
Omega by Jus Accardo

hollymbryan's review

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Can't wait to read this - I loved the first one!!

UPDATE -- Read and reviewed for blog tour:

I read Infinity, the first book in this series, at the end of last year when it came out. (You can read my review on Goodreads.) It was my first read by Jus, although I do have a few of her other e-books and will definitely be reading them! I absolutely loved Infinity, and I was so excited for Omega to be published. I actually re-read Infinity before reading Omega for this blog tour, and if anything, my enjoyment of it increased upon a second reading. I would highly recommend reading Infinity before you read Omega. While perhaps not technically “necessary,” it’s still a good idea to avoid confusion when it comes to the different characters and their inter-relatedness, as well as the time travel aspect.

One of the things I loved most about Infinity was that the story was told from the perspective of Kori and Cade, so I was admittedly kind of bummed when I first started reading Omega and realized we were seeing through the eyes of two different characters, Noah and Ash. I love Kori and Cade so much, I started off kind of wishing I could have their voices back. But it really wasn’t long before I got into a groove with Noah and Ash, learning their characters’ quirks and personalities. Another thing that shocked me in starting Omega was the change in location. Whereas Infinity was centered on our version of Earth and thus familiar, Omega found us in a wholly different - and wholly screwed up - reality! I have to say, though, that was one of my favorite things about Omega, because I love multiverse / alternate reality stories for the very reason that we get to imagine what other Earths might be like. This particular thought experiment was really cool, while at the same time I kept thinking, I would NOT want to live there! And finding out just what the title - Omega - refers to... well, it kind of blew my mind just how dastardly the people of this alternate Earth really were.

Once I got acclimated to Ash and Noah’s voices, it was smooth sailing through the rest of the story. Kori and Cade are along for the ride, even if the story isn’t told through their perspectives, and we get to see some other familiar faces as well as meet new ones. We also got to see just how different those familiar faces are in this new reality, which you’ll find is quite a surprise! I was happy that the humor and snark that I loved so much in both Kori and Cade was also present with Noah and Ash, although I think Jus did a great job in making them their own characters. Also present, as in Infinity, is sexual tension that just sizzles on the page. Jus clearly has a talent for that!  

Overall, there were things about Omega that I didn’t like quite as much as I liked Infinity, but then there were also aspects of Omega that I liked even more than Infinity. I would recommend this just as highly as I did the first book, and I now can’t wait for the next adventure in the series! If you enjoy multiverse, alternate reality, dimension-hopping stories, believe me, you need to pick up this series!

Rating: 4 stars, in every possible universe!

Thanks so much to YA Reads for letting me take part in the blog tour, and to Entangled Reads and Jus Accardo for the early review copy of the e-book. This is my honest rating and review, and this review is purely voluntary on my part.

kaeleskrazybookobsession's review against another edition

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kaite's review against another edition

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Can be read on my blog:

Omega (Infinity Division #2)

Okay, I just want to say that I love novels. I love reading. And I adore interesting ideas. With Omega, my very first Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) I thought I'd hit the jackpot. It was the second in a world, but they said you didn't need the first book, and the summary sounded interesting with multi-dimensions, death, and a revenge plot Omega seemed to be everything you want to discover in a new book.

And here it comes. The big one. BUT.

But it wasn't. First, the summary had said that the storyline follows different characters so you'd be fine to read the stories out of order. Honestly? I don't agree with that in the slightest. I was dropped into a world, where the reader was expected to know the characters, there was very little well thought out introduction. However when there was descriptions, normally long ones given as an inner monologue by the narrating characters, it was a great example of telling instead of showing. This bled through into the action scenes, and most of the story. You were either told what happened or you weren't told enough.

There were many more scenes dedicated to the main couple talking or fighting than it felt there were explaining the action. It didn't stop with the main couple though, the whole book seemed very dialogue heavy and the actions scenes were confusing and wanting.

There were discrepancies, not big enough that it ripped the book apart, but enough that I got confused and several times had to go back and reread a few pages to see if I'd missed something, only to find that I hadn't. There were often too many instances of he and she which made following who we were talking about a bit of a struggle.

What probably did this in completely for me, was I was less than impressed with the characters. There was character growth, like if you blink you'll miss it character growth, but it was at least there. However, the book starts off with this insta-love/obsession between two of the characters, which then grows to be 78% of the entire book. The plot line seemed to take a back seat to the relationship playing itself out between the two characters. And it is another story of how two broken people might fix each other, but I wasn't emotionally invested enough in them to feel as if they understand what it is like to lose someone close to you, and be broken. Ash should have had me in stitches with her sarcasm, but I didn't even smirk as I read it. And Noah mainly was there to drive me nuts.

Side note on the insta-love; everyone in this little crew was grouped up, which was part of the core of the series so I'll let that lie, even though a story about a set of six young adults in bad relationships still doesn't sit well with me. I will fully admit that I've read relationships I know other people had a problem with, but I had no problems. This book was different. The main couple, Noah keeps telling Ash he's an awful person and she doesn't believe him, but the whole time I was screaming at her. She blew it off because some of the A---hole moves he pulled because, they were moves 'just like her best friend who died (the Noah from her dimension)' would have pulled and because of that it was okay.

No. No, no, no. If a guy is treating you like shit, a) he's not your best friend and b) if your best friend treated you like this and that's why you think it's okay, he shouldn't be your best friend. I understand she was in an awful situation, but acceptance or normalizing being treated awful in any kind of relationship is not something I want to see in our heroines, not unless it's used as a device to show how that should not be tolerated.

The dimension skipping seemed like such an interesting idea. The band of characters, if they seemed more dimensional would have been a riot to follow along on their adventures. However I'm left wanting so much more out of this book. Another edit, more fleshed out scenes. Letting the tension between characters build silently while the plotline takes center stage, and using it as leverage for investment into the characters. It was a struggle to get through, but since it was such a fast read I decided to finish it out. I will not be waiting for the sequel, or going back to the previous installation in this series. I have heard Infinity was better, and it tells the story of Kori which I think would be much more interesting.

Book: 2 stars

I'll be generous as I think it could get better and it's still an ARC.

Shouting out my thanks to NetGalley, Jus Accardo, and Entangled publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. 

melissayabookshelf's review against another edition

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Seriously amazing. I loved Infinity, but the romantic, hate to love vibe with a possibility of tragedy in Omega really did it for me. I also loved how we get to see the characters I'd already begun to love AND at the same time got to explore many other dimensions in the infinity world. And that ending - I can't wait to see where the story takes us in Alpha in 2018!

thebookishbabbler's review against another edition

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Actual Rating 4.5

This was so fast paced and addictive and it followed my favorite character from the first book so clearly I had a great time. Noah is such an angsty trash bag and I love everything about him. And Ash is such a strong-willed fire cracker and their dynamic in this book was golden. I can't wait till the third book is released because I need to know how this trilogy ends!

Booktalk video -

ravensandlace's review against another edition

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A special thank you goes out to Netgalley and Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this eARC early. all thoughts and opinions are my own.

tw: poverty shaming, slut shaming, child abuse

Another excellent book coming from Entangled Teen and the best part is that it didn't suffer from the dreaded second book syndrome. Sure, it was jammed packed with more information, which got to be a bit much but it was still very good. And I found a new favorite character of mine, which I will talk about a little bit later.

One of the best things about this series and this book is the readability. I flew through these pages. I may not have understood some of the more sciencey parts but I still gobbled up the words like mad. I honestly could have finished the book in a couple hours if I was completely uninterrupted.

Onto the characters. I adored Ash and she is probably my favorite out of the trilogy so far. Her strength and tenacity to live and keep fighting was astounding. She had been dealt probably the worst deck of life but do you think that kept her down? Absolutely not! She just kept getting back up and kept on fighting. I admired the heck out of that.

I didn't realize just how broken Noah really was. At times, his attitude really grated on my nerves but I just tried to remember he hadn't had the time to officially grieve. But man, there were a few times I just wanted to kick him in the head. The way he treated people he cared about got on my nerves very bad.

I'm still not sold on Dylan being a villian. I'm just finding it difficult to give him any support and find the reasoning behind what he was doing. It's almost like he was bad for the sake of being bad. Reminded me a lot of the Darkling. Maybe Dylan will get some sort of redemption arc but honestly, it might be too late for that. (Edit: after writing out this review, I looked to see who would be the POV for the last book and it's Dylan. So yeah...)

One of the coolest things about this book was learning about the different Earths. Some, like Ash's world, really sucked (burgers made out of goat meat? bleh!) but others that were mentioned were pretty cool. Learning about the different dimensions was honestly one of my favorite things about this series as a whole.

Overall, this was another fine book. I'm excited to read the conclusion. Hopefully everything works out and I get a happily ever after. But probably not.