
The Revenge Playbook by Rachael Allen

woodmonsters's review

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This book was really great. I'm super happy that I got to read it because it was one of the best books I've read. The characters were great, very dimensional and they truly felt like real people. The plot was very interesting and it kept me interested till the very end. What I loved the most about this book is that it is no way about romance (like most YA books) it's about female friendship. Girls coming together to get even with a bunch of misogynist assholes!! It was funny at some parts and serious in others which made it enjoyable (Hint: I like to read to have a good time not to suffer with characters who can't catch a break).
I only had 2 issues with this book:
-number 1: it wrongly referenced Game of Thrones (Daenerys is not a Princess!!)
-number2: it was too short! It could have been a lot longer! I want to know what happened next! Did Peyton and Rey date? Did Ana get justice? I loved it so much I didn't want it to end.
Overall, it's an awesome book and I recommend it 100%

lavendermarch's review against another edition

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emilyanne3000's review against another edition

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What a gem! This book is everything I wanted and more. Sure, it was fun and hilarious at parts, but also dealt with serious issues. The Revenge Playbook is Important with a capital I, yet isn't yelling in your face. (Although at some parts you'll feel like yelling in anger... in a good way.) I urge you to pick up this read that I adored greatly!

Firstly, the friendship is on point. My heart was warmed and I LOVE seeing female friendship in books with different dynamics. Often, I feel as if the same friendship tropes are recycled and overused but Allen impressed me. It was sweet and empowering.

Each girl had her own story, but I didn’t feel as if the book was choppy as a result. In fact, knowing so much about each girl made their friendship all the more powerful and brought in so many more themes/discussion topics such as rape culture, stepping out of your comfort zone, teacher bias, religion, and divorce. Additionally, the author points out that girls shouldn't be ridiculed whether they wear very modest clothes or show skin... and points out other unfair double standards in which the girl can never win. (and there is dancing :D)

There is romance, although it isn't the focus of the novel. I loved all the the love interests. They were real, and some made mistakes, but all were good guys (unlike some specific football team members). I especially loved Trevor and Michael.

Sure, you are supposed to hate some horrible football players and some unfair teachers and counselors (Ugh. I'm still angry about Peyton's geometry class!). However, there are still great characters such as the protagonists (duh), the aforementioned love interests, guy and girl friends, and even awesome bikers. You also get a glimpse into some of the girl's families and see so many different parent dynamics. There is such a great variety of characters!

Of course, the scavenger hunt for the sacred football (or whatever) was so much fun and I had a blast reading about it! I felt as if something of mine was at stake while reading! (BEAT THAT HORRIBLE FOOTBALL TEAM GIRLS!) This leads me to the conclusion. I wanted to see MORE MORE MORE justice but I guess the book was trying to be realistic. *sigh* I still loved the ending though. It put me to tears and I felt a sense of rightness in the world finally.

Overall, read this book. There is so much awesomeness to discuss. (And it is a feminist's dream!)

theloveofinches's review against another edition

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this is more of a 3.6/5 rating. I won't say it was one of the best books I've ever read or even one of the best books I've read this fall. but I will say Allen addresses feminism and rape culture in such a natural way that makes complete sense without being too heavy. these girls don't apologize for who they are. the writing could have been better, but the themes and messages were spot on.

merlin_reads's review

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 This was a quick but cute read. Very reminiscent of John Tucker Must Die, but instead of being against just one guy, the girls are against the entire football team - and there are some pretty heavy topics.

This book focuses heavily on jock culture. The football team are the stars and they know it, they also get away with anything they want from grades to how they treat girls. It's something that is very prevalent in our society and has been the focus of much speculation.

I really enjoyed the coming together of the girls. Most of them didn't really know each other before this while two of them were ex-best friends. Allen did a great job of showcasing women supporting each other and also what it's like to really become a part of something. I also liked how each of the girls had their own distinct personalities but just came together so effortlessly.

There's Melanie Jane, the perfectionist who gets dumped by her jock boyfriend because she won't sleep with him or let him tell his team that they've had sex even though they hadn't.

There's Liv, the firecracker member of the dance team who gets dumped by her jock boyfriend because his team mates told him to.

Then there's Peyton, the quiet one who watches as the football team gets passes on homework and exams but yet she, who has a documented learning disability, gets ridiculed and picked on without anyone stepping in - meaning the teacher.

Finally there's Ana, who probably has the hardest story of them all. Ana was drugged at a party and sexually assaulted by a member of the football team. When she tried to tell someone about it, they turned the blame on her.

Each girl has their reason for revenge, but it's their strength and friendship that guide this book. Allen does also make it a point to mention that not all of the football players are assholes. It's definitely not a blanket generalization, and there are some really good guys from the football team in here. I thought that was important that she showed that.

This book was a quick read but it was funny, sad, and motivating all at once. Will definitely check out more from Allen. 

charmaineac's review against another edition

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This one was pretty terrible. I felt like the main message was convoluted. If girl power was such a strong theme, then why undermine the bonds and friendships by making relationships such a huge part of the story? Maybe Allen is trying to show that not all men are evil, but I still felt some inherent biases coursing underneath the story.

Is this supposed to be set in Conservative Middle America? It felt almost TOO MUCH too me. There's no way a town could be so completely defensive of inexcusable behaviour. The internet exists??? We don't live in a bubble?? Someone would put an end to this much injustice, and revenge is never the answer. Stop trying to justify vindictive behaviour. It was really difficult to suspend my disbelief to roll with the storyline. Unfortunate, because I was such a fan of Allen's debut title!

thepaperreels's review

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REVIEW + PLAYLIST (Taylor Swift edition)



I can't remember the last time I fangirled this hard over a book. The Revenge Playbook screams 'I'm a girl and I LOVE IT!' This book has lots of elements that made it such a great awesome read and Rachael Allen is all kinds of amazing because of that. I don't know why I still haven't read Rachael's 17 first kisses but I'm sure gonna fix that soon. If this is how excellent she writes, and this is how great her plotlines are... then I will surely LOVE IT.

The characters in this book are golden. Each and every one of them. And I like how un-cliche they are and how each of the girls represent a type of girl in this world. I mean, I'm totally LIV. And sad to say, I'm also one of those girls who is affected by the Swift-Cyrus phenomenon (you'll understand this when you read the book) Its amazing how different kind of girls can get along because of one ultimate goal. I'm telling you people, GIRLS ARE GENIUSES ATTRACTIVE HUMAN BEINGS THAT CAN REALLY RULE THE WORLD IF THEY WANTED TO. That is a fact! I can't pick a favorite or the best character because each of them are written in amazing way. Even the guys! They're far from perfect, which makes them great characters as well.

I cannot even explain the amount of swoony moments this book have and HEY, I'M NOT COMPLAINING! I did not only swooned over the relationships, but also over the friendships. Friendships that is totally written in the most realistic way!

The Revenge Playbook is such a gem that you won't stop recommending to everyone. It was fun and light and swoony but also provocative. You'll feel empowered and warm fuzzy feelings will just took over your body. There's a lot of message and poignant topics that was tackled in this book and Rachael Allen did it in the most epic way!





With the help of my peeps over at Twitter, I compiled a list of Taylor Swift songs that would be perfect for this wonderful novel (Shoutout to you all!)


Bad Blood

- If I would choose a OST, this would be the one. Just like the book, theres something sk empowering about this song. And for some reason, it screams GIRL POWER! (Just like the book)


You Are In Love

- Uhm, it wouldn't be right if I won't dedicate a song to my favorite couple ever. I just really, REALLY, love how Melanie Jean's relationship with Michael happened. You know that book couple that you root from the very start? Yes, its them!


All You Had To is Stay

- I love the four of them individually and especially when they're together. But I'll dedicate this song to Ana and MelJean only. Their friendship was tested and went through the toughest time and I just adore how they survived it,


I Wish You Would/I Know Places

- Well of course! Just because Michael and MelJean is my favorite doesn't mean Liv and her man will be ignored. The guy just melted my (and Liv's) heart, he deserves a song(s)!!


Out of The Woods

- Out of all mg OTP's in this book, Peyton and Ray is the one I feel so deprived of. I want more of them. And everytime I listen to this song, I can't help but have all the PeyRay feels. Quiet. But leaves an impact.
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kiki_pegg's review

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i come back again and again for this book! I love revenge. concept well done and honestly that is very important !! 

chapteriosity's review

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I was expecting a group girls trying to get revenge through sports competition but what did I get? Do not be fooled guys. The synopsis may say “beat at their own game” but the whole book is actually about a scavenger hunt and no, this isn’t a spoiler. Throughout the book, I didn’t feel any sort of connection with the characters but if I had to choose, I like Liv’s character’s best because honestly, hers stuck to my mind and still do until now. I read this book weeks ago and I have already forgotten most of the plot… So yeah, a huge disappointment since everyone has been recommending this. But overall, I appreciate that this book is about justice and equality. I could feel the whole “girl power” vibe.

ninas_nook's review

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I read Rachael Allen's debut novel, 17 First Kisses, last year and it was incredible. I loved the characters, the emotions, the feels it gave me, and essentially it had my hopes for this follow up extremely high. This was a really great second novel, though it is very different than 17 First Kisses and I will tell you why!

In The Revenge Playbook we are shown a group of girls, each experiencing different troubles, but each seems to stem from the same source... their high school football team. These girls come together through a single purpose - to get revenge.

I really enjoyed this book, and I was interested from the beginning. The girls each dealt with their own problems and issues, but they did so in ways which felt real to me. Slowly throughout the novel we are shown their back stories and their relation to each other, which makes everything become clear.

This is a fun contemporary and it feels lighter than Rachael Allen's debut. This book deals with some deeper issues very well, but ultimately the idea of revenge and the girl's antics towards each other make it feel lighter and fun.

Having said that though there are some very important issues in this book that make the girl's reactions and their antics towards the team make complete sense. Not to mention there is some serious girl power that should be around more in books. At times this book shows the worst in people, but it shows the best in them, too. This book was more powerful than I expected initially upon seeing the cover, and I really enjoyed what was found in the pages.

While I did enjoy this one a lot, I did miss the emotions that 17 First Kisses gave me. There were so many characters to care about with this book that I felt I didn't feel the same connection. Rachael Allen's writing is still fantastic though, and the feelings were there, they were just lessened a bit.

Ultimately this book is about girl power and friendship - if you like contemporary's you should check this one out.