
Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee

katie_83's review against another edition

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Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee
5 star review
I loved Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee. I was hooked from the very first page and the characters captured my heart, broke it and then put it back together again! One of my favourite books is Slammed by Colleen Hoover so when I read the synopsis for this book I knew I was going to enjoy it – and I definitely did!
Beautifully Broken is Kat’s story and that is exactly how she views herself – broken! She had a pretty traumatic childhood, going from foster home to foster home, with spending time with her heroin addict mother in between. When Kat turns 18 she finds herself celebrating her birthday alone – until she meets Gavin. They instantly connect and spend the night together but she knew from the moment that they met that he would ruin her. He was confident, sensual, intelligent and worldly but it was how Gavin saved Kat that ruined her. He helped her to end her path of self-destruction; she no longer felt the need to numb her pain with mindless one night stands and drunken blackouts. She will always have Gavin to thank for saving her and helping her become the woman she is today.
I found myself completely wrapped up in the relationship between Kat and Gavin and the struggle they had with wanting each other but having to be apart. I know a relationship between a student and a teacher is morally wrong but when they first connected Gavin didn’t know how old Kat was or that she was a student. There was an instant connection between the two and the chemistry was impossible to deny. I really felt for Kat she had such an awful upbringing and found herself in some very distressing situations that she just wanted the kind of love and relationship that Gavin was offering. He was such a good person, clearly hurt from a previous relationship.
There were certainly some emotional moments in this story along with some pretty sensitive issues that may be a trigger for some readers. I loved the ending and it shows that two people who are destined to be together will be together and that you can find a rainbow after the storm!
I highly recommend this book and it deserves this 5 star review!

bwagner's review against another edition

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Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee is a story about ending self-destruction. This story is compassion, sadness and will make you angry at times. This story is feelings, deep and hard feelings. This story will show you that all things are possible when you work hard for them.

Kit Kennedy is a young woman who just turned eighteen and is determined to self-destruct. She has turned to alcohol and one night stands to numb her pain. This is when she meets him. He is confident, intelligent, and sensual. What feelings will he bring out in her? Will he be able to change her self-destruction ways? Will he break her heart? What will she do when she realizes who he is? Four years after meeting him, she meets him again. He broke her heart once, will he break it again?

Gavin Cooper is a man of twenty-six and just moved to town. He just happened to stop in a bar on night and that is when he meets her. What will he do when he realizes that she is hiding something? Will he get her to break her rules? When she walks into his classroom, what will he do? Will his past come back?

Kit and Gavin's story is one of teacher/student and one that brings feeling to the story. How will mortality affect their relationship? This story will make you feel as if you are part of their story. It will make you believe that anything is possible when it is set free. What will happen to them? Will they find each other?

This is my first read by Laura Lee. Laura is in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two children and three cats. She enjoys fruit smoothies fulled with rum and her cupboards are stocked with coffee and chocolate. She also enjoys reading anything she can get her hands on especially those with vampires, bad boys and cowboys. This story is full of feeling and will suck you into their world. I highly suggest this story as I know you will enjoy it as much as I have.

angelahayes's review against another edition

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5 Stars

Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee is a contemporary Romance that depicts a relationship that most would consider forbidden- a student/teacher relationship. Now normally, in the real world- I would be the first to say, “no way, that’s not right.” But this is fantasy and the subject happens to one of my guilty pleasures. This deliciously wicked story has a twist, a plausible excuse if you will- both characters are of legal age; the teacher isn’t trying to take advantage of a vulnerable and innocent student; they meet outside of the school setting, not knowing ages or occupations; and she looks a lot older than she is.
Katherine Kennedy (Kat/Red) has endured a lot for someone her age. She is a high school senior who dreams of attending college far away from this small town. Her mother is a drug addicted hooker and Kat has no idea who her father is.
Kat has been in and out of the foster care system since she was very young. She has had a very difficult life; her only escape is the alcohol and sex she uses to numb the pain of the memories that torment her- even if it’s only a temporary reprieve.
Celebrating her 18th birthday- Kat meets Gavin Cooper (Sparkles/ Mr. Cooper), who has recently moved to town. He has the most gorgeous turquoise eyes she’s ever seen, full lips, broad shoulders and is ruggedly handsome.
Gavin is curious- he wants to know more about her, then there’s the sexually charged energy that seems to sizzle between them that just can’t be ignored. Their attraction is so primal and completely overwhelming.
Kat has rules- no names, no personal information and absolutely no sleepovers. They spend the night together and experience the most passionate and fulfilling sex of their lives. But, when he wakes in the morning, she is gone.
Not long after, they both receive the shock of their lives- when Kat walks into her first class for the year, to find Gavin is her new teacher. Now, the story really gets interesting! But, no spoilers- you will have to read it and find out what happens. You really won’t regret it!
Will they be able to walk away from what they shared and just be student and teacher? What does the future have in store for them? When Gavin discovers her secrets, will it draw them together or drive them apart? There are so many obstacles to overcome, can they conquer them, or will the obstacles prove to be insurmountable?
Ms. Lee has written a wonderful, heartfelt story- with an amazing amount of depth and a whole lot of heart. I was so taken with this book, completely absorbed by it and emotionally invested in the characters and the story. I didn’t just want to read the story, I wanted to absorb it. Every. Single. Word.
There are scenes in this book that could be considered triggers for some readers. The story does touch on sensitive topics that are part of the backstory. But they are handled sensitively and respectfully.
I loved Gavin; what a man! He is perfect- so caring, considerate, charming and kind; a fantastic lover; a real all round nice guy; and a wonderful teacher! What he does for Kat- how he helps her heal and realise her self-worth! Drool!! I fell in love with him while reading this book. His dirty talk- is soooo sexy!
I was heartbroken for Kat and what she has had to endure! Her mother sure wouldn’t win any parenting awards. Kat is a true survivor who is so strong and determined. She is witty, smart, sassy and completely sexy. The chemistry between Gavin and her, is off the charts. You can almost hear the electricity sparking and sizzling, as it charges between them. The sex scenes are explicit, quite graphic and damn HOT!!! I’m pretty sure that I may have moaned a little, in parts of the story.
This book is a standalone and ends with a H.E.A. - Ms. Lee wrapped up the story beautifully- the ending was wonderful!
I am delighted that this book and I found each other! It is one of my top reads for 2016, actually, one of my top reads- ever!! Never having read Ms. Lee’s work before, I can say without any doubt- that I will be reading everything she produces.

Thank-you so much, Ms. Lee!

hedihenderika's review against another edition

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This book was provided by Netgally in exchange for a honest review

I knew he would ruin me from the moment we met. Everything about the man screamed confidence. Sensuality. Intelligence. Worldliness. But it was how he saved me that ruined me most.

This book was a pice of art, it was heartfelt, raw, emotional and true to life. At first i was a little skeptical when i saw what kind of trope this book was about.. the romance between a student and a teacher. It isn't something i normally read, but there was something about this book that just wanted me to read it and im really happy i did!

The story begins with Kat celebrating her birthday in a bar alone, this is were she meets Gavin aka "Sparkles" as Kat named him. It is pretty obvious that Kat had a really hard life. She has been in the foster systeem since she was a kid, she doesn't have a dad that is in the picture and a herion-addicted mother who sells her body and isn't really there for Kat. She takes her birthday as a day to forget al her problems and Gavin is just what she was looking for. Their attraction for eachother is like no other, they both can deny it and it makes Kat a little bit scared because she doesn't open up to people... she just wants sex to make her feel better.

Kat goes home with him and lies about her age and turns every question he asks –like what she does for work – into a game so he barely knows anything about her. Imagine his surprise when a few days later she is sitting in his classroom and Gavin aka Sparkles is also Mr. Cooper her English teacher! They both try to deny their attraction and know their situation is wrong even though he didn’t know she was in high school and she is eighteen, but fighting their feelings is harder than they thought.

Kat was a really amazing character, she was the most real character i have ever read about. She had so much hardship in her life, the rumors that surround her, the lack of parents and jugdement.. but everything that came her way she dealt with it. She was so mature, sometimes even more so than Gavin was at some points. She was broken, but because she let Gavin in and her gave her the love and constant reassurance that she was worthy of love and so much more than she gave herself credit for she became whole again for the first time in her life. It was such a dark and real novel, so much more than i had ever thought when i read the blurb.. and that is a good thing. Their flirty banter was cute and believable and Kat and her friends acted and talked like real eighteen year olds.

I also liked the non-judgemental aspect of stripping in the novel. Kat described most of her coworkers as being college students just trying to earn a quick buck so they can advance in life. We find that some of the girls that have worked there have gone on to be doctors, lawyers, veterinarians etc. Although I think this is not the case for many strip joints, I think it is still a good lesson that you shouldn’t judge someone for where their life leads them. Also the aspect of the rumors that surrounded Kat, she had been through an tramatic experience and people jut believed what they wanted to believe.

The only thing i wasn't a big fan of was the unnecassery sex scenes between them. Yes, it was part of their connection but sometimes it wasn't necassery to write about it.. it didn't have to been written at that moment. Not all the sexscenes were unnecassery but some of them were. I also was a bit frustrated with the ending. I had the feeling it could have been written differently, it still was beautiful but it didn't feel compleet. Also the sort of ending before the 4 year jump at the end, Gavin fell short for me. I could completely understand Kat’s POV and why she chose what she did but Gavin really had no excuse.

Overall this was an amazing read and beautiful book. It was true, heartfelt, heartbreaking and everything more... If you are looking for serious drama but with a HEA then this is the book for you! Thank you Netgaly for giving me the change to read this book and having me write a review.

mistysbookspace's review against another edition

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 Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ecopy of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

I am way late in getting this book read but better late than never right. Going into this book I was expecting it to be an emotional read and it definitely was. What I wasn't expecting was the steaminess. That was I nice surprise. Kat has had to go through a lot of difficult things in her 18 years of life. We learn about everything she has had to endure throughout the story and it's not pretty. How one person can go through as much as she has and still fight and have some semblance of hope is amazing. She's not perfect and she has her own coping mechanisms which is how she ends up meeting Gavin one night. 

Gavin is a swoon worthy hero. He literally is the perfect man. Don't get me wrong he has his own set of flaws but he is perfect where it counts. Neither one of them expect their one night to lead to a deeper connection but it does which in itself has its on set of difficulties because it turns out that Gavin is Kat's teacher. Neither one of them knew this when they hooked up and Kat is legal so the relationship didn't bother me. 

There was one scene in particular that literally ripped my heart out. I almost starting balling. That particular scene showed how much Kat had grown and I hurt for her because I just wanted her to be happy. She deserved to have something good in her life. I loved how we got a glimpse 4 years into the future because it ended how I wanted it to end. I really loved this book. There are definite trigger warnings so if you have triggers I would look into those before reading this book. 

bridgit's review against another edition

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review on NetGalley. Thank you for letting me read it!

Well, I'm in trouble when it comes to rating this book. I decided to give 4 stars because all in all, I liked the story, even though I rolled my eyes at some points.
When I read a non-fantasy book, I expect it to be realistic. And honestly, it wasn't exactly. Kat lives in a small town, where everyone knows everyone. In a place like that, everyone is aware if someone new moves in town. And everyone knows if a new teacher comes to school. Still, Kat doesn't have any idea about the new guy when she meets Gavin for the first time. And then during the story, no one notices the scandalous troublemaker's car in front of one of her teachers house. They show up public places together - and never get caught. They interlace their little fingers IN SCHOOL, where anyone could've seen them from the class. Even for a second, but still. Seriously, they were practically screaming for getting caught.
Hailey's pregnancy and the outcome... I've seen that coming from a mile.
I liked the character development in Kat's case, tho - and Dylan's, too.
What can I say... I don't know why but I'm a sucker for student-teacher romances, I've always been. So I quite like to read stories about the subject, and I liked this one, too.

thewitchybibliophile's review against another edition

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How do you describe a book that hits you so so hard emotionally and makes you just go wow. This whole story of Gavin and Kat leaves you breathless and rooting for them to come out on top!
I couldn't imagine the mental and emotional state that Kat would be in with everything she has gone through. Regardless if the pain and drama she's endured, she was a real fighter. The spark that her and Gavin have is undeniable and I love the banter and the passion these two share. Gavin is one of those amazing men that every girl dreams of and would be the one. But just not in the situation that these two are in.
Overall, this was one amazing tale of loss, devastating past, love and finding your way back to the one you are meant to be with. I highly recommend this one to anyone who loves some angst and passion!!!

bridgit's review

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review on NetGalley. Thank you for letting me read it!

Well, I'm in trouble when it comes to rating this book. I decided to give 4 stars because all in all, I liked the story, even though I rolled my eyes at some points.
When I read a non-fantasy book, I expect it to be realistic. And honestly, it wasn't exactly. Kat lives in a small town, where everyone knows everyone. In a place like that, everyone is aware if someone new moves in town. And everyone knows if a new teacher comes to school. Still, Kat doesn't have any idea about the new guy when she meets Gavin for the first time. And then during the story, no one notices the scandalous troublemaker's car in front of one of her teachers house. They show up public places together - and never get caught. They interlace their little fingers IN SCHOOL, where anyone could've seen them from the class. Even for a second, but still. Seriously, they were practically screaming for getting caught.
Hailey's pregnancy and the outcome... I've seen that coming from a mile.
I liked the character development in Kat's case, tho - and Dylan's, too.
What can I say... I don't know why but I'm a sucker for student-teacher romances, I've always been. So I quite like to read stories about the subject, and I liked this one, too.