
Crown of Souls by Ronie Kendig

turquoiseavenue's review against another edition

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Another excellent and riveting read from Kendig! High octane energy, a fantastical story line and a truly memorable cast of heroic characters!

rusticreadingal's review against another edition

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Sometimes a book is so good that I struggle to put into words just how amazing it is. Crown of Souls is just that kind of book. It took me a little bit to get my thoughts about it in order. Usually, after I finish reading a book, I immediately go write my review. But not with this one. There was so much sheer awesomeness that it took me a day to figure out what to say.

Wow! What a way to start a book! I was hooked from that very first sentence. This is a big book, but it went by lightning quick. The pace was fast and furious, never letting up. I couldn't read it fast enough. There were times when my heart was pounding furiously and I caught myself holding my breath. The action was so intense, the danger felt so real. I felt like I was right in the middle of the action. There was never a good place to stop. I didn't want to put it down. I mean, there were times I'd have to because... 'real life'... but I was never happy about it.

Crown of Souls takes a closer look at Tox and his past, the demons he's fighting, the fears he's struggling with. His old friend and teammate has him in his sights, making Tox question everything about himself. It was great reconnecting with Tox and the team for another archaeological mystery and race against time. There were so many complex layers weaved seamlessly throughout. The amount of research that must've gone into this novel... mind blowing!

Crown of Souls is another spectacular, edge of your seat, nonstop thriller from Ronie Kendig and is her finest work yet! If you haven't read the first book, run and grab yourself a copy! I can't recommend it highly enough and am very eager for book three!

I received a copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and comments are my own honest opinion.

adventuresofaliterarynature's review

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Oh where to even begin?! Everything Ronie writes is astoundingly amazing and Crown of Souls was no exception! From the opening line you are drawn into the heart-pounding, non-stop action. Even though this book is 480 pages long the pages flew by and made me lose track of time because I was so caught up in the story. I fell in love with Tox, his team, and Haven in the first book of this series and this one just cemented that affection. I admired Tox's determination and focus in everything he did. He had dealt with quite a lot in his life and the fact that he didn't let it defeat him and kept moving was something I don't think I'd be capable of. Haven was exactly what Tox needed. The one who saw through everything to the good man he was and constantly reminded him of that when he couldn't see it for himself. The other members of the team were fantastic too, Ram, Cell, Thor, Maangi, and I loved the new guy (or not so new for us avid Ronie Kendig readers)! Really everything about this book was beyond brilliant, the action that was written so well you felt like you were there, the intricacy of everything surrounding the crown, and the realness of the characters. Honestly can't say enough how much I adored every second of this book!
I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

mb_booklady's review

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Tox and Haven have become a couple since the end of the first book. While she is sure of her feelings for him, he is less vocal in his feelings for her, until history repeats itself and he almost loses her.

A former Armed Forces buddy of Cole's has found an otherworldly artifact and is slowly descending into madness, but he is not going quietly. The Wraith team is always a few steps behind him and before their final engagement, the enemy will make Tox admit to every wrong he has committed in front of the entire team and Haven.

This story is suspenseful and tense with unforeseen events waiting with every turn of the page. It is also thought-provoking as it is stated at one point that Tox had to violate his conscience in order to appease his conscience. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place!

I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

meezcarrie's review

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In my opinion, Crown of Souls is Ronie Kendig’s best novel so far. And I love all of her novels! But this book is just a cut above.

Crown of Souls is non-stop tension from every side – from relationships, high-stakes suspense, spiritual battles, and a race against madness. In addition to the spot-on tactical action, this series has a delightful Dan Brown/Indiana Jones feel that keeps you completely captivated. In fact, Kendig nods at everyone’s favorite archaeologist from time to time on the pages of Crown of Souls.

On top of all this greatness, there is even more to love. Like, the solidifying romance between Tox and Haven. Like, Tox’s continued spiritual journey. Like, the great banter between the teammates. Like, a surprise character that hearkens back to Kendig’s Nightshade/Discarded Heroes series. Like, a cameo appearance from my fave forensic artist. And other little touches spread throughout that elevate this novel from great to fabulous!

Bottom Line: Oh my goodness. Seriously you guys. I’m soo twitterpated over this book. It’s perfection. Every word, every scene, every character well placed and dimensional, hitting you in all the feels before all is said and done. It’s movie material. In fact, I could see it playing out in my head as I read, so caught up in it that I legitimately got teary at the epilogue because it was so poignantly written. But also because, even though the main plot ties up nicely during Crown of Souls, the epilogue sets up the next book Thirst of Steel to be epic! This is Ronie Kendig at her best!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

betherin02's review

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Full review on Faithfully Bookish

Crown of Souls is not your average bookish journey. Kendig delivers an all-out world class high stakes expedition for the reader-heart! With its soaring highs, gut-wrenching lows, and diverse band of authentic characters, this story deeply engages readers across the full spectrum of emotions!

Cole "Tox" Russell is a completely intoxicating character. History, action, romance, mystery, faith, you name it, Crown of Souls delivers! It's all there and masterfully crafted. Move over Laura Croft, Indiana Jones, and Mission Impossible, Tox simply blows the competition out of the desert!

I requested the opportunity to read this book through the publisher. The opinions expressed are my own.

tmonda's review

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This book was so good!

This is the first time I have read one of Ronie's books and although this is the second book in the series, I didn't feel lost and I loved it!! There was just enough information in this book to help the reader not feel lost, but not enough to give away the whole story in book 1. So I still plan to read book 1.

Tox is an amazingly complex character that I am sure many readers will fall in love with. Tox has great relationships with the guys on team Wraith, and you can see that he truly cares about them and their lives. The dynamics between Haven and Tox play out in interesting ways, especially when you throw in previous love interests! How will Wraith's mission play out? Will it have irrevocable consequences in their lives? And how will the secret that Tox is keeping affect the relationship between him and Haven? There is lots of intrigue and suspense, military action and history all thrown together with just enough romance! This book will keep you engaged to the last page and leave you wishing it wasn't over!

I also loved how there was a dual timeline taking place. It did take me a little bit to get into the older story but after a while you realize how important it is to the current day story taking place. There is lots of intrigue and suspense, military action and history all thrown together with just enough romance! This book will keep you engaged to the last page and leave you wishing it wasn't over!

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. All opinions I have expressed are my own.

chelseaj91's review

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Six months after stopping a deadly plague, Cole "Tox" Russell and his team are enjoying a little rest. That peace is short-lived when a sniper shot hits Tox. The enemy is discovered to be one of their own, a rogue Special Forces team operator.

Alec King is perhaps the only person as skilled as Tox, and he's out for justice. Furious with orders that got his men killed, he intends to make those responsible pay. And he insists Tox join him, believing they are the same breed of soldier.

Afraid his old friend is right, Tox battles a growing darkness within himself as he and his team engage in another deadly encounter with antiquity. It appears Alec is cheating--he's using a mysterious artifact, a crown that history has linked to some of the worst slaughters in humanity. Racing to stop Alec before his vengeance is unleashed, Tox must fight the monster without becoming one.

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Can I just use that as my review and have it stand for all the things?

Anyway, Ronie Kendig has certainly done it again! Filled with all the action, suspense, romance (less tension this time although it was there), spirituality and a slightly heavier dose of mysticism that filled Conspiracy of Silence, this book had me hooked! I laughed, worried, panicked, was in awe and actually squealed a couple of times. And spent most of my time on the edge of my seat.

The relationship between Cole and all the members of Wraith was great. I love the way they're all this big family who can tease each other mercilessly, yet will always have each other's backs. I did get a little frustrated with them when Cole told them about his deal from before, yet at the same time, that was a little two-sided and I was also frustrated with Cole because he wasn't telling. Yes, I know there was a gag-order and what he'd done did go against everything, yet at the same time, as proven time and again, at the end of the day, they're all his team and they'll all have his back. So I'm glad that while there was some anger from people, they all understood maybe the thought process behind it and the fact that it saved all their lives and they're still behind him, so yay! I do still have some...reservations(?) about Ram. Not that I don't think he's got people's backs, but like Cole was wondering, I have to wonder if it came down to it, just what side is he actually on? I also really loved the way that Cell was always teasing Levi about Haven. And really the teasing in general.

And am I the only one absolutely in love with Cole and Haven's relationship? They're both just so good for each other. Of course, doesn't hurt that Haven's been in love with him forever and everything, but yeah. I love the way that Haven's still fighting for him, even fighting him when he's being an idiot and trying to say he doesn't deserve her. I loved when Cole's jealous side would come out, when she was talking with Levi because it really proves that not only does he really care about Haven although he thinks he's not good enough, it goes to show that he's not the monster that he seems to think he is. Plus, it's just entertaining in general. His reveal hurt things a bit, I'll admit, but I'm glad that it also seems to have strengthened things too. Yeah, things didn't seem to go exactly the direction he thought they were going to go at the end there, but I am beyond excited that he's got that idea and has considered what the future could be.
SpoilerAnd I'm really glad that he's able to start talking to his parents again.

And those cameos!
SpoilerVvolt! Such a good doggy! :D It was saddening that Keogh didn't make it, but at least Cole gets to keep Vvolt around. And then there's Leif. I'll admit that it took me a minute to place him, but I was excited once I had. And now it looks like he's going to be sticking around for the moment.
Are we going to have more of those cameos in the future?

Tzaddik continues to present a little bit of an enigma. I'd wondered about him since Conspiracy, and this seems to have confirmed (without directly saying so) what Haven had begun to suspect. It certainly adds more mysticism to the story and the character in particular, but it also means that if he's willing to help, he could be a great resource! And his reveal to Cole there at the end...WOW! I mean, all the talk about guardians, you had to figure there was some kind of interesting something going on, but I did not expect that.
SpoilerTo be honest, while I was expecting him to say something and continue to try to convince Cole to go back to Wraith, I wasn't expecting the ancestry to be Giraude. I was actually thinking he was going to be a descendant of Thefarie/Ayla.

But really, I need book 3 now!! Please?

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

cordiallybarbara's review

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On a scale of cotton candy to Brussels sprouts, Crown of Souls by Ronie Kendig is a coffee-rubbed steak, cooked medium. Bitter flavors sweetened by the meat itself. Each bite catches you reaching for more.

[note: I received a free copy of this book to read and review. Opinions are my own.]

Tox Russell can't catch a chance at happiness. After only a few months of dating Haven, he and his team is whisked into a weird face off with one of their own who has gone rogue. But has he? Because to Tox, this madman's goals don't seem all that mad. In fact, his desire to rid the world of some of the evilest of men almost makes sense. But then, a strange artifact seems to be behind all of the killings. And history seems to be repeating itself. Will Tox be able to face his own conscious and do what's right? But what is right?

Ronie Kendig delivers a book that blends a modern day story alongside the days of the crusader knights. With action, mythology, romance, and mystery, it's seems pretty clear to me that Crown of Souls has it all. Even better, Haven (Tox's girlfriend) is not a damsel in distress even when she is in distress. She is smart and holds her own in the story. I also like that Ronie Kendig did not rely on misunderstanding or miscommunication to be the problem between this couple.

If you haven't picked up one of the Tox Files books, I really think you should, even if you don't usually choose this type of genre. It's worth the read.

longtimereader's review

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Tox is back and in the book, more amazing than before. Haunted pasts, good and evil, action, love, and so much more is packed into this second book in this series. Tox has so much to work through to overcome in this book. I have read a good many of this author's books. I think this series, and this book, is my top favorite of Kendig's books. A extremely recommend read.

My copy came from Bethany House. This review is my own, left of my own choosing.