
Tutsak by Erin Bowman

dreamer4ever's review against another edition

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I really liked this. It was quick reading with lots of action, good story and likeable characters. I will definitely be picking up the next book

candide_woodard's review against another edition

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It was okay...

daisies8's review against another edition

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No es tan atrapante y hace que te enamore, solo que te guste pero es un libro bastante con lo que esperar un buen rato de lectura si te gustan las distopías, guerras y romance entre eso.

Gray es un chico de "17 años", un año menor a su hermano Blaine. En su pueblo llamado "Barro Negro" tiene esta condición normal como la muerte entre los habitantes que cualquier chico que alcanza los 18 años se lo llevan.
A este Suceso lo llaman "El Rapto".
Cuando Blaine cumple la mayoría de edad, Gray empieza a sentirse vacío y tratando de encontrar respuestas a preguntas que aún no han sido contestadas.
Así que un día escapa del Muro que rodea el pueblo, donde varios han intentado escapar pero ninguno lo ha logrado con éxito, dándoles solo la muerte.
Él junto con Emma, la chica de la que está enamorado, se aventuran a descubrir los secretos que aún no han sido revelados.
"Emma estuvo más unida a Blaine. A partir de ese día, Blaine se convirtió en su favorito y, obviamente, entonces fue cuando empezó todo: en cuanto eligió a Blaine, yo la elegí a ella."

lenoreo's review against another edition

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Had some great stuff. Had some stuff that irked me. So all in all a middle of the road book for me. The concept was interesting, and the book started off strong. But then the twists and turns got to be too much and it's like I lost the initial questions I was wanting answers for, and overwhelmed by more and more. I really fell for Gray and Emma....and then Bree came along and I guess I just don't know how I feel about all that. I'm not a huge fan of triangles to begin with, but Gray's actions at the end just didn't suit him. And I just didn't necessarily buy the reactions of Gray to all this new stuff.... I don't know, I'm sure other reviews are better than this. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure it's worth my time to continue on with the series.

foreveryoungadult's review against another edition

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Graded By: Erin
Cover Story: Oof
BFF Charm: Aw Hell No
Swoonworthy Scale: -12
Talky Talk: Who Am I Talking to Today?
Bonus Factors: Teen Dad
Relationship Status: We have a Personalities Clash

Read the full book report here.

alexisneuville23's review against another edition

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Review coming soon.

unluckyprimes's review against another edition

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If you've never read a YA dystopian novel before, you'll probably be smitten with this. If you have... well, there's nothing new here.

The premise itself is interesting, but it devolves very quickly into the most typical dystopian tale out there. I was never surprised by the directions the book took in general, though some of the little details were neat. I could probably predict the general plot of the other two books in the series if pressed.

The writing is average at best and baffling at worst. And by that I mean the pacing is unbelievable. It makes the character "growth" seem anything but natural. Also, I'm sorry, but if you're saying "I love you" on page 90 I can't take you seriously ever again. Also, forced love triangle (though with a boy at the centre for a change) and a break up by page 300. I just. Stop it. Why. The characters are flat and archetypal and boring anyway.

I wouldn't bother unless you've got a craving for another run-of-the-mill dystopia.

aritrow's review against another edition

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Interesting concept, although it seemed too much like a movie I'd seen back in the day. Premise got more interesting as it went on, and I was disappointed when it ended. Will have to read book 2!

electraheart's review against another edition

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Taken easily could have succeeded as a standalone. If the final piece of action had been altered slightly and had an additional 50 pages attached, it would have fared perfectly fine. Instead, we're going to get another young adult dystopian trilogy with novellas that go between books. And if/when this book is made into a movie, you know they're going to split the third chapter into two parts. I'm seriously under the assumption that debuting authors are trying to milk their talent and fame as much as possible, because this is has become so common, and I can't stand it.

I promise, there was a point to that mini rant. Taken is 350 pages of almost nonstop action. The whole book takes place over the course of roughly three months, and it's a series of constant ups and downs. I admittedly had a hard time putting this book down because it sucks you in with the roller coaster of a plot. I was honestly expecting to take half, if not three quarters, of the book for Gray to realize something was wrong and make it over the wall (and I'm not going to hide that behind a spoiler because,'s kind of obvious from the synopsis that he's going to do it, and the tagline on the freaking cover implies it happens). Instead, it takes a rough 50 pages and we've already been thrown a twist or seven. And I loved every second of that. I loved not having drawn out secrets that you're supposed to think about for chapter after chapter. This plot is right in your face 100% of the time, and that's how it reels you in.

The premise of this story is unique in itself. This is one of the few young adult books I've read in the last two years where I didn't sit and think, "Wait, I've read this before." Sure, it gave some eerie vibes from The Village, but considering that was the start of M. Night Shyamalan's directing career, it definitely takes a turn for the better. The best part is that, unlike a lot of today's authors who come up with a concept and bury any sort of back up or history behind a ridiculous love triangle and a rebellious female lead shoved down your throat, every single aspect of this story was explained. There were times I caught myself asking, "But what about this?" Only to have it (eventually) answered. I certainly can't complain about that.

One of the biggest downfalls of this book was the weak attempt at a love triangle. I am not here for that. As soon as Bree was introduced, I could feel how forced their relationship was. With a war and rebellion under Gray's belt, the last thing he needed was for unnecessary drama which I know is going to play out in the next book.

Despite how much I enjoyed this book, I don't see myself finishing the series. I'm tired of reading the same trilogy again. I'm tired of every book being turned into a trilogy. I don't want this book to be ruined for me because of its successors.

gwencole_'s review against another edition

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I'll start with my negatives, and the one I noticed first was how rushed the plot felt. I think everything in the synopsis takes place in the first eleven chapters, if that. I like fast-paced books, but I also felt this one didn't need to be rushed. I would have liked more character development, especially with Emma and the relationship between Gray and his brother. I really liked the beginning of this book, when it took place in the town and people were being Heisted. I liked the mystery, but the mystery didn't last very long. Then the plot turned into something that every other book has. I still liked it because it was sorta a fresh take on it, but I was hoping for something a little more.

BUT LOOK AT THE COVER. It's amazing. But that's not the only good things. I liked Gray okay enough and how this book is in his point of view, and things happend unexpectedly which is something to say these days. This is one of those books I would call 'entertaining'. When I find myself wanting to read the book, but not craving for it like some others. But I'll definitely be reading the sequel.
SpoilerI was really hoping this book was going to be about aliens, but it wasn't :/ not enough alien books these days