
An Arranged Marriage: A Pride & Prejudice Alternate Path by Jan Hahn

chocolatequeen's review against another edition

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literary_heather's review against another edition

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From the cover to the last page, it was gloomy. Lizzie was out of character (angry and moody) and Darcy wasn't likable either.

uzaii's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this take on the "mariage of convenience" trope.

I liked that Darcy stayed true to himself, I thought it was a faithful rewrite of his character, prideful to the end but not so stuck in his way that he won't change for Elisabeth.
The same goes for Elisabeth of course.

I have some issues with some plot point that I felt were there to move along their feelings but felt a bit too weird
Spoilerlike the sleepwalking
. So not a perfect score for me but still very good read!

SpoilerMy only big complain would be the romance between colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana, I didn't really like that part. It felt a bit weird, not because of the first cousin thing, but mostly because he felt just as much as her brother as Darcy did and well. That's where I draw the line I guess

mcsangel2's review against another edition

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This story started off really strong, and continued on that way through the first 2/3 of the book. Then the pacing changed and it was tied up rather hurriedly, which I was disappointed in. Also, not a bodice-ripper (I have a fondness for those) but good nonetheless. If the secondary storyline had been developed, and if there had been some more romance between E&D, it would have gotten a 4.5 from me. I was very pleased with Jan Hahn's quality of writing and I hope she'll write more.

brinastewart's review against another edition

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I did not like the first chunk of this story. I felt Elizabeth was overly mean, rude, and hurtful to Darcy. I expected some resistance since she was pushed into accepting the marriage proposal but I felt she clung to those feelings for far too long. I would have expected Elizabeth to see the real Darcy sooner. I did like the last part of the book.

carmenna's review against another edition

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An arranged marriage è una variation della storia di Orgoglio e Pregiudizio che prende le mosse dopo la disastrosa dichiarazione di Hunsford.
Mr Bennet è improvvisamente morto, e la vedova e le ragazze si ritrovano a dover lasciare Longbourne, mentre Jane ha già sperimentato la triste condizione di governante, che l'ha posta alla mercé di uomini dalla dubbia moralità.
Elizabeth si vede, così, quasi costretta ad accettare la proposta di un matrimonio combinato da parte di Mr Darcy, e caldeggiata dagli zii Gardiner.
L'uomo pare essere la soluzione a tutte le sventure della famiglia, ed in più promette ad Elizabeth che non pretenderà l'adempimento dei doveri coniugali fino a che lei stessa non si dichiarerà pronta.

Comincia così una storia piuttosto travagliata, che vede spesso i due sposi su fronti opposti.

Il libro non mi è piaciuto granché - c'è di meglio -, è stato scorrevole, ma non ne ho gradito parecchi aspetti, in primis i due protagonisti.
Darcy ed Elizabeth, infatti, per gran parte della storia vanno molto vicini all'essere odiosi e insopportabili.
Il primo si rivela un uomo abbastanza duro, incline alla rabbia e abituato ad impartire ordini, cosa che tenta continuamente di fare con la moglie e la sorella, non accettando punti di vista diversi dal suo.
Elizabeth mi è sembrata invece piuttosto immatura, piena di risentimento ed incapace di assumersi la responsabilità delle proprie azioni.
La storia tra i due vive di continui alti e bassi, e quando sembra che i loro personaggi siano finalmente cresciuti, li vediamo di nuovo scivolare al punto di partenza. Ci sono molte cose non dette, fughe, e, sopratutto, troppe porte sbattute. Snervante!
Al contrario, invece, verso la fine, la storia si fa troppo mielosa.
Tra gli elementi positivi, una bella descrizione delle feste natalizie, il rapporto tra Elizabeth e Georgiana, e la tensione dovuta alla questione delle lettere non scritte da Lizzy al marito lontano.

izziede's review against another edition

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An interesting story based on p and p.

marthabethanreads's review against another edition

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I absolutely devoured this book! It was so much better than I expected it would be.
Lizzie was depicted so well and I loved hearing the story from her point of view. Darcy was so dreamy and charming, and frustrating, of course, and I loved his characterisation. This book warmed my heart and I loved the path Jan Hahn laid out for Austen’s characters. Just a brilliant read!

eandrews80's review against another edition

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An alternate telling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, in which Elizabeth enters into an arranged marriage with Mr. Darcy to save her family from ruin. I enjoyed this quite a bit -- Hahn does a nice job approximating the prose and customs of the period, and it's great fun to see the beginnings of their physical relationship, though the scenes are rather chaste. That said, Lizzy was a bit uneven for me; naive and immature in certain scenes, overly modern in others.

englitlover's review against another edition

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Unwilling Elizabeth

Nice read, though plot was not very plausible. Apparently Elizabeth was subconsciously attracted to Darcy even though she hated him