
Starting from Scratch by Stacy Gail

mslizalou's review

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OMG so good!!! Tears and all.

I was lucky enough to be approved by the publisher for a review copy from NetGalley. Starting from Scratch was the first book I’d read by Stacy Gill, and it won’t be my last.

Let me just say, you will need a box of tissues when reading this book. Seriously, you have been warned (I was warned in advance as well). Starting from Scratch was a beautiful story that made me feel so many emotions. My heart broke for Lucy as I watched Sully not remember any of their past, yet seem to need to be near her. I seriously was mad at Sully for much of the book, for all that he was putting Lucy through. I understood he had no control over his memory loss, but I connected with Lucy so quickly in this story, I wanted her to find happiness again.

I loved the chemistry between Lucy and Sully from the very beginning. Even with Sully’s memory loss, he couldn’t seem to stay away from her. The sparks flew when they were in the same room and Sully seemed to get more flashbacks of his past each day. I loved Lucy and Sully (or Sullivan as Lucy calls him) as a couple and was routing for them as a couple from the very beginning.

I loved Stacy Gill’s voice in this book. She pulled every single emotion imaginable out of me. Any book that makes me laugh, ugly cry, and cheer is a winner for me. I can’t wait to read more books from Ms. Gill in the future.