
Řekni něco legračního by Penelope Ward

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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Not your momma's Cinderella but Drunk Dial is definitely dreamy. A friendship that lingered. Emotions that took hold of a lost soul connected them. One drunken phone call changed the rest of their lives. Forget the glass slipper! Forget Sleeping Beauty!

Landon is a Prince Charming in his own right. It may not be the Disney kind but Drunk Dial certainly nails the happily ever after!

caseroo7's review against another edition

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I couldn't wait to get my hands on Drunk Dial by Penelope Ward! She is one of my favorite authors, and with each new book of hers I read I just love her more. I loved the premise of this one though, and the fact that it was a second chance romance was what made it torture waiting for it! Once I got my hands on Landon and Rana's book, I couldn't put it down.

Landon and Rana were friends as children, but when her parents moved suddenly they lost touch. Rana was never able to forget Landon though, and one night after too much to drink she calls him after finding his phone number. Soon she is letting out years of pent-up emotions on him, but she never expects that he will call her back after she hangs up. Landon and Rana continue to talk and they both realize that the connection they once shared has never gone away. Both have secrets though and they know they could change everything if they were revealed. But what happens when Rana books a ticket to fly and see Landon after years apart and nothing but a few phone conversations in the present?

I really liked these two. Landon was probably my favorite hero from Penelope Ward to date! I absolutely adored him! Sweet and sexy and impossible not to fall for, he had me swooning from the start. I really liked Rana though too, and together they were perfection. Their connection was undeniable, and I loved that they had never been able to forget one another. They each had things that they had gone through that they were afraid to tell one another and I loved seeing the trust build between them as they got to know one another again. I also really loved how straight forward and honest Landon was. I loved that he revealed everything to Rana, even knowing it could cost him everything. I really admired that and it was just another reason I loved him.

Overall, this was another great read from Penelope. I will say that the reason this wasn't a five star book for me was that while I loved the story, there were a few common threads here from her other books. While the story itself was different, she has a few habits that she tends to stick with and you can almost check them off a list at times. While the circumstances are always different, I was able to predict Rana's big secret with ease due to Penelope's past books and I would have liked to have not known and been surprised. The story was still really good and one I definitely recommend, I just wish that I hadn't been able to figure it out ahead of time. But trust me when I say that this book is worth the read for Landon alone. I love Penelope Ward's books, and this was another great one.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

xxbooksilovexx's review against another edition

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Another amazing book by Penelope Ward. Both Landon & Rana have had their share of traumatic pasts. Rana gets drunk one evening and calls Landon, a friend from her childhood. This call leads them down a path to each other! But not without lots of bumps in the road. Great story ! A must read. Awesome narration by Andi Arndt.

gabbysreading's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

melinda1962's review against another edition

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A very sweet romance. So different from the majority of Penelope Ward’s books but I enjoyed it for what it was.

duartebf's review against another edition

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O início do livro foi muito promissor, o jeito como eles se reconectaram foi divertido demais. Mas algumas coisas me incomodaram nesse livro, por exemplo, eles nunca se viram (apenas por fotos, e a dela nem mostrava o rosto) e já estavam loucos um pelo outro. O plot do colega de quarto achei desnecessário, e também achei muito drama. Podia ter ficado só com a gravidez não planejada e ter trabalhado melhor o relacionamento dos personagens. Enfim, devorei o livro, mas não dei 5 estrelas por conta da metade do livro pra frente.

bookswritingandmore's review against another edition

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This book started with a drunk dial to an old friend and ended up giving me so much more.

oxuria's review against another edition

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Jak już dobrze wiecie, nie tak dawno miałam okazję poznać namiastkę twórczości Penelope Ward (oraz Vi Keeland) w postaci książki zatytułowanej „Milioner i bogini”, która zdecydowanie przypadła mi do gustu i polubiłam ten pisarski duet. Ostatnio poszłam o krok dalej i postanowiłam wypróbować szczęścia przy lekturze, która tym razem wyszła tylko spod pióra (lub współcześnie już raczej klawiatury) Ward. Czy w wydaniu solowym jej twórczość spodobała mi się bardziej? O tym dowiecie się poniżej.

Autorka pokazuje na przykładzie historii Rany i Landona, że najmniejszy odruch – przykładowo wypicie samemu całej butelki wina – może wpłynąć na życie dość mocno. Wielu rzeczy, które nas spotykają, możemy się nie spodziewać, bo przychodzą nagle i z pozoru wydają się nieistotne. Ponownie nawiązany kontakt (wcale nie taki niewinny!) między dwójką głównych bohaterów pociągnie za sobą konsekwencje – coś się narodzi, ale i pewne sprawy niespodziewanie się wyjaśnią. W miarę rozwoju sytuacji, Czytelnik poznaje coraz kolejne wycinki z dzieciństwa teraz już dorosłych ludzi i przebłyski z okresu, kiedy nie mieli ze sobą kontaktu. Ponadto, ma szansę dowiedzieć się i samemu ocenić postępowanie obydwojga w sytuacjach, w których zostali postawieni.

Na całe szczęście bohaterowie są wykreowani w taki sposób, by wzbudzać sympatię Czytelnika. Nie są idealni, a więc popełniają błędy i mierzą się z konsekwencjami, jakie z nich wynikają. Odpowiada to rzeczywistości – działa na korzyść całej opowieści, bo czytając ją, nie odczuwa się zwątpienia i konsternacji, które mogłyby wynikać z braku logiki lub zwykłego niedopracowania. Stworzenie ich historii w taki, a nie inny sposób powoduje, że książkę lekko się czyta, współczując, ale i kibicując głównym bohaterom.

Myślę, że celem tej powieści było zapełnienie oraz umilenie wolnego czasu, do tego ukazanie, że los potrafi być przewrotny – nigdy nie wiadomo, co może nas spotkać, z której strony nadejdzie pomoc czy nawet miłość. Pozwólcie zatracić się choć na moment w historii Rany i Landona – w zamian za to otrzymacie dawkę humoru, ale i wzruszenia!

owlbereading's review against another edition

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This is a hard one for me to rate so low. I've always been a huge fan of Penelope's novels, however this one was a real dud for me.

First we meet a drunk Rana, who for the last 16 years has only thought of one guy. One night with the help of google, she discovers her guy (Landon) has a landline and decides she's going to get on her landline (because what millennial isn't still paying for a landline) and call him. She goes on this ridiculous rant about how he never thinks about her.

Then we meet Landon, who guess what, has thought of her every day since she moved away. They proceed to rekindle their friendship and so on and so forth.

The book literally speeds up after this. Like imagine watching your favorite movie and all the juicy goodness that typically helps develop the plot has been removed. That's exactly what happens with this book. It goes drunk dial-->super in love, with very little progression in between.

rme2020's review against another edition

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I absolutely love this story! Every. Single. Page.