
Tutsak by Erin Bowman

blueanto's review against another edition

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Taken es un libro con una historia interesante que es rápida de leer a pesar de que es bastante predecible y en mi caso no llegue a conectar con ningún personaje.
Este libro se divide en cuatro partes, la primera de ellas para mi fue la peor ya que nos encontramos con un amor que se desarrolla muy rápido y no es para nada creíble, descubrimientos y situaciones que sucedían rápidamente y un protagonista odioso. La segunda parte mejoro en muy poca cantidad, solamente se revelaron cosas que ya me las tenía esperadas hace unas cuantas páginas. La tercera parte fue bastante buena, pasaron cosas que me sorprendieron (poco, pero lo hicieron) y por último la cuarta parte fue la mejor, hubo bastante acción y el libro se hizo más interesante.
En fin, es un libro que me sirvo para pasar el rato ya que no es la gran cosa y no me dejo con muchas ganas de leer su segunda parte.

camelle's review against another edition

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This review is also posted on my blog site Home of a Book Lover

So Taken, first of all I am always fascinated by the cover of this book and the design is very attractive. I love the color combination it is so alive. The next thing is I kept asking why Taken? Is there something happened that someone got kidnapped or what? You’ll never know until you read the book so I started reading it and I fell in love with Gray right away, oh not with Gray, with the book (but yes with Gray too). Personally, I like the flow of the story it has too many revelations to take, I really enjoyed everything, and while reading I experienced the change of emotion especially about their love teams. The book is tricky, you’ll think that you already solved the puzzle but on the other-hand you did not. You’ll think that this piece is perfectly matched but when you look closer there’s a wrong edge of the puzzle.

When it comes to the main character, I like Gray’s bad guy attitude, he’s not a villain okay? It’s just that sometimes he is mean but he is totally a good guy. He hates Claysoot’s policy. He began looking for answers and question so many things when he found out that there’s more about him. For me he is kind of weird too, but I’m saddened that people needs to hide things from him – I’m not a fan of it’s for your own good line – I feel like because of that his life became more complicated. His love life is also unpredictable you don’t know who will end up for him and who’s the best girl. Blaine, he is the complete opposite of Gray, he has a child named Kelsey and a wife back in Claysoot but he was heisted already so he’s been away with them for so long. But I doubt about Blaine, I don’t know if I should or what, but I think Blaine is not him anymore. That’s just a theory though.

This is such a nice book, I miss reading YA because of this and I’m excited to read the next book entitled “Frozen”. I will read my copy soon but I bet there will be a cliffhanger. There are still many mysterious things to solve and the enemy is not dead yet probably the next book is full of exciting scenes.

“Sometimes we have to do things that are not completely agreeable”.

alaznecan's review against another edition

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La trampa de los 18 a decir verdad es un libro que me ha encantado y no sé muy bien por que. La historia me parece muy original y como suceden las cosas me ha enganchado.
Me ha gustado que el libro esté separado en varias partes con títulos propios para hacerte un poco a la idea de como serán los próximos capítulos. Los inicios de capítulos son bastante normales pero eso no dice que sean feos ni nada parecido.
El final me ha dejado mucho que desear porque termina la historia en medio de una misión y te deja con la duda de si la conseguirán cumplir, de si Gray y Emma se reconcilian, si Gray y Bree tienen algo entre ellos... Espero que pronto saquen una segunda parte (no sé si en inglés la hay) porque me encantaría leerla.

markbos's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5 stars.
I was debating on whether or not to give this a 3.5, or a 4.5. I was thinking, and I decided to give it a 3.5.
I did like it.
It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. It was... rather, "enjoyable".
I was a bit disappointed tho, considering this book was one of my most anticipated reads on 2013.
I just felt as if the plot was too rushed and just SO BUSY. There were a lot of things going on in the story, and I would sometimes have to reread and paragraph because I forgot why they did a certain thing or said a certain thing. IT JUST HAD SO MUCH THINGS. and I don't mean that in a good way.
Or maybe it's just my short attention spam. Meh.
I really disliked the main character, Grey. I wasn't able to relate to him. He was stubborn, and rude, and just so..

n_ok's review against another edition

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This one was quite disappointing ! The start was pretty much nice, but.... Well when I've gotten to the middle of the book I felt as if it was too predictable and I just couldn't keep reading. It took me some months to get back to reading and when I did it was still very slow, only when I was in direction of the end of the book I could feels as it was really interesting , even though it kept being predictable. The characters were well constructed and the book was well written but what certainly was missing was some diferencial, this book didn't get even close to blow my mind and I missed it enormously, I was looking for something different and all I got was the same old story.

I will keep reading the series as I have already bought the next book, but it isn't on the top of my tbr pile.

vallello's review against another edition

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rachels_books's review against another edition

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I would recommend this book for ages thirteen and up.

This book takes place in a town called Claysoot. In Claysoot, there are women, boys, and girls; but no men. At midnight of a boys eighteenth birthday they vanish, they call it the Heist. Gray Weathersby will be taken in a couple months, but he is prepared, he wants to see his brother, who has already been taken. Then Gray finds a note from his dead mother, that makes him question everything, including the wall that surrounds their city, and what lies behind it. No one has ever survived climbing the wall, but with the help of a friend, he might be ready to try. As Gray considers everything he has been told, he wonders, where do the boys who have previously been Heisted end up, and if he makes it past the wall, will he still be taken?

I have been putting off reading this book for a long time, mostly because the reviews that I have been seeing were not very positive, but I loved it! I was very excited about the concept of the story, because it was something that I have never seen a dystopian book do before. I thought that in the end, it was executed very well, although I would have liked some more character development. Erin Bowman focused very heavily on the world building, which I loved, but because of that, I didn’t feel very connected to the characters. Over all, I really enjoyed this book, and will be reading the sequel.

My favorite character was Gray, because out of all of the characters, I felt that he was the most relatable. I also loved that Erin Bowman decided to write from a guy’s perspective, considering almost all dystopian’s are from a girl’s perspective.

This book had medium romance, medium violence, and minor language.

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clarahrae's review against another edition

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Lemme start with, it was a good book and I am looking forward to the next book. But this book... it's like one of those books you'll either love or you'll have on your shelf for years just waiting for a time to read it. This book is about a corrupt government and trying to escape your faith. Yawn. Well at least that's what I thought because that literally sounds just like any other dystopian young adult novel. What made Taken special, was the fact that basically the whole story is about one boy learning who to trust and who to run from, all because he climbed a wall because he thought his brother could be on the other side.
I recommend this book for anyone who loves to read corrupt government and family love books (there's other stuff but this is what stuck out to me the most).

janessaking's review against another edition

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I absolutely LOVED this book. It was such a nice fresh take on dystopian and fast paced that I didn't want to put it down!

I loved Gray, the main character. I don't read books with a male protagonist as much as I would like, and this one did not disappoint. The characters felt real and I connected with them almost instantly. Kale was so adorable! I just wanted to hug her and give her toys.

There is a bit of a love triangle, which I was a little upset with, just because love triangles are so overrated nowadays. The two girls he's conflicted with, though, are both likable and I had a hard time at first choosing who to root for. After awhile, I had no doubt who my favorite was.
I was leaning slightly towards Bree the entire time, just because it felt like Emma's feelings for Gray were rushed and forced from the beginning. And I'm always a sucker for love/hate relationships. I'm now completely rooting for Bree after Emma slept with Craw. What was she thinking?! Especially after Craw told her how Gray was coming back for her. This makes me think that she got all friendly with Gray just to see if she could locate Craw, since she loved him so much before he was heisted. I also wonder if maybe she's against the rebels and is going to be used as a spy?

I can't wait to see what happens next, and I know I'll be sucked in just like I was with Taken. Can't wait to read Frozen!

twogreenpenguins's review against another edition

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I really liked this book! I liked the idea of what happened to the boys after they were "Heisted" and the plot afterwards!
In some points I kind of guessed what was going to happen or I had a feeling what would happen but even though it was a little bit predictable (towards the middle) I still enjoyed the plot and the characters.

The characters! I LOVE Gray! He is such a grounded sensible but funny character! He did some things I don't agree with but I was 100% okay with that because I was able to understand why he did it! He was so protective of Emma and such a good brother!

Okay, so usually I'm completely against love triangles (well better to say I'm completely against badly written never-ending love triangles) the one at the end of the book was good. It didn't feel forced and you can understand the feelings of all involved.

In short: good book:)