
When Girlfriends Take Chances by Savannah Page

novelnotions's review against another edition

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I enjoyed reading this story focusing on Emily and her wanderlust while I was also traveling. A sweet story about the power of female friendships and how those are sustained as other relationships come and go. I did find Jackie to be more frustrating in this story than others but hat makes me more intrigued to read the remaining books in the series to see how their character is addressed/resolved.

obsidian_blue's review against another edition

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I have been reading Savannah Page's "When Girlfriends" series for a little while now. To date, my favorite from that series off the top of my head was, When Girlfriends Step Up.

This novel focuses on the fifth girl in our ensemble, Emily Saunders. Emily is a trust fund baby who does not need to work, but does work part time at her friend Sophie's cafe (see When Girlfriends Break Hearts) and freelances as a photographer. Emily definitely loves to travel, however, doesn't know if she will ever find the one like her friends since she cannot see herself staying in one place for too long.

When Emily mentions thinking about traveling again, her friends decide that all of them will set her up with a blind date so that she can finally see about committing to someone and find love.

I would suggest first time readers start with "When Girlfriends Break Hearts". That novel was the weakest in the series for me. However, you need to start there to get all of the relationships straight in your head and also to know what characters are talking about when they refer to past events. Ms. Page assumes the readers have been reading right along in order so she does not feel the need to re-introduce every little thing (thank goodness) but does refer to things to ensure that a cold reader would not be confused about what characters are discussing.

I am very happy that with Emily's story Ms. Page provides more details on Seattle, Pike Place Market, the parks, everything.

I was also happy that with Emily's character we got more insight into Jackie and more of the other girls as well.

The only reason why I dropped this half a star was because I thought it was a bit much that all of Emily's friends pretty much acted that until she found the one she was never going to be committed to anything. I found Emily very committed to finding what works for her, her work, her friends, and her resolve to return to Africa. Since I am a traveler (semi-retired) I felt myself more emphatic to Emily's character since I have friends who are constantly trying to fix me up and don't understand why I am single. I also want to say just like in the last book that Clarie (When Girlfriends Chase Dreams) was still annoying. I don't like that she sticks her nose in everything and seems to feel that when she is ready to get married or have kids her now husband needs to get on the same page. I know that Emily said she was glad to see Claire back to normal but I really didn't see that.

Would definitely recommend to fans of the series!

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

I was a bit disappointed when I started reading When Girlfriends Take Chances as I mistakenly thought it was Jackie's story, who I have been really excited to read. So it took me a chapter or two to get into this one as it is Emily's story, Emily who is always off traveling the world and helping people in need and who I never really felt like I knew before this book. Sure she is in the other ones, but not like the other girlfriend because she is not there there all the time. When traveling she checks in once and a while, but it is different. So once I got over the fact that I would have to wait for Jackie's story I was excited to keep reading.

Emily has major wanderlust. She is not one to be tied down to one place for long, but she has been in Seattle for a while now. Longer than usual and she is getting the itch to go do something. Maybe go back to Africa and help out there if she can. With all the traveling and volunteering she does that doesn't leave her with a lot of time to find love. To find someone to share her life with her. Not that she needs that, but it might be nice. But how would that even work if she doesn't like being in one place for long?

Well her girlfriends take it upon themselves to try and set Emily up with her perfect match. They each get one shot at a blind date that will hopefully spell love for her. I really enjoyed this one, but maybe not quite as much as the other because it is not so crazy. It is a nice story about Emily trying to find love and a few dates she goes on. The guys some of the ladies set her up on were great. Some of them I loved, some of them were duds, and does she find her dream guy? It was a fun read with a few twists and surprising reveals (or confirmation of a few things that I cannot wait to see how they play out in later books!!). I like Emily and I enjoyed her story. Plus, as always, I love seeing what the other girlfriends are up to. I am reading through these books so quickly it is going to be over soon and then what will I do? I guess I could always re-read the girlfriend's stories.