
Dance by Teodora Kostova

sim_96's review

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I don't think I have ever fallen in love with a book like I have this one. I think it has got to be my favourite book I have ever read and that is saying something. From the get go I was rooting for a Fenix and Jared relationship and when it happened I was grinning like an idiot. Most of the first part of the book was me just grinning like an idiot. But then it changed and I cried through the middle half and I couldn't take it. But then I was grinning and crying and just being a mush of feelings. The relationship between Fenix and Jared is the most beautiful thing ever. I love them together and them in general. I love their drive to be great at what they do but most importantly, to be with each other. I hated when Fenix left but I knew they would get together and the whole time they were apart my heart was hurting. I have no words to describe my feelings while reading this book because it was all over the place. I love Teodora Kostova's writing but this has surpassed the expectations to a whole new level.

goofnaggle's review

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This book was amazing, Teodora Kostova captures the essence of a modern romantic relationship. It was interesting at first with the characters because they fall in love so quickly. However there is a significant amount of character development that happens afterwards. I would love to see a sequel or another novel by Kostova in this genre.

nicola949's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this story, so much so that I read it in a single sitting. What a lovely way to start my weekend - curled up in bed with a good book. I only meant to read a chapter or two while I had my coffee but.....

Set against the backdrop of the theatre, Dance brings together Fenix, a rising star who dreams of Broadway, and Jared, who is living his dream on the stage in London.

This is a story of a grand romance, the type of love that, when it hits, it hits hard and fast. It's love at first sight and within days of meeting, Fenix and Jared are in love and inseparable.

"Come home with me," he said quietly. Fenix hesitated. "Please. I..." he pulled back to look in his eyes. "I want to make love to you in a bed. Not that this wasn't great, but fast and hard in a club's toilet is not my idea of romance."
"I wasn't aware we were looking for romance," Fenix replied, his voice teasing.
"Well, now that you are aware, will you come home with me?"

I loved the openness and honesty, the lack of trying to hide feelings, instead grabbing the opportunity for love with both hands and not wasting a minute of being happy - such a great motto for life! And when Jared and Fen are together, it is magic.

There is a lot of sex in the story. These are men with strong feelings who aren't shy of being emotional but this doesn't mean it is all gentle loving. Jared and Fen are passionate and their coupling is frequent - at times making love but at others it's oh, so very hard and dirty!

It's not all roses for Jared and Fenix and the book has its period of heartache as they make stupid decisions. Their world moves from perfect happiness to one filled with darkness and sorrow. I like how the author managed the choices made by these men and how the same idea of grabbing what life gives you with both hands brings them back together.

The story finishes with a lovely happy ending.

A copy of this book was provided by the author in return for my honest review.

librobi's review against another edition

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it is virtually a 5 stars though. I started this book on a whim and don't regret a second of the time I spent with Fenix and Jared. the world of the musical theater has a unique appeal to me and here I could almost see the dancers and the lights and hear the misic. but the best thing was the romantic turn of the story, I am an hopless romantic myself so it went straight to my meltig heart! great book, absolutley worth reading!

a___broad's review against another edition

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I wish I could say something nicer but I just disliked every bit of the plot. It seemed amateurish and predictable and over the top. The characters did not seem fully fleshed out. Jared and Fenix's love story did not seem believable and was almost always cringeworthy. It was struggle to see it through to the end tbqh.

jennyreadsromance's review against another edition

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This is the story I needed. It was the perfect blend of love, laughter, angst, and lots of sexy time. It is an insta-love but it makes sense and you can feel that the connection between Fenix and Jared went beyond physical attraction. There were some highs and lows in the characters lives and a couple times I caught myself almost yelling at them.

It is well written and you won't want to put it down.

shile87's review against another edition

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No rating 😥

Calling it:

Time of book death at 21% 😔😔

Who is a quiter?


This is Insta , the kind i couldn't get into. I tried but it is Me! not the Book!.

I have nothing against Insta-anything, Lord knows Lucy Lennox has fed me Insta-everything in her books and i ate that shit up plus i did an encore. Here there was something missing, i guess i did not feel the spark between the MC's the moment they met.

I couldn't get into the Audio-book. The narrator's voice sounded the same for all characters. Thank the book gods one can return the audio.

I did not buy:

Day 1: Meet, have hot sex
Day 2: Take loan to renovate house because you have found the one. Move in together
Day 3: you are the one, and it for me i will look no further... I love you.

As Christelle would say the BAM factor!


The book has an average rating of 3.95 so maybe it is Me! and not the book.

The cover is hot!😋🔥

suze_1624's review against another edition

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I so wanted to really like this but I just didn't get into it. I bought it as I had seen some great reviews about it, and the cover is great.
 I just didn't gel with the characters or story. There was nothing wrong with it, the plot points were all there but they almost seemed like a tick list to be included sometimes.
The first section of the book, pre the 'big misundestanding' section didn't get me invested in Jared and Fenix enough, so when they were going through all their trauma I was reading it but not feeling it.
So for me, not a winner. 2.5*

the_novel_approach's review against another edition

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Fenix and Jared are both stage actor/singer/dancers. The triple threat. Jared is performing in a show at Queen Victoria Theater in West London, which he co-wrote with his best friend Adam. Fenix gets the lead role in another musical about a rock band, which will be sharing the theater with Jared’s show. He and Jared will also share a dressing room.

Fenix’s goal has always been to star in a Broadway show. His mother did it but was injured in a suspicious accident many years ago, which cut her career short and left her in a wheelchair. Fenix sees the show in West London as a stepping-stone to his ultimate goal. He plans to make Poison a success and make himself indispensible so that when the show is offered a spot on Broadway, he will go along with it. He makes it clear to everyone, including Jared that this is his plan.

Fenix doesn’t count on the immediate and undeniable need to be with Jared. Not just sexually. But every minute of every day. They fall very quickly into a serious relationship, both seeming to forget that this is only a stopover on Fenix’s ride to the top. The first months of their relationship happen very quickly but takes up a large portion of the book. There is so much sex, it is almost too much. Instead of developing a relationship through spending time together doing things for fun, talking, learning each other’s likes and dislikes, Fenix and Jared have sex. Sometimes they talk, too. Mostly just the sex, though. The first half of the book is made up of approximately the first eight months of their relationship.

When it looks like Fenix’s dreams are coming true, their idyllic world seems to fall apart around them. It’s unclear if either of them will survive without the other. They both take different paths to deal with their loneliness and sorrow, but they are both terribly bereft and sad. They have no contact for two years. This doesn’t really make sense to me. If they loved each other, I would have expected them to have most likely at least spoken or e-mailed to keep up with each other’s careers, if nothing else.

It is now about two-thirds of the way through the book. The pacing felt off to me. The first half covered eight months, then a small portion contained events of over two years, which were skimmed over by the author and given very little detail.

The initial insta-love caused a little eye rolling, as did the ease with which they parted ways when Broadway came calling. They were so miserable without each other that it seemed implausible to me that one of them wouldn’t have reached out to the other. Then, when Fenix had reached his goal, he realized it wasn’t enough. The ease with which he undid the previous two years was again, implausible. By this time, I wanted Jared and Fenix back together so badly I would have believed almost anything to see it happen!

I loved the characters and really wanted them to have everything they wanted. The supporting cast was engaging, too. Ms. Kostova described the dancing and scenes from both plays very well; I could practically smell the sweat.

I really did enjoy this book. I admittedly skimmed over a large portion of the sex just because there was so, so much of it. I loved the last third of the book, even if, again, things happened too fast to feel real. By that point in time, it was what I expected from Jared and Fenix. The end and epilogue were deeply satisfying, but left Jared’s best friend Adam hanging there, ripe for his sequel… I look forward to it.


proppiz's review against another edition

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I really liked the love, the angst and the setting.

I could have lived without the way the story was drawn out and the factual inaccuracies regarding Sweden which would have been so easy to look up.

I would have liked to know more about the friends and family of the two MCs.