
Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

jenifera2's review against another edition

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This started out with a premise that I didn't love, but I knew if I stuck with it, I'd be rewarded with one heck of a romance. I wasn't wrong. I just really had difficulty with someone saying that they didn't want to get married because they were too devoted to their job, but they did want to have a baby. It made no sense to me, but I just let it go and moved on.

The ensuing romance between Jane and Cal is amazing. I love how they connect by fighting, and how they both appreciate something in each other that the rest of the world doesn't. I knew I'd love this simply because it's Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and I've loved everything of hers I've read. Add another to that list!

escapistramblings's review against another edition

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Odd and funny. Prepare to hear about "warrior bodies" A LOT.

orygunn's review against another edition

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Annie may have been my favorite part here. Not sure how well some of the 1997 themes transfer to 2023, but the secondary characters really enhance the story.

christinamf's review against another edition

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Enjoyable - liked the exploration of the female character's issues with her own smarts and her lack of body confidence, but the problematic way the relationship starts is tough to sign off on- would be a good book for sparking conversations about stereotypes and sexual politics- the secondary female characters were strong

vlf218's review against another edition

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So I wasn't sure how I felt about this concept at the beginning so it took me a little while to really get into this one. However I liked the characters so much it kept me going so by the time we got to Salvation I was sold. It's been a while since I've gives 5 stars to a book but this one absolutely deserves it. I loved every single character and the writing was so good I wanted to cry. Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

kellyjreads's review against another edition

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I started this little sweet treat last night and spent 3 hours today scarfing the rest of it down.

Yes, it’s a little early 2000s slightly problematic (& cringey to the modern reader)….like how everyone thinks they’re fat and the football player likes his girls very young, but there is a girl scientist.

All and all, this is about what you’d expect.

checkedoutbooks's review against another edition

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The first part of this book was horrendous and extremely problematic (hello 1990s romance) but I fell in love with the second half and got my groove with the author's sense of humor. Mostly open door with a few odd closed door scenes.

kitkat_84's review against another edition

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I couldn't get into this book. I found what the heroine did to be totally despicable and completely unforgivable. I kept hoping she'd redeem herself, but she never did in my eyes.

mirinconlector_'s review against another edition

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Esta historia me ha gustado mucho más que la anterior. Aquí tenemos a Jane, una doctora que quiere ser madre pero que su hijo tenga un "padre" que simplemente ponga la materia biológica; es decir, un donante. (Que aquí decía yo: mujer, ve a una clínica de fertilidad). Y luego tenemos a Cal, que es una antigua estrella de Chicago Stars (este equipo de fútbol americano en torno al que gira la serie) que acepta ser el "donante". Pero ya sabemos que el roce hace el cariño y estos dos personajes son bastante cabezotas.

Normalmente con estos libros no voy con muchas expectativas porque leerlos en 2024 cuando fueron publicados por primera vez en inglés a finales de los años 90, pues tiene sus cosas. Pero dejando a parte las cosas de la edad, este libro ha sido disfrutable. Veías y te desesperaba ese tira y afloja que se tenían ambos y me ha gustado cómo se ha ido desarrollando todo. Y de verdad que cuando te gusta la historia, el libro se bebe.

seacrab1's review against another edition

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I didn't care for this one as much as the first two in the series. I just wasn't feeling the spark between Cal and Jane and I didn't care for either one - they were like silly cartoon versions of Bobby Tom and Gracie from book 2.