
With This Kiss by Eloisa James

buuboobaby's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this so much. Ends on a huge cliffhanger, so it had me diving through my Kindle to find Part Two.

thenia's review against another edition

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Heartbreaking... Poor Grace! I imagine the next part is Colin's turn to suffer. Let's see...

cranberrytarts's review against another edition

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I cried my way through this story. Colin and Grace broke my heart. I was so disappointed when it ended.

bookfever's review against another edition

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Copy received from publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I requested this book on Edelweiss because it looked like a nice, short read + I love historical fiction a lot.

With This Kiss: Part One wasn't what I expected but I definitely liked it. It wasn't the best historical fiction I have ever read, though the story did speak to me, especially near the end.

This story mainly follows Grace and Colin from childhood until Grace is nineteen years old. Grace has had a crish on Colin forever. When she reaches adulthood she's slowly realizing that Colin won't ever return her feelings, especially not since Colin has noticed Grace's pretty, younger sister.

Me, personally didn't like the childhood years, although Colin was already sixteen while Grace only ten. Anyway, I didn't like those first chapters a lot because I awlays feel like stories from childhood are a little boring. Of course there are exception I have come across recently. But with this novella I couldn't help but feel that way.
I liked Grace a lot more when she was grown up. I don't think I can say the same for Colin though. He didn't know what he wanted and was rather broken from the wars he has been through. But the most I disliked about the guy was the fact that he "fell in love" with Grace's sister, Lily so suddenly, and even sort of proposed to her. Although when he was back at sea he came to his senses. But it might be just too little, too late.

The thing I liked the most about Grace was how she knew she had to move on from Colin, that she knew she had to move on from him, because it would only hurt her more. Smart girl. But on the other hand she and Colin would make a great couple together. So I'm kinda torn there but we'll see how it goes in the next part. There is hope yet!

I was really surprised when the story ended all of a sudden on a little cliffhanger. I hadn't seen that coming at all. So I'm really curious about that next part.

Overall it was a nice, likable read that you can finish in one pull. The writing was well done and the characters and dialogue flowed nicely. I absolutely want to read more.

amym84's review against another edition

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With this Kiss: Part One is the story of Sir Griffin Barry and Duke Ryborn's children most specifically Colin and Grace.

Grace has admired / loved Colin from afar for years. He, on the other had has barely noticed Grace. She's not as wild and outgoing as her younger sister Lily. Grace is hurt when, home on leave, Colin expresses his desire to marry Lily. So what happens when Grace realizes that maybe it's time to move on?

I really like the way Eloisa James is releasing this story. In three parts over the course of three weeks. That's not too long of a wait for the next installment right? WRONG! James knows just where to leave off, with the reader wanting more.

It's a very cute story and I look forward to getting to finish it. To enhance the reading further I would highley recommend reading [b:The Ugly Duchess|11879737|The Ugly Duchess (Fairy Tales, #4)|Eloisa James||16837919] and [b:Seduced by a Pirate|15851980|Seduced by a Pirate (Fairy Tales, #4.5)|Eloisa James||21599389] which are the stories of Colin and Grace's parents.

saras's review against another edition

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So far, so good. Based on my reactions to some romance novels I've read recently I'm really not a fan of the love-at-first-sight trope. This book, happily, is not that. This part does very well in developing the relationship over quite a number of years, dropping in on the couple at intervals beginning in childhood. I also enjoy the serialized format as I'm used to reading fan fiction in this manner (and of course watching TV shows and film trilogies and such). I'm looking forward to the next two parts but luckily I know how to be patient and I don't feel desperate.

prationality's review against another edition

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I rated this 4 stars years ago and that rating holds. This, much like ROMANCING MISTER BRIDGERTON (also about a girl in love with a family friend for years before he wises up), hits all my buttons.

I understand that feeling of being in the shadow of a sibling more sparkling, more vivacious, more EVERYTHING that folks love. I got teary-eyed through much of this not just because I felt how keenly Grace tried to not be brought down.

I have vague recollections of the two books that form the parents' romances of Colin and Grace, but this was definitely more of case of not needing that backstory.

By the end Colin realizes his Grace realizes life needs to be lived outside your head.