serena_dawn's review

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Between 1999-2002 I stumbled across this book in my school library, this is "The Book" (ironically, I remembered more of it's title than I thought I did) and some of it's imagery stayed with me as I have studied world mythology ever since.

I couldn't find the like of those illustrations no matter where I looked, finally I got tired of not knowing. I went to the link of my old middle school, and I searched "mythology" in the library database so I had a better place to start.

There was this book "The Book", offered on and I took a "inside peek" and there it was, sure enough just as I remembered; a image of Re and all the Egyptian gods and goddesses, Shu and Tefnut, Nut and Geb, and Nut swallowing Re and Re wrestling with Apep - the Egyptian day and night.

Ymir the giant, and Audhumla the cow, and others, so many others it's like seeing old friends and greeting them again.

I now have my own copy of the "The Book", and am pleased that a memory I held in my heart for more than ten years was no mere myth.