
Distemper by Beth Saulnier

grayduck's review

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Reviewed 4/21/2005

Alex Bernier, reporter for the Gabriel Monitor, has stumbled into a mystery – quite literally. While out for a bike ride, she practically runs into a body in the woods. Two weeks later, another body shows up. Smart, witty and intensely curious, she’s assigned to cover the murders for the paper. Alex can’t help but get involved in the investigation – and with the hunky new cop in charge. Soon, she realizes that not only is she trying to catch the serial killer; the serial killer is trying to catch her! Mysterious unsigned letters, threatening phone calls, a very ominous palm reading…and then the killer hits too close to home. Life is hard enough already, trying to keep a step ahead of the New York Times, keep her relationship with the officer a secret, and meet her column deadlines – now Alex has to worry about keeping herself and her friends alive! 

Real Review:
I like Beth Saulnier’s Alex Bernier mysteries. I’ve read all but the first – I’m saving that one. This is the second in the series. Alex is recovering from some trauma that happened in the first book. She wants to relax and just kick back for awhile…until she’s out for a bike ride and almost rides over a dead body in the woods.

This wasn’t the best of the Alex Bernier mysteries – I think Beth Saulnier gets better with every one she writes. Although I’ve read them out of order and still loved them, I’d suggest that a person new to the series start at the beginning. I personally don’t know what the first book is like, but with this one in particular, it would be helpful to understand what she went through.

A little goofy and unreal, but funny. We get to read about her first trysts with Cody, the cop – and meet his crazy family. A good side story to an alright mystery, starring an awesome character. 