
Blinded by Lyz Kelley

abroussard1991's review

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See my review on the Up all Night with Books Blog

nikkiethereader's review

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This was such a beautiful and wholesome story. It didn't gloss over how nasty people can be with people with disabilities. Struggling from some disabilities myself, I can appreciate that fact greatly. It gets old having people acting like people aren't judged and looked down on for having a disability. But I digress. The story was so beautiful. I enjoyed it so much. If I could have listened to it in one sitting, I would have. Darn having things to do!

I do have a small dislike with this, but I'm not sure how to hand it without giving spoilers. I'm a little disappointed that a part of the story was left unsolved. This is a series, but it seems like a standalone series. I'm hoping I'm wrong. I'm hoping there will be answers that I'm looking for. We shall see. Other than that, I had no problems with the book. I enjoyed it very much. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I may listen to them as well since the narrator was so great!

morebookspleaseblog's review

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This was my introduction to Lyz Kelley and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was nice to get the perspective of both Joey and Mara. The pace of the story was nice and even, flowed very well. Meghan Kelly's narration was spot on! What initially drew me to this story was 1. Meghan Kelly! 2. the synopsis was great and drew me in. The characters of Joey and Mara were great and worked very well together. Second chance romances are slowly becoming one of my favorite tropes and Lyz Kelley has done a spectacular job.

lisa01's review

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This is a wonderful story. It is filled with romance, murder, mayhem and suspense. It easily kept my listening ears turn on through the day. I loved many things about it. The story was amazing. This is filled with action, small town life and mysterious happenings. The characters filled with story with life. I loved Mara (sorry no last names at they all seemed Italian-so long and hard to pronounce let alone spell). She has had so much tragedy but yet is always so upbeat. Her job(s) are cool (Making flower arrangements!!)- also the dog training and the whole olfactory...she is just amazing. I would love to meet her! Joey grew up in small town USA but moved away as fast as he could. Now he is back for his family and a funeral.

These two are a great second chance couple. Things have changed in their lives since they grew up. I love that their romance is a smallish part of the story. But yet it seems to be a large portion at the same time. The secondary characters (and I can’t name them all) are outstanding. From Tony, Gina and Kim to Joey’s crazy family all were excellent. They added so much to the story but didn’t overpower the MC’s.
I do have a few lines that made me laugh and one that makes me think.

“You can’t grow if you are too scared to succeed” ~

“Men are like beta fish. They are colorful, live alone because they are territorial and aggressive and they pick fights with anything that goes by their bowl.”

Overall this is a favorite story. I will keep an eye out for the second in this series. I did listen this on audio. Meghan Kelly did a great job bringing this to life.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Let me start with saying that I wasn't feeling well while listening to this book. Now you would think that it would be a distraction but listening to Ms. Kelly read to me helped me to forget, at least for a little while, the pain I had to deal with. She gave me something else to focus on.

When I first started listening, I didn't think that our narrator was going to do justice to the story. But she proved me wrong. I may not have thought of her as being what I envisioned Mara to look like but she became a pleasure to listen to. She had just the right tone in her voice when it came to changing it just enough for the male parts. She also did a good job in showing the emotions that were needed.

What impressed me about the author was how good she was about showing that we can compensate when one of our senses is compromised. She was also good at showing that the path we take is not set in stone and sometimes we have to veer off and take a different route. And when we veer off, sometimes we get a surprise we're not expecting. Now if Ms. Kelley left her story at that I would have been a happy camper but she went the extra mile and gave me a mystery to concentrate on. It was that mystery and suspense that hooked me into her series. I can't wait to dig further into Elkridge and see what plans she has for her readers. One thing, besides finding a new series and author, this left me with wanting to see if she has any more audiobooks in her future.

I voluntarily reviewed an Audiobook copy of this book.