
Sloth by Giana Darling

kathrinreads's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I have not read the other books in this series read but I wanted to read the one Giana Darling wrote first.

I have to say I loved this book, and even though I was confused sometimes due to the backstories, I still completely enjoyed it, I will now definitely read the rest of the series.

stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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4 Stars / 4 Steam Fans

In many ways this book tied up a lot for this series and I loved it. I can't wait to read how Greed's story is intertwined with all that we know. Rush was a great character to learn about and Isabelle is the type of female character that I absolutely love! Can't wait to see how it all ends!!

This specific video review will be included in the May 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

(Review may be edited at a later date)

chrissycracksabook's review against another edition

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This is the first book I have read by Giana Darling. Through out the series Sloth/Rush has intrigued me. After finally having read his story he is my new favorite of the brothers. There is so much more to him than what you glimpse in the other books. He is out to end the Elite. He blames them and his dad for his mother's death, which had been ruled as a suicide. His Holy Virtue, Isabelle, has spent her life under her father's abusive thumb. Her father, also a member of the Elite, has used his position in the church, in the society, and as her father to basically rule her life with an iron fist.

When Rush and Isabelle come together, sparks fly. She helps him find religion, he helps her learn to live life out of the shadows. Together they uncover some big secrets the Elite has kept hidden. These two are so amazing together. Two parts of one whole.

alwaysbereadin's review against another edition

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Every book in this series gets better than the last. Darker than the last. And quite frankly more wacky than the last. NOW I NEED THE LAST ONE.

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Ms. Darling includes a warning. If you have sensitivities in regards to certain subjects, this may not be the book for you. My one piece of advice to you would be to not start the series here. This current book to the Elite Seven series has a great deal of shock value to it but it all builds from the stories that came before.

Different authors write all the books in this series. The only exception is the last book combines the creativity of two of the authors. Maybe you follow one, a few, or even all of them. Or maybe you want to check out six new authors that you’ve never read before. They will not disappoint.

Rush Dempsey has had his share of pain. His father has power but it’s still not enough. It was interesting to see what task our author came up with for Rush – in part you’ve been warned. Isabelle Savoie has also had her share of pain. She has a parent that uses his power for more than what it should be used for. It’s what happens with these four people that you will understand why a warning was needed.

It took me six books to finally hear what these authors were trying to tell me. These men may have been given a task that must be completed but instead they’ve found the person that will bring them salvation. They may be young but they seem older in other ways. For Rush, he stood up and protected an innocent person and found something he never expected – sounds like real life. And if you’ve followed this from the beginning you will be enlightened by what gets disclosed but shocked by the outcome. It will be interesting to see what Greed has in store for me. I’m sad because I know it will be the end but I’ve discovered a lot of great authors and hopefully their stories will never end.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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Sloth is yummy! I've been wanting to really meet this guy once I started seeing him in action in all of the other books. Who was this dude who always appeared right when his brothers needed someone? Who was this man who happened to know a lot more than everyone else? And what made him tick? I love Sloth, his motivations, his passions, and his huge change of heart.

She looked breakable; a China doll. Something a callous man could break easily in his rough, strong hands.
I licked my lips thinking about doing just that.

He comes across as indolent and irreverent, but there is so much hiding beneath the surface. He's brilliant, compassionate, fiercely protective, and incredibly sexy. Isabelle is a lucky girl. Every beautiful thing about Rush was there for the taking, waiting for someone to come along and bring them out, and this stunning woman with a heart of gold was the answer. She's the light to his dark, the saint to his sinner, and the perfect complement to his soul.

I could live there in that kiss, plundering that silken mouth, tasting the sunny essence of her on my tongue.

I wanted to fight every battle with Rush. I cheered for every one of his triumphs and can't wait for him to truly overcome every hardship and heartbreak he's ever had to deal with. He and his brothers more than deserve a happy ending and I'm so happy he's got such a fantastic girl by his side.

There was something about the bad boy across from me that called out to my soul.
I just had to be brave enough to call back to his.

The story of The Elite has become even more complex than I could have imagined and while we get a ton of answers and revelations in this book, it's easy to see that there is so much more to come. The biggest foes have fallen, but one evil stain still remains. With one banger of an ending, I can't wait to see how this series concludes with Greed!

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kathy2012west's review against another edition

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Rush Dempsey has always known about The Elite Seven. Since he was little, he knew they their powerful. He is convened they had something to do with his mother death. But how does he prove that? He needs to become a member of The Elite Seven.
His father sees him as the “worthless” son. The son that always makes the bad decisions.
But Rush is out to prove his father wrong. He is out to take down The Elite and his new Elite brothers are there to help.

When he gets his task from The Elite, he is a bit confused.
Ruin the Archbishop’s daughter.
But the task doesn’t make since.
This task would mess up his father Senate campaign.
Why would The Elite want to do that?

Isabelle has always been the good little church girl.
Always follows the rules, always listens to her dad, the Archbishop of New Orleans, and always does what God would want her to do.
But her dad was not the godly man he pretended to be. He was mean and violent. Physical and demanding.

When her father has her go on a date with Ward Dempsey, Rush’s father, she know she has no way out of it. It’s all a political game to them and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process.

When Rush finds this out, he knows there is no way he can let that happen. So he decides to claims her as his own.

What he didn’t realize was that she was going to change his life. She was going to show him the good in him and in return, he was going to show her the “bad” in her.

They would be a team and work together to take down The Elite.

What happens when The Elite leaders start to fall?
Is there enough evidence to take everyone down or will someone at the top survive?

I really like Rush and Isabelle’s story. I enjoyed their connection and I felt that they had really good character development as the story progressed.

I loved seeing parts of the others books mixed into this one. Seeing different points of view of events that happened.

I am so excited for Greed to see how the story ends.

scbookaddict's review against another edition

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I loved reading Rush Dempsey's story!
When this series took a turn during Envy's story, I wasn't sure how this series was going to end. I've enjoyed every story. Some were darker than others, some gave answers and clues, some left me wondering what the heck was going on.
Through it all Rush and Micah were the mysterious ones - quiet, watching and observing and I couldn't wait to dive into their stories to know their secrets!
Rush is Sloth (obviously) but he's incredibly smart! He's a work smart not hard type of person.
This story is one that will leave you with your jaw on ther floor! (I can't think of anything to say about the story that won't ruin the story!)

maleficentknits's review against another edition

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Always the quiet one, watching his brothers, there to assist. His task rather easy at first but then like his brothers, the woman he is to ruin has a couple surprises up her sleeve. There are secrets revealed about The Elite and it's time to punish the wicked, as well as find Envy and the truth about Wrath's sister.

Devoured this one, now on to the conclusion and Micah/Greed.

the_sassy_bookworm's review against another edition

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description Since I always strive to be 100% honest in my reviewing, I will admit that I am kind of over this series. It's been a bit of a hot mess of way too much OW stuff (for my tastes), confusing timelines, and a lot of repetition. At the same time I feel this compulsion to see keep going and see where this is all going to end. (lol) And there has been a few good parts throughout (so there is that).


After the last book which was by FAR the best book of the series I had high hopes that the series would end with a bang. This book was more like a sputtering firecracker. Now don't get me wrong. I actually liked this one (mostly), and this author gets HUGE props for being only the second book with no pointless OW sex scenes (yay). But it didn't really advance the storyline a lot and was a bit confusing. Since there is only one more book, I expected more action, and answers. However, I did enjoy that this book focused more on the romance which most of the previous ones lacked. But I wasn't a fan that the heroine was older (bleh). And finally, that ending had my interest sparked BIG TIME. So I have my fingers crossed the last book will pull the proverbial rabbit from the hat and give us all a fantastic and satisfying ending.


