
Eternal Kiss by Laura Wright

bhookjunkhie's review

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I don't know why I put this book off as long as I did... It was awesome! and a little darker than I expected.. Which I loved:). Can't wait for the next one!! It's gonna be good!!

romancejunkie1025's review

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Wow what a great continuation of this series. When i bought these books i assumed it would be just another vampire series, but boy was i wrong. Ms. Wright has a fresh take on so many of the key parts of PRN--vampirisim, mating, supernatural powers and more.

This book was especially enjoyable because the issues facing the H/H were things that any human can relate to. Basically it breaks down to accepting a past you couldn't escape and making that past doesn't prevent you from reaching for a future for yourself.

Nicholas and Kate are characters you can really sink your teeth into (yes pun intended) and were made for each other from teh beginning. Dealing with the truth behind their pasts and then working toward a future they could both live with really endeared them to me.

Side plots within the sotry are also thoroughly interesting adn keep the story from stagnating. And i must Say Ms. Wright certainly knows how to write a cliffhanger of an ending. I'm going to be pulling my hair out waiting to Read Lucian's story in Feb.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Aye! I have to wait til next February for Lucian???

hlizmarie's review

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I enjoyed this book quite a bit more than the first one in the series. The action picks up right from the first few pages and drew me right in to the story. Nicholas and Kate had great chemistry and more of a shared background of struggle and pain that bonded them. The plot picks up right from the end of the first book and does a nice job of tying together the threads from the previous book to some new twists and turns. I felt like this book had more surprises to it than the previous book and it held my interest more. I still can't wait to get to Lucian and Bronwyn's book since they've been the highlight in the series for me since they first met. Sparks just fly and I know their story won't disappoint me.

bookwife's review

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I was going to say that I loved Kate. But then she went and did something so freaking stupid and I lost so much of my respect for her. It would have been a 5 star book if not for the ending and Kate being an idiot.

snarkymotherreader's review

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Nicholas Roman has had a bitch of a life. Being forced to sell himself as a balas to help his mother shaped the jacked-up paven he became. Afraid to love, stuck in a cycle of self-hatred, self-recrimination, and self-doubt, Nicki doesn’t know what to do when he meets the in-your-face veana Kate Everborne. She’s rough, she’s tough, and she’s not takin’ shit off nobody, even a Breeding male.

The world Laura Wright built in Eternal Hunger takes a darker turn in Eternal Kiss, and I loved it! Nicki’s story is sweet and sour, like those gummy candies that trip you on your bike then offer a bandaid for your bleeding knee. There’s a lot of self-discovery in Eternal Kiss, both on Nicki’s end and Kate’s. You don’t heal a giant-sized chip on your shoulder without causing some minor cuts and bruises along the way, so be prepared for some good, wholesome angst before you get to the gooey center of this strangely romantic novel.
Nicholas and Kate are perfect for each other. They’re both emotionally scarred and have issues trusting people but have big, loyal hearts. It takes a while for Kate to warm up to Nicki, but I think it helped their relationship grow beyond the physical into a true bond.

And the secondary characters…wow! Dillon cracked me up every time she walked across the page. Her interactions with Sara were some of the most entertaining moments in the book. They’ve given me a new compliment/insult to torture my friends with—yup, you got it, I now call people a “fang tease”.

Eternal Kiss, the second book in Laura Wright’s Mark of the Vampire series, does what so few books/movies do: it surpasses the pure awesomeness of the original. Part romance, part biopic on how NOT to raise a child, with a dash of hot, smexy lovin’, Eternal Kiss is an addictive, paranormal version of All My Undead Children.

willowisp79's review

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another I liked.

the back story is beginning to build behind the whole 'true mates' finding each other which intrigues me into which direction that it's going to go.

I have to say that there's only pretty much onr thing that I'm HATING in this. it makes me cringe every time I read it.

I swear like a trooper. I love reading sizzling sex scenes - so trust me it's not that. but the use of the word c**t for the females ...Uhm. ...happy area (shall we say!!!!)'s just a word i really hate!!!

But I'm a big girl. ...I'll suck it up to read thru the books! !!!

it's not a blow your socks off series like bdb buy it's good and easy to read. you can put it down and pick it up easily and happy to continue reading the series without the need for a break in the middle (which ironically, this series actually is for me - a break in another series that was brilliant but needed more brain power! !!!).

I'll keep on reading till the skim reading starts or the storyline goes *raspberry* thumbs down.......!!

rclz's review

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This was okay but the narrator isn't one of my favorites. I'm going to read the next one and see if I like it better. The story and characters are pretty good so I'm thinking it's the narration that's bugging me.

booklovinmamas's review

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I read Eternal Kiss by Laura Wright for the first time back in 2012. I never got around to reviewing it. I decided to re-read it so that I could have given it an accurate review. Eternal Kiss is the second full-length novel to Laura Wright’s Mark of the Vampire series. I’m so glad I re-read it so that I can enjoy Nicholas and Kate’s story again. 

Storyline/My Thoughts: This time around, Laura Wright gives us Nicholas’s story. He’s the Roman brother who is a tortured hero. I always fall hard for a tortured hero, especially after finding out their back story. Now, he’s been forced to be morphed by the Order and bring them Ethan Dare. Alexander was supposed to take care of Ethan, but they found out that Ethan has abilities that they were not aware of at first.

Nicholas never expected he would have a son, but that is where Kate Everborn comes into his life. She says that she has his long-lost son after his mother was killed. Nicholas is not sure to believe her. He thinks she may be working for Ethan Dare. Both Nicholas and Kate are wary of each other, but they both have tortured pasts/presents. Kate has been forced to be imprisoned for several years, and she was about to be done with her sentence until the Order believes she escapes.

I enjoyed getting to know Nicholas more in this story. He had a really rough childhood and continues to live in the world that he was forced into when he was younger. Everyone but his family knows about his reputation, and he will do anything to keep the truth from them. I adored his character also because he is all about his family, especially when he doesn’t want Lucian to morph.

I liked Kate, but she will not be a favorite heroine in the series (so far). It bothered me when she had trust issues, especially with Nicholas. However, he did do something in the book that would make me not trust him until he explains why. She also kept things from Nicholas, which drove me crazy. I don’t particularly appreciate when heroes/heroines keep things from each other. It drives me crazy, but I understand it makes the story more interesting at times.

Some exciting things come to light in this book, and one of them dealing with Ethan Dare. He’s the villain in the story, but he may not be the big evil villain of the whole series—no spoilers from me.

Laura Wright had to leave me hanging at the end of this book with the possibility of what will happen in Lucian’s story. I can’t believe she left a cliffhanger. Now, I have to make time to re-read Lucian’s story because I can’t remember what happened. It’s been so long.

Overall, this book receives four stars from me. I enjoyed the storyline and can’t wait to dive into the next book again.

Standalone or Part of Series: It’s part of the Mark of the Vampire series, and I recommend reading in order.

Steaminess: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

HEA: Yes. (for Nicholas and Kate)

Cliffhanger: Yes. It leaves the reader with questions about Lucian Roman and his Fated Mate. 

Would I recommend this book? Yes. If you enjoy Paranormal Romance with Vampires in it, then you’ll enjoy this book. If you enjoy steamy moments, too, in your book, then you’ll love this series. I love Laura’s stories, but I love the romance in her books, too. =)

ezichinny's review

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Review to come