
Playing the Part by Robin Covington

mandyreads's review

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4.5. Loved it! Especially the epilogue! Well done, Robin!

jackiehorne's review

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A pretty traditional story of a bad boy who falls for (somewhat) good girl and needs to convince her that he's changed his spots in order to win her, played out in a Hollywood setting. The bad boy in this case is Mick Blackwell, the "sexiest playboy in Hollywood," and Hollywood's first bi-racial action movie star. Hoping to move beyond his action role persona, at least on the screen, Mick wins the starring role in a romance novel film adaptation. But he's having difficulties playing a convincing romance hero, most likely because he's never been in love. Enter romance writer Piper James, the author of the book upon which the screenplay for REGAN'S GIFT is based, who is contracted to be a consultant to the film, in particular to help Mick gain insight into the role he's bungling so badly.

Piper (who appears white on the cover but whose race/ethnicity is never discussed in the book) finds herself immediately drawn to bad-boy Mick, even after having weathered one very public and embarrassing breakup with another bad-boy film star a year earlier, a breakup that did serious damage to her reputation and career. Piper agrees to a no-strings attached sexual affair, and the two engage in some pretty hot sex. Of course, Piper's hard-to-get approach draws Mick in, and he finds himself pushing the boundaries of their agreement. But when false publicity is spread about Mick and the co-star of his film, Piper's career and reputation are once again in danger.

Covington's writing is strong, and her characters well-realized, although the short length of the "novel" makes the storyline feel a but underdeveloped at times. Will definitely be trying other titles by this author, if she's written any longer works.

Mick's racial identity is mentioned as a factor in his career, but it doesn't play a role in the romance at all, interestingly enough. Now, wouldn't that make for a fascinating romance: a book about a biracial character falling for a character with a strong investment in one racial identity? Lots of room for misunderstandings, conflicts, and new insights in that situation, no?

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Playing the Part is my first Robin Covington book, but I can tell you it won't be the last. This book was enjoyable and hot, and for me it was a natural progression of two people falling in love. Mick is an action movie star who wants to broaden his career. He is struggling wih his first non-action role and the director decides that he needs a little insight into the part from the author of the book which the movie is based on. Piper is struggling to please her publisher and relaunch her career after a devastating and very public break-up. Piper and Mick have a ton of chemistry right from the start, and the attraction and passion between them is explosive. As Mick and Piper spend more time together, they decide to have a fling while she is on set. After Piper's break-up she is hesitant to get involved with anyone who isn't safe, and Mick is anything but. Mick doesn't believe in love and is a known ladies man, but as they get to know each other they begin to rethink their no-strings attached fling and start to think about the future.

Mick is confident and sexy, but he is also deeper than what you see on the surface. I really loved how even though he was out for publicity and making sure that his career was always on top he was sweet and did things he could have made himself look even better for in private. The scenes between Mick and Piper were witty and fun and had the full range of romantic and sweet to scorching hot. Piper was extremely likable and a heroine I was rooting for from page one. She wasn't afraid to be herself and say what she felt. I found that I related to her character very easily. Although the time period of this book is somewhat short, I had absolutely no problem believing in the growing relationship between the two of them. Covington did a great job of developing the characters and the plot so that Mick and Piper grew as individuals and as a couple with a future that neither of them could have predicted.

Overall, I thought this book was great. It was a quick enjoyable read, and I just couldn't put it down. The characters were likable and perfect for each other. If you are looking for something light and fun to read with explosive chemistry, this is definitely a must read. After reading this book, I am looking forward to reading more of Covington's books in the future!

jeannethinks's review

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A quick to read, well written story. This has the perfect balance of angst, steamy sexiness, and laughs.
Piper James has been burned before. She has trust issues and has closed herself off to the potential of committed relationships.
Mick Blackwell is the epitome Hollywood bad boy. He has player written all over him, but when he is assigned Piper to help him learn the role in an adaptation of her book he isn't prepared for the sparks.
Will two people afraid to take chances be able to overcome everything Hollywood can throw at them?

sashadecoud's review against another edition

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My honest rate is 3.5 stars but I just could not bring myself to round up to 4 stars for it. I liked the book but I just could not love it.

Playing the Part follows the romantic journey of a Hollywood star on the rise, Mick, and romance novelist Piper. Piper is commissioned by her publishing company and the director of the film adaptation for one of her novels to help couch the male lead, Mick. Once they meet their instant chemistry makes them want to spend as much time together as possible and they easily fall into a casual relationship, one Piper hopes to keep out of the press. But when that back fires and their passion continues to ignite they are forced to change the rules of their engagement and come to terms with how deep their connection has become.

This book definitely delivers on the steamy sex scenes and was an entertaining read. However, I feel like the character growth experience by both the hero and heroine came across as contrived and cliche rather than authentic.

All lovers of romance novels expect a bit of cliche with each novel we read. Most of us (myself included) are also completely fine with stock characters and typical plot line situations. One of my favorites is the friend turned lover, but I also easily get lost in the "can't have a civil conversation, but can't keep their hands off each other" couple, the accidental pregnancy plots, the fake boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancé, and good girl falling for the bad boy or bad girl falling for the good guy. So when I read the summary for this novel of two people who are forced to work together and nearly instantly the good girl falls for the bad boy I figured I would be in for a perfect cliche, one that I would enjoy reading time and time again.

But even all of the heart felt moments and steamy encounters between Piper and Mick could not persuade me to fully buy into the big turning points for their characters.

Mick I felt was more believable then Piper. He realizes he is in love with her after punching a guy in the face for saying the wrong thing about her. This charismatic charmer allowing himself to be that worked up over a woman after never feeling that strongly for any of his lovers before felt like an authentic "Oh my God I'm in love" moment.

Piper, on the other hand, realizes she is in love with Mick and decides to mentally punch herself for falling for the "wrong guy" yet again. Yes, her reaction is understandable since she is still healing from a very bad brake up with a man who shares many of Mick's character traits. But no her response to being in love again does not feel authentic to me. She is guarded and afraid to love again, terrified of what will happen if she falls for another Hollywood star and things don't end well for them. This kind of bone deep fear just does not add up to a pity party to me. In light of her having a near break down after her last break up I think her reaction does not fit her history.

But besides my moments of contention with the characterization this book was a fun read. I loved that the male lead was bi-racial and that the difficulties he faced as an actor because of his race were not glossed over. A serious round of applause to Ms. Covington for that.

To all my lovers of Brazen books do not pass up a Robin Covington, she does have a way with words.

timitra's review

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This is the first book I've read by this author and I must say it won't be my last. I really enjoyed this story. It was beautiful,magical and oh so enjoyable. I couldn't put this book down which meant I read into the wee hours of the morning, my eyes felt grungy but I don't care cause it was totally worth it!

Both main characters, Mick and Piper were likeable. Even though the situations they were put in and the way in which they resolved them was predictable I still thoroughly enjoyed the ride.If you haven't tried Robin Covington as yet give this book a try I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

itsjulia_reads's review

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Overall, I enjoyed this quick read. Read it in 2 days and it was just what I needed to get out of my post-Allegiant funk. I really liked Chris, being a gay ex NFL player. The plot was pretty predictable and I suspected Lewis the entire time. I liked the fact that the main character was a romance novel author. Unfortunately, Mick did not do much for me. I give this 2.85 stars lol.

eslismyjam's review

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Probably a 3.5 star. Solid writing and great characters from Ms. Covington. This is one of those romances you can just read and straight up enjoy. There's nothing too tricky or traumatic going on here. It's a straight-up, good clean romance. It's a great beach read actually. As a hero, Mick is a total hottie. Mick goes from the typical hot-player to a one woman guy by the end of the book, which is probably my favorite romance convention. (Who doesn't love a reformed player?) Covington writes a very believable Hollywood star. All the details about filming a movie and the life or the rich and famous were portrayed in a genuine way. It seems like this was probably a fun book to research. Really these characters were just people that I liked to spend time with. This is a great, easy read.

schin's review

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1.5 stars

An additional 0.5 stars for the author's effort to be realistic.

Girls have a few fantasies that never really get old and being a superstar's girlfriend is one of them. Although they are never entirely realistic, it is a good getaway when you want a happy ending. I should know, since I always tend to lean towards these books when I am feeling low.

So having said that this book falls under the feel-good group, I don't have much expectations of it. But even with that on mind, Piper still manages to get on my nerves. I supposed Ms. Covington is lucky since I don't feel like ranting today. Sufficient to say that if you want someone to take you seriously then act responsibly. Piper's many reckless ways and her expectations of being treated seriously despite of it is just Exhibit A of yet another women's unreasonable demands. And yes, if you're wondering, I'm a girl.

*Sigh* I'll just stick to fantasy and traditional heroines for now. These heroines the romance authors cook up just make me even more depressed towards the female gender.

*Whip out my [b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth||13155899]*


*Shuts the door*

Thank you. For a similar story, feel free to check out [b:Just the Sexiest Man Alive|3863861|Just the Sexiest Man Alive|Julie James||3909033]. It is way better.

hollyberry_1980's review

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Playing the part follows novelist Piper James as she travels from her home in New York to Los Angeles to assist hollywood playboy Mick Blackwell connect better with the character that he is playing based on her book. This is the first dramatic role that he has played, he usually plays in a series of action films that has propelled him to the top of the "celebrity" line.

As soon as they meet they each feel an instant attraction to one another, and together they try to decide what to do about it. Based on a situation in Piper's past, she is very reluctant to be seen dating anyone from hollywood, so she decides that what she can offer Mick is a friends with benefits relationship while she is there for a few weeks, and nothing more.

It turns out that there is someone behind the scenes that thinks that it is a better idea to put the two of them in the lime light and have photos taken of them during very private occasions. While Mick is investigating to see who is behind this, Piper closes up and forces herself away from him, but will this be the end of them?

I enjoyed this book, it was enjoyable to read all about the fun times that Piper and Mick were having, and also trying to piece it all together along with the characters to see who was trying to sabotage the relationship from the beginning, and throw Piper under the bus, and I have to say, after learning the truth, it was not a great surprise, there were a couple of characters that I had it down to.

There was good character building with Piper and Mick, with each of them opening up to what their insecurities were, and learning to grow with each other along the way. I think the character that I related to the most was Chris (Piper's assistant) as he is very protective of her, and makes that well known, and that is how I am with my friends.

I enjoyed this book, it was a nice Saturday read for me, I would give it a 4/5 because there was a lot of little twists and turns in the plot to go along with the romance that was building between Mick and Piper.