
A Lady for Lord Randall by Sarah Mallory

tessisreading2's review

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As others have said, this was a very pleasant category romance, taking place almost entirely far from the ballrooms that typically pepper a regency romance novel, with plenty of gory war detail and (a favorite of mine in regencies) a period-realistic Wollestonecraft-following "marriage is a trap for women" heroine. There were indeed artists chatting about (and living) free love back then! The hero is a strait-laced earl-slash-military commander; the heroine is a free-thinking, independent schoolteacher. He assumes that her "career" looking after "ladies" means she's a prostitute but thankfully this is dealt with relatively quickly and with a minimum of drama. All in all, a nice read.

scoutmomskf's review

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Good book. This is the first in a trilogy centered around the Battle of Waterloo, but can easily be read as a stand alone. I read the series out of order and had no trouble following the story. Each book takes place during the same time period, the days just before and after the battle with a little bit of shared events.

Mary and Justin meet at a dinner party in England. Justin is visiting his sister and accompanies her to a dinner where the attendees are an eclectic group of artists, writers, scholar and free thinkers. As a nobleman and a career soldier, he feels quite out of place, and as a man who admits to being low in social graces he is rather awkward. Mary notices him and makes an effort to talk to him and ease his discomfort. Mary is a woman who was raised by free thinking parents, and has an independent spirit and a mind of her own. She runs a girls' school in Brussels and has no plans to marry.

There are sparks between Mary and Justin from the beginning, but they are so different in background and attitude that they realize there is no future in a relationship. Justin's sister has other ideas, and maneuvers Justin into escorting Mary back to Belgium with him. During the trip their interest and attraction to each other grow, but are determined to part ways when they reach their destination. However, they can't seem to stay away from each other and decide to pursue a friendship in the time leading up to the battle they know is coming.

I really enjoyed seeing how well they got along in spite of their perceived differences. Justin has been careful in the past to avoid romantic entanglements. His father was a notorious womanizer, leaving an untold number of illegitimate children behind, and Justin believes that he is like his father. He refuses to allow himself to love a woman and put her through the kind of hell his mother suffered. But the more time he spends with her, the more he likes her, and finds his resolve to remain a bachelor wavering. I enjoyed the way that his previous attitude toward her background changed as he got to know her. Mary finds herself just as drawn to Justin, in spite of the fact he represents everything she dislikes. He is a nobleman and she believes that people should be judged on what they do, not who they are. He is also a soldier, and she hates the violence of war. As she gets to know him, she sees that he is not an arrogant aristocrat but actually a good man. As the time of battle grows closer, they choose to reach for some happiness.

At this point things are looking very promising in their romance. Justin begins to believe in the possibility of marriage, and Mary is ready to take a chance on them also. Then Justin jumps to an illogical conclusion and says some really cruel things to Mary because of it. By the time he realizes he's wrong, it's too late. He's in the midst of battle and Mary is justifiably hurt and angry.

Now Justin has to survive the battle and find a way to make amends with Mary if he wants what he had before. As hurt as she is, Mary can't bring herself to leave Brussels while the battle is happening because she is worried about Justin. When she discovers he's missing, I loved seeing the way she takes charge. She worked hard to care for him while at the same time trying to protect her heart. Justin is determined to find a way to gain her forgiveness, but Mary doesn't make it easy. There are some tense moments, but in the end, it does work out.

tearainread's review

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After completing the series, I am bumping the star rating up to 4.5 stars (rounded up by GR to 5 stars).

What a great start to the trilogy! I read this from start to finish in a day, growling at people who dared to interrupt my reading. Mary Endacott is a layered, wonderful heroine and Justin (Earl Randall) was a loveable grump. Their story is rich in emotion, a bit of angst, and suspense. It was nice having a smart heroine who also had social graces and could work a room without playing a dim-bulb. Justin's military leadership was put to the test and his scene with Gideon after the battle of Quatre Bras was a tear jerker. I think he could have put a little more effort into his grovel at the end, but I really rooted for this couple to get their HEA.

One of the reasons I wanted to read this series is that, unlike most Regencies, this one dealt with the war with Napleon in a real sense, so the inane frippery that is found in parlors or ballrooms isn't here. So if you are looking for a something different in Regency romance, I would recommend this book.