
Did Not Finish by Nicola Marsh

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amym84's review against another edition

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Mia is an influential book reviewer who dreams of publishing her own stories one day. Her dreams are close to being realized when she wins a spot at a writing retreat hosted by none other than renowned suspense author - and one of Mia's favorites - Axel Lowe.

Axel Lowe is happy to be able to make a living writing. Not only for himself but for his younger sister whom he supports. When his books sell well, he can rest assured knowing they'll be taken care of. However, when his latest book gets the dreaded DNF (Did Not Finish), he agrees to host the writing retreat in order hopefully start some positive buzz about his next future release..or else.

However, Axel has ulterior motives. It turns out that Mia is the one who gave the DNF to Axel's book, and he plans to use her attendance at the retreat to get even. That is, until they meet and their chemistry is off the charts. But can their burgeoning relationship survive secrets and assumptions? They'll have plenty of time to figure it out since the weather report says there's snow in the forecast.

The story is told alternating between Mia and Axel's perspectives and, in this regard, I loved that dual narrators were used. I think it adds depth to each character because they each get their own personality which is easily conveyed through their own narrator. I thought both did a good job of narrating their respective character. And really for the majority of the story, it is Mia and Axel. I felt like the secondary characters didn't get as much identification, which I can't be too upset about because they are not the main focus of the story.

I appreciated the fact that this was a quick "listen". It went along at a good clip, but be aware that this also means that there's a lot of insta that happens. Insta-attraction, insta-love. Because it's a relatively short story, there's not much time for things to languidly develop. I didn't find anything wrong with this, I thought that Nicola Marsh handled the pacing really well, I just understand that quick-to-happen romances are not everyone's cuppa.

I loved that Nicola Marsh ran the gambit with the tropes and knew it too! Writing a book about writers you can't help but call out the various publishing quirks. I liked that it's a slight inside look, but also a bit tongue-in-cheek.

I found Mia and Axel to be interesting characters. I think was drove the story for me, mostly, was seeing them get to the point where all the cards are on the table. Readers will know the secrets before Mia does and typically I find this slows pacing down. But Nicola Marsh is clever in that there's still plenty that readers don't know about Axel, the issues that he doesn't even want to reveal to himself, that we still get that drive to learn more.

It's a sweet, quick, read (listen) and perfect for book and romace lovers.

nicosaurus_rex's review against another edition

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The title is a bit ironic, cause I wanted to mark it as DNF. Alas I was halfway through and never getting that time back so I powered through. Felt zero connection to the characters, the story, or their relationship.

daisybookattic's review against another edition

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When snowed in with your favorite writer ( a low profile keeping attractive writer) because you won't competition and you have the opportunity to ask about your novel you are currently writing .. what are the things that could go wrong ?

Mia and axel had an amazing chemistry and they talk really deep. I loved That I found myself laughing and also I found the writing style quiet enjoyable.

This won't definitely be my last read by this author

rachaelm__'s review against another edition

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very middle of the road

thaliaohh's review against another edition

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Spice: Fade to Black

Enemies to Lovers✔️
Grumpy/Sunshine ✔️
Forced Proximity ✔️
Dual POV ✔️
Age Gap (MMC 38/ FMC 28) ✔️

If you're a fan of books by authors like Emily Henry, Beth O' Leary, Mhairi Mcfarlane, Sophie Kinsella, etc. you will love Did Not Finish by Nicola Marsh.

Mia Samson is a popular book reviewer who is also wanting to get into the publishing game. As an aspiring author, she knows that reviews are crucial & her reviews have been known to sway readers. Mia gives the book 5 stars & the book becomes popular, QUICK. But 1 DNF review from her, can have that book shelved FAST!

Axel Low is a best selling author, who has seen, what Mia's DNF reviews do to books & their authors. He ends up hosting a writing retreat for a couple of aspiring writers, and Mia happens to be one of them. He asks Mia to come one day early, his intentions? To teach her a lesson. Axel is set to show Mia how it feels to receive a scathing review, except he finds himself snowed in... with Mia.. with no way out for the next week.. in his rustic and cozy cabin.

This was a nice, light story, that had a 'Hallmark' type of feel so if you're into that, GET THIS. The 'spice' in this book, I can write as NONEXISTENT as the scenes were very fade to black. Nothing wrong with a book having NO spice, but just wanted to point that out.

The mentions of different tropes and other bookish things was cute. I LOVED the Gilmore Girls references as that's one of my favorite shows.

The 'connection' between Axel & Mia seemed pretty fast, more 'insta-love' if I'm being honest & was very hard for me to establish something real between the two with the timeline being literally 7 days.

This book was just... blah c u t e but cute, nonetheless.

*Thank you to Nicola Marsh and team for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

books_and_more_books_byt's review against another edition

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Light and flirty romantic comedy that was a fun book to read. I love how the author had the main characters using different tropes as part of their witty banter. It was original and perfect since they were both writers. The book was well-written and entertaining. The grumpy-sunshiny plot had many layers with intrigue and twists buried in it.
Mia writes book reviews, but she was secretly writing a novel that she hoped to get published. Winning the retreat with bestselling Axel Low was an excellent opportunity for her to get feedback and have her work published. Axel wants revenge for the reviews Mia has written for his books. Her reviews affect the sales of books, and he wants her to know what it is like to have her work criticized. Neither is what the other expected and the chemistry between them is also surprising.
This was a cute, low-angst romantic comedy that I found to be entertaining and I recommend it if you are looking for a fun and light book to read.
I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

smalltownbookmom's review against another edition

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This was a tropetastic, fun, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, dual POV romance perfect for fans of Book lovers by Emily Henry. I loved how meta this book was with two writer characters. Axel is a best-selling author in a slump, and Mia is an aspiring author looking for help who wins a coveted spot in a writer's retreat that Axel is hosting. Mia is also a professional book reviewer who has not been very kind to Axel's last few books. Together these two has irresistible chemistry both on page and off. Great on audio and one of my new favorite books from Nicola Marsh. I loved how much of herself I could see in these characters!! Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

ldooten's review against another edition

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I knew going in with a title like this, that it was going to be bad if I actually didn't finish. Unfortunately, it fell into the DNF category for me. I have to agree with Mia on one thing, my reading time is limited, and I don't want to use it on something that I'm not enjoying. I wasn't a fan of Mia from the start. She took pleasure in giving people the truth of whether or not she liked a book, but as a budding author, she didn't want people to be able to do the same to her. Axel had reasons to want to keep his identity hidden, but the whole "enemies to lovers" trope wasn't really even relevant here. It lasted for about 5 pages. Their insta-love was strong though, which I have to say, is usually a do not read for me. I felt like the blurb made this seem like a romantic comedy, but I didn't find it funny at all. This was a first for me from this author, and although I didn't enjoy this one, I would give her another read.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

dianaandthebookhunt's review against another edition

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It had the potential to be more with the bookish plotline, but it was like the writer wanted to throw in as many 'bookish features' as possible for the character to act out, but that made me feel like the progression in the relationship between Mia and Axel was not natural, but schemed out. Also, I felt like if the book was a bit longer, the characters would have benefitted from it. It felt like they fell in love too quickly, but I don't know why they love eachother. It was written in an engaging way I did fly through it, but it could have been better.