
Little Black Book by Melissa Andrea, Tabatha Vargo

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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LBB starts off with quite a bang. Sebastian Black is an overly wealthy, arrogant, club owner. He is emotionally detached and he loves sex. He loves the power sex gives. But it must remain feeling free. He has this little black book. In it are all of his various girls. Each one serving their own purpose for whatever desire he may have. He doesn't know any of their names. He names them after cartoon characters. The women of course are well taken care of finically until he gets tired of them or they begin to develop feelings or want more.
His book is missing one very important character. Sebastian has been looking for his Jessica Rabbit. When he meets Rossyln Harris he knows he has found her. Only Rosslyn refuses to be any mans kept whore.
I found most of the story the be predictable until the end. The author throws in a fantastic little twist that I enjoyed. Overall this book was steamy, fun, and easy to read. The characters were easy to enjoy and the story kept my attention.

laurenm2111's review against another edition

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Very fast-paced story that kept you glued to the page. The characters were wonderfully written, made you feel for them from the beginning and kept you hoping for a happy ever after - even though they teased you with gut-wrenching secrets.

els_86's review against another edition

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Non c'è molto da dire, semplicemente l'ho adorato! È una storia d'amore fantastica arricchita da una storia triste che fa da sfondo. Assolutamente da leggere!

ali23's review against another edition

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This book started off at a 5 for me, but then towards the end the stars started to drop off.

The Hero, Sebastian was a complete a**hole! In the beginning, he was just horrible. He knew Roz’s situation and made sure to back her in a corner. As much as I hated him for that it made the book more interesting. The Heroine, Roz had a series of bad events happen to her. I felt so bad for her and her brother, who was very understanding and sweet about everything. I admire Roz’s strength to make life work out for the better for her brother even if that meant selling her soul to the devil himself, which was Sabastian. Vick, gave me a bad feeling from the beginning, and I had a feeling she had deep feelings for Sabastian. I enjoyed the story very much, but then the story started to fall apart towards the end. It felt rushed and out of whack for me. After the secret is revealed - which I truly did not expect so great job with the twist - everything seemed jumbled together after the reveal of Roz’s last name. A few things bothered me. First, once Sebastian found out that Vick knew everything he should of fired her and parted ways with her immediately. Second, Roz forgave Sebastian too quickly after the way he treated her. It was glossed over as if nothing happened then they went on vacation. Third, Sebastian claimed he never trusted Vick since the incident, but yet she had access to his home and knew the code to his security box and he claimed in the beginning of the book he only trusted Vick, his actions and words did not add up. Finally, how everything happened at Roz friend’s apartment: Vick loves to kill people, Sebastian came out of nowhere and how we’re to believe he didn’t make it. It just didn’t mesh well for me. I am hoping book 2 is better.

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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This is a hard book for me to rate. On one hand, the story was interesting (especially the last 20%) but on the other hand I just didn't like Sebastian and for me to really like a book, I have to love the leading man and with him, I just don't. The whole calling her Jessica thing did not work for me at all. Plus, with the big twist towards the end, I felt the resolution didn't fit the situation. I don't want to give anything away so I would just advise that if this book sounds interesting to you, read it.

rlp78's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. While I totally understand why some reviewers had an issue with some of the plot points I didn't really let them bother me. This is a fiction book. I tolerate WAY more in fiction than I would in real life. I happened to really love Sebastian and Roz. I thought the writing was really good and enjoyed the flow. I figured out at least the overall twist very early on but I still liked seeing it unfold.

openallnight's review against another edition

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DNF at 32%.

Boring. Been done better. Been there, read that. Spent $.99, spending my time on more interesting reads.

bookaddict1975's review against another edition

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🎧 Audio Review 🎧

3.5 stars
While this book didn't stand out from many other books just like it, It was still enjoyable. The characters were likable and the story line good but nothing stood out for me in this book. The narration was good and fit the characters well.

daisybox's review against another edition

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Easy and short read. Predictable like a lot of those steamy with a billionaire and a poor girl books. Forgettable.
Sebastian didn't rock my world.

sweetcreature89's review against another edition

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I first heard of this book as I was looking for interior designers and formatters for my own book. I was looking through the Gathering Leaves portfolio when the design of this book caught my eye. I couldn't stop myself from learning more about it and when I read the synopsis, I knew I had to read it.

I dug into it as fast as I could and I was instantly hooked. I could not stop reading and I finished the book in two days.

I really enjoyed the characters and the story. It drew me in and held me. I never wanted to stop reading. It was a little cliche and easy to figure out but, still, I had to know what would happen next.

Little Black Book was sexy, suspenseful and deliciously yummy. This is a great read for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey. In fact, it's fifty times better. Who needs Christian Grey when you can have Sebastian Black?

Rating: 4 Stars.
Character: Sebastian & Rosslyn.