the Iron Man comics with someone who wasn't Iron Man. We are forced to read about someone who is not a character we love instead spending it with this douche. If they did this at any other time I'd be okay with if, but they were gonna start resetting Marvel in a few months. You're gonna make us read the rest of the universe's existence with a character we don't care about? Wow, fuck you Marvel.

There's more I hate about it but those are my major complaints. Really it just sucks. This makes me really hope that everything post Secret Wars is at least better than this crap.

hdanniel's review against another edition

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Un #1 para ilusionar

squidbag's review against another edition

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Parts of this are completely ridiculous - headless Deadpool, Plantman, good villains and bad heroes with no shades of grey in between - or redundant; apparently we're picking on Scarlet Witch AGAIN, but other parts are high-drama superhero goodness with a lot of heart. Unfortunately, the new initiate will be hopelessly confused (or just regard some things as irrelevant) but ultimately, except for the uneven artwork, this is pretty entertaining.

wyvernfriend's review against another edition

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Good guys go bad and bad guys do good and a few straddle the middle as they always have.