Is it wrong to like a series that going into the stereotypes that make up urban fantasy, in this case love triangles and forbidden love stories like its advertised. But maybe I like it in spite of that because White Ash presents a place and characters full of life.

Once you get past the first impressions and all, the reader sees the layers of the settings and characters. The town of White Ash is full of people who keep secrets from themselves and others. Even our main character isn't that charming. But they're all awkwardly human, full of annoyances yet find love where they can find it. Often that love is out of reach because of how big a gap can be between people. Some people really aren't that honest with themselves or others, I mean the main characters Alek and Lillian call their dads by their first names because of how disconnected they are with them.

But what happens when the town gets a visitor from a vicious predator that's tied to the town's history? And what happens when the people who are supposed to help the town are more concerned with their petty rivalries than helping others?

The art panel layouts really sell everything with how many actions and interactions come about. It was hard not to get excited or look away from it all.
adventurous dark
adventurous tense fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Plot
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: No
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: No

There is a lot of plot and background but not a lot of time for it all to be explained and fleshed out in this. I almost wish they either just gave less or had a more extended lore drop that gave us all of it. It ended up being a touch confusing and in between.

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adventurous fast-paced
adventurous dark emotional mysterious tense fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: A mix
Strong character development: Complicated
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: N/A

A good beginning. I’m intrigued by the world, and like the characters. Thane is an interesting maybe bad guy, reminds me of Chuck Bass’s father. I like the art and the color palate too. I’m into it, I’d continue reading.
adventurous dark funny fast-paced
adventurous medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: A mix
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: No
Diverse cast of characters: N/A
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes
adventurous dark fast-paced