
Ödemark by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir

dorthepedersen_reads's review against another edition

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Knap så god som de øvrige bøger i serien - men hele scenen er også flyttet ud og væk, og personerne fremstår knap så klart som tidligere. På plussiden tæller en følelse af 'suspense' igennem bogen, men til gengæld løses plottet lidt på 'hovsa-måden', synes jeg - der afsløres vigtige faktorer til allersidst.

martha_w's review against another edition

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I was kind of disappointed that this one wasn't set in Iceland, but Greenland was definitely interesting too. This entry in the series definitely amped up the creepy factor.

bthoem's review against another edition

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Boka er ikke oversatt til norsk, så det ble dansk utgave.

jaranatalia's review against another edition

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dark mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


lawyergobblesbooks's review against another edition

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WHY cannot I read the next one for another WEEK???

bucherca49's review against another edition

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Although I like this author and this series, this particular novel was very slow-paced. In earlier novels, I enjoyed Thora's interaction with Michael and with Bella, but in this novel it was unclear why Michael and Bella were even there. There was little development of Michael and Thora's relationship. Bella was mostly absent from the novel. The setting in Greenland was interesting, but not enough for me to give this novel four stars.

joeriputtevils's review against another edition

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Zo donker en zo levensecht

freyjajok's review against another edition

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beckylej's review against another edition

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The Day is Dark takes Thóra out of the comfort of Iceland and into the harsh environment of Greenland when her now longtime significant other, Matthew, pitches a new job to her.

It seems Matthew's employers stand to lose quite a bit of money when a contractor they backed is dangerously close to defaulting on a job. The company in question, Berg Technology, had been hired by a British mining company to gather data and begin work on an excavation site in a remote area of Greenland. Berg's position there has been plagued by problems, though, including the disappearance of two employees and now the abandonment of the work site by all but two men. When the men in question can no longer be contacted, the bank decides it's time to investigate.

If this were your first read in the series (and they can most definitely be read out of order) you'd get a pretty good feel for Thóra very early on. In spite of the weirdness of the situation, the temptation of a "vacation" with Matthew is enough for her to say yes. And this holds true even after seeing a bizarre video that seems to indicate the two men left at the site have most definitely suffered a violent demise. She then proceeds to get drunk and pack a bag filled with a very Greenland inappropriate wardrobe.

That's our heroine. She's human and I do love her all the more for it.

Greenland is anything but romantic, especially when Thóra and team find bones strewn about the office. There's no sign to be found of the two men, the locals are anything but welcoming, and the Berg employees back in Iceland are not talking.

I was going to say that unlike the others The Day is Dark is not based in actual Icelandic (or in this case Greenlandic) history, but that's not quite true. It's certainly inspired by actual history though it's not reflective of any particular or specific history as the others are. It's still quite fun and the setting makes it an especially chilling read (literally and figuratively!).

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Oddný Hildur şi-a luat privirea de la ecranul laptopului, şi-a dat jos căştile şi a ascultat în tăcere. Vântul mugea, iar pereţii din lemn trosneau la rafalele mai puternice, dar, în rest, nu se auzea nimic. Ciudat. Avusese impresia că mai era cineva în clădire. Şi-a relaxat un pic umerii şi s-a uitat la ceas. Câteva minute până la miezul nopţii. Oare era chiar atât de târziu? Deci foarte puţin probabil să mai fi venit cineva, iar cei mai mulţi dintre colegii ei sau dormeau duşi, sau se pregăteau de călătoria spre ţara viselor. Posibil că îi jucase o festă imaginaţia. Cine ar fi putut umbla de colo-colo la o oră atât de târzie? Oddný Hildur a oftat. Muncise fără încetare de când se întorsese în biroul ei, după ce luase cina. Vremea se schimbase complet, superbul calm îngheţat transformându-se într-un viscol gălăgios care răscolea zăpada căzută dimineaţă. Vremea capricioasă de acolo deja nu o mai surprindea, dar tot nu reuşea să se obişnuiască cu ea. Acum regreta că nu respectase instrucţiunile de siguranţă şi nu anunţase ce planuri are după masa de seară – nu făcuse asta de teamă că cineva ar fi vrut să i se alăture. Arnar spusese că şi el ar fi vrut să mai lucreze un pic, dar, din fericire, nu venise. Oddný Hildur îşi dorise foarte mult să fie singură şi să termine treaba pe care o tot amânase, dar care acum chiar trebuia terminată. Niciodată nu era linişte când veneau şi ceilalţi, mai ales seara, după o zi de lucru obositoare.
Dintr-odată, regreta că venise acolo neînsoţită. În loc să se bucure de singurătate, era copleşită de o ciudată senzaţie de disconfort, ceea ce nu i se întâmpla des: era cunoscută drept o persoană fără multă imaginaţie şi, de obicei, se uita cu un aer nedumerit la cineva care spunea o glumă, în timp ce toţi cei din jurul ei se prăpădeau de râs – unde mai pui că nu se prindea de poantă nici mai târziu. Pe scurt, nu era sensibilă decât la fapte, trăsătură care constituia un avantaj în domeniul geologiei, dar o piedică în sfera relaţiilor umane.