srbolton's review

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Meh. Many good ideas, but few of them original or sufficiently developed to understand how they might have been applied to effect had he run for office again (why else write this book?). If you liked his previous book, you’ll like this one also.

_astridedwards_'s review

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Despite being written by [a:Wesley K. Clark|98222|Wesley K. Clark|], a four star general and veteran of both the Vietnam and Kosovo wars, [b:Don't Wait For The Next War: Rethinking America's Global Mission|21413854|Don't Wait For The Next War Rethinking America's Global Mission|Wesley K. Clark||40714618] is not about war or military strategy. It is about how America can avoid another war.
Clark identifies five key challenges of terrorism, cybersecurity, the US financial system, China and climate change. He argues that the United States must address these in order to develop (and as a pivotal part of) a new national strategy. Indeed, Clark talks of a Grand Strategy akin to when the United States embraced total war after Pearl Harbour and anti-Communism throughout the Cold War.
This is not a partisan book. Clark advocates for consensus as a part of the Grand Strategy even as he notes that 'the two major American political parties have been forced further apart than at any other time since World War II, and perhaps since the American Civil War (page 127).
While not all of [a:Wesley K. Clark|98222|Wesley K. Clark|]'s economic and socio-political observations stack up, this is a worthy read for those looking for a broad and bold new approach to thinking about America's place in the world.