
Angels Twice Descending by Robin Wasserman, Cassandra Clare

stankovic1402's review

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I can't... I really can't... đź’”

whiitewalker's review

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Me ha encantado. Simon Lovelace.


usopppxx's review

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That was sad and a little unsatisfying - like I wished we could of seen a little bit more at the end, about Simons new life as a Shadowhunter. My favourite bit, to be honest, was when Jessamine and George where together and Simon decided on Lovelace for his Shadowhunter name <3

pomochi's review

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one word:

seriously tho, couldn't I have made it through this finale withOUT heartbreak?!?! why must Cassandra Clare do this to us with every final book in each series she writes ;-;

shimauchiha's review

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Tales from shadowhunter academy always had the feeling of fanfiction for me,
I mean in any other series, they would make the perfect fanfiction material, daring people to tell the tales left unsaid. Of course this doesn't happen in Shadowhunter's world, because there nothing is ever left unsaid by the author.
Calm down, I'm not Clare-bashing. I actually have a point.

So you see, in a fanfiction, sure there is angst but you hardly ever expect a beloved character to just die, usually people just aren't ruthless enough to that. That's reason number one I didn't expect this ending.

Reason number two would be that this was written by Cassandra Clare and she is extremely kind to her characters. Sure, the end of TID had me crying my eyes out, but it didn't take away from the fact that basically it was the happiest ending possible. The end of TMI was kind of sickeningly sweet, Perfect happily ever after.
That's reason number two I didn't expect this ending.

I did read the synopsis, yes. You know what I took away from that? That the old Simon would die and the new Simon would be reborn.
I was just blindsided. I did not see the ending of this coming until the last second.
It hit me hard.

rosofthewords's review

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Damn you Cassandra!!!!!

¡¿Cómo te atreves a hacerme esto?!

No no no no no no...

Lo sabía. No se, empece el relato y algo en mi interior me decía que esto iba a pasar pero lo ignoré. Ugh.

No dire nada. No voy a spoilear a nadie.

Cassandra Clare tiene una facilidad para hacerme terminar sus series en lágrimas.

Para aquellos Sizzy shippers, este es su relato... La primera mitad.

La otra mitad los dejará en un pozo oscuro lleno de amargura, tristeza y lágrimas.

majd_98's review

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I loved this novella series! I'm in love with the characters more than ever... But why?! Why does it have to end like this?!!! Simon chose his last name... And it's so emotional.
I just wish it ended more happily...

books4susie's review

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Say it ain't so! Come on March and Lady Midnight. I'm ready.

juulisbad's review

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This was a little lame for my taste, very predictable but a good ending to a series of short stories

gaymoonreader's review

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I don't know what to say other than I am not okay. I am trying to hold back tears because I knew something bad was going to happen, but I did not expect this certain bad thing to happen to this certain good person, and I just am kind of overwhelmed right now. I am still processing what happened. This was a novella, meaning it happened really fast, and I haven't had time to process, but I am still not okay with what happened at the end.

But I thought it was really interesting to see the actual Ascension ceremony because, in the other books, it is something we hear about, but we never really see happen. We pretty much follow born Shadowhunters. But we know what happens if it goes south. That's a huge thing that is just being held over our heads throughout this entire series, especially in this book. But I loved seeing the ceremony. I thought it was really cool to see.

And while I didn't like what happened, it was kind of inevitable. I knew something bad was bound to happen, but I just was not sure what. I think the actual end scene was really fitting as well, and I think it really helped bring some closure to the end of this series, I really liked it.

Overall, this book was really heartbreaking, but I really loved it. The writing was as fabulous as always, the world was just as intricate and complex and interesting as always, and I am just really happy that I finally finished off this series so that I can start Lord of Shadows!