
Bourbon Sins by Meghan Quinn

gingerbookaddict's review against another edition

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This author has promise.

Review to come.


So many things....where to start...
There was raging.
There was laughing.
And yes...there were some sexy times.

The sexy times will get me to read another Quinn book,
but those characters...and the lady folds (
Spoiler yes at one point they were clapping...yes, clapping *shudder*

Please. No. More. Lady. Folds.

Alright moving on.

I kept waiting for him to get some sort of redeeming quality. I guess I am still waiting.
He basically finds out their weaknesses (monetary mostly I am sure) and preys upon them brings them to the club so he can help them. They have no choice, or he makes it so they don't have a choice.
Spoiler He has her robbed on her way to the bank to deposit her rent money when she doesn't say yes fast enough. What a douche. I can't wait for her to find out about that. I simply must come up later!

Then there is the constant mind games he plays with everyone around him:
"I have a good amount of evidence that would convict you." (said to his 'best friend')
"She needs a little crushing in order to see that we really are her only choice."
Oh and then he keeps Goldie (or Lo) at a distance until she is 'panting for it'. *SMH* Then he asks her on a date, but he doesn't have 'relationships'. Then why did you ask her on a 'date'?! AAAARRRGGGHHH


So Goldie was cute and I even liked her character if only it wasn't for her referring to how much feminists would look down on her choices.
I'm sorry. I must rant. Talk amongst yourselves if you prefer. I'll give you a topic: Cheese Curds vs. Squeekie Cheese.

Ok. So.
1. the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

That means that a 'Feminist' would believe that you have the RIGHT to make the choice to 'sign your pussy over to Jet'. A true feminist would not attack you for making a choice. Feminists went through hell so that we have many of the rights we have today. One of them being the right to not be beat in our own home. The right to vote. The list goes on and on. A feminist can be a sub just as easily as a dom. Stop using 'feminism' as a dirty word. Jerk.

Ok so the review.

I enjoyed the dynamics of the girls. I love how they support each other, but there was some pranking and teasing that kept is believable to me.

I liked Kace as well. I am sure that he is going to get his own spin off series or something. I still want him to punch Jet
Spoiler again

I love that this did not end on a cliff hanger. You know the ones I speak of. The last page contains a kidnapping or a possible death. Yeah, none of that here. Bless you Quinn. Bless you.

Copy provided via NetGalley for an honest review.

seeingnight's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
review to come

mrszagata's review against another edition

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Oh Lo!!

And Oh JETT!! I want to be a Jett girl when I grow up.. I want the life that is dreamt up inside this amazing author’s head for these amazing characters! Sign me up!

bluekaren's review against another edition

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This book is like my secret shame. I fucking loved it for all the wrong reasons, but they felt so right. Goldie was a girl after my own heart with her street slang and four-letter vocabulary. Goldie and Jett were a magical combination for me. Although, I really wanted her to hook up with Kace, too. Is that wrong? Nah, I bet Goldie could of handle them both.

Goldie is a girl in a her element working on bourbon street. She is a waitress at a club and does a few tricks at night to survive on her unfair wages. I bet Goldie would have actually told her no good boss where to stick it when he said they should split those tips, but no worries. Goldie is offered the job of a lifetime for a man named Jett. Her opportunity as a Jett girl offers her the money she needs to get out of dept, the freedom from having customers grope her for practically nothing, and a mansion to live in. The only thing is she needs to submit to Jett, just be his exclusively, and follow the rules of the house. Can Goldie handle her job, and is she really good enough to be a Jett girl?

The beginning kind of threw me off. This story starts with a girl enjoying being the center of attention, flaunting her assets, and it caught me off guard. I loved her attitude. She is just a good time girl with a big heart and an even bigger sexual appetite. She is drunk in a few scenes, and accidentally (on purpose) drives the men around her a bit crazy with her quick wit and smoking hot body.

Jett is a guy trying to something good with his money, and get everything a single man could ever want in return. He runs an exclusive club for the wealthy where he has street girls entertain. The men can only watch, no touching at all. The woman are well cared for, have the opportunity at an education and are paid well for their time. The only man they are allowed to play with is Jett, and that is only if they consent. Naturally, the girls are happy to oblige Jett since he is so good to them. Jett hand picks all his girls and tries to keep them happy. He also gets exclusive right to sex with all of them without commitment. Jett needs a girl like Goldie to throw him off his thrown.

This book gives the point of view from Goldie and Jett. I liked this whole idea of rags to riches with feminine sexual empowerment. This story brings together some great characters and makes us love them all. Kace is Jetts right hand man and gives Goldie a hard time. The Jett girls are all so fun and treat Goldie so well. The sex scenes in this story are blistering hot. I wish Kace would have made an appearance in one of them. Kace is such an arrogant piece of eye candy. I was actually torn between Jett and Kace. They both seem like good matches for Goldie.

I really enjoyed this book. It had humor and ver6y a very sexy read. I thought it ended in a good place. It could be treated like a stand alone. I am fortunate to be able to continue to sage with Being a Jett Girl.

capa105's review

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Guys, I’m a huge fan of Meghan Quinn. I’ve loved all the books I read from her, so even though a was a bit weary of this blurb, I still gave it a shot. It was also an absolute surprise, because I wasn’t quite expecting to receive this book to review. But let’s move on…

So, kudos to Meghan Quinn, because her writing is awesome as usual. Erotica is not usually an easy genre to insert comedy into, and Meghan did that, and she did it well. I have to say though, that given that this was a reedition of the book, I didn’t expect to find some incongruences in the verbal tenses, and I did. It bugged me a bit to be honest.

No matter how good of a writer Meghan Quinn is, the story and the theme just weren’t my thing at all. The whole plot of a rich guy saving a poor girl, taking her out of the streets and so on, I could be on board with. But the whole club, strip, and sex thing was too much. Jett takes Goldie to his club, no one can touch her there, the conditions are amazing, she has everything she needs, but she has to submit to a guy she never saw… she has to sign a contract and agree to have sex with him exclusively. Yeah, I could have gone without that part.

My other issue was that I didn’t like the characters. I’m gonna say that Goldie was very hard for me to get. First of all, I couldn’t pinpoint her age, and that drove me crazy. It’s mentioned that she’s been working at the strip club for 9 years, since she lost her parents to Katrina. It’s never mentioned that she started there before she was 18, so I’m gonna assume that by the time this book takes place, she’s already 27 years old. However, she sounds so much younger… I would have put her voice at around 22/23 yo, and that’s just a bit messed up. This is supposed to be a super self sufficient woman, but I never felt like that. I also get that she’s a super sexual person, no issue with that, but the narrative is a bit too much on this issue… she gets turned on by EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!!!! Sheets, clothes, any guy, or girl, or just random wood. It’s too much. Especially once she forms a bond with Jett, because then these things become a bit weird and creepy.

For instance, she knows Kade and Jett are friends, however she still teases Kade every chance she gets, even though she LIKES Jett, and she KNOWS how Kade feels. It was just wrong.

Jett, well, I get his past, I do, but again, things don’t add up in terms of timeline and gravity of the events. And I get his need for control, but not in the way it’s done in this book. What he does to get Goldie to agree to go to his club, is despicable, and I hated that this was never discussed in this book.

The romance didn’t work for me either, because these 2 hardly know each other, and he’s obsessed, and she’s doing whatever he wants… I didn’t feel it.

There are some good scenes in this book, I liked some of the scenes between Jett and Goldie, and they do have chemistry, and their sexy times are super well done. But still, that was not enough to actually do this book for me. And while I’m curious about the remaining books in this series, I’m not sure that will be enough to make me want to read them.

stephsbookramblings's review

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As per her usual, Meghan Quinn gives you giggles, sexiness and makes you tear-up a bit which always makes for a great romance! See my full review here:

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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This book is crazy! Goldie's internal monologues caused me shudder in equal amounts of disgust and excitement. The labels she gave lady parts (ex. meat curtains?) were pretty gross. But her absurdity is what made her hilarious. I'm just not sure if I was laughing with her or at her.

Goldie suffered a lot. She lost her parents, her life, to Hurricane Katrina. Since then, she has basically sold everything but her soul to survive. Jett coming into her life couldn't have happened at a better time. Ya, she's still working in a sex club, but it's 'classy' (think more burlesque). At least she had a better shot at life.

Jett was a hot mess, emphasis on hot. He suffered a troubled but affluent childhood, and heart break. This has caused him to rule out relationships and love. He does have a heart and uses it to save women from a life on the streets. He provides an income, an education, and protection. All at arms length. He gives these women his body as well but never his heart. Until Goldie. She was a game changer and it was interesting to read how much he fought against her.

Kace sounded crazy hot. A huge part of me wanted Goldie to choose him. I hope he gets his own HEA.

Rex seemed shady, even before details were given. I never trusted him. I hope he and Jett's dad Leo get their comeuppance.

There is no HEA here. I'm guessing there is more to this roller coaster in book 2.

nbiblioholic's review

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If you've read the original Bourbon series by Meghan Quinn, then this book will seem familiar. And for those of you who haven't... Well, you're definitely in for a treat!

This book is crazy! Goldie's internal monologues caused me to shudder in equal amounts of disgust and excitement. The labels she gave lady parts (ex. meat curtains?) were pretty gross. But her absurdity is what made her hilarious. I'm just not sure if I was laughing with her or at her.

Goldie suffered a lot. She lost her parents, her life, to Hurricane Katrina. Since then, she has basically sold everything but her soul to survive. Jett coming into her life couldn't have happened at a better time. Ya, she's still working in a sex club, but it's 'classy' (think more burlesque). At least she had a better shot at life.

Jett was a hot mess, emphasis on hot. He suffered a troubled but affluent childhood, and heart break. This has caused him to rule out relationships and love. He does have a heart and uses it to save women from a life on the streets. He provides an income, an education, and protection. All at arms length. He gives these women his body as well but never his heart. Until Goldie. She was a game changer and it was interesting to read how much he fought against her.

There are a heap of interesting side characters that I couldn't help but like and be curious about and I wonder if the future holds a book for any of them. Kace sounded crazy hot. A huge part of me wanted Goldie to choose him. I hope he gets his own HEA. Rex seemed shady, even before details were given. I never trusted him. I hope he and Jett's dad Leo get their comeuppance.

Release Date: October 5, 2017
Genre: Erotica
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 4 out of 5
Type: Book 1 of the Bourbon series

meg349's review against another edition

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kristag19's review against another edition

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Goldie (the Heroine) has not had an easy life since Hurricane Katrina decimated her family. Slowly and scarcely Goldie has gotten by the last nine years by waitressing at a dump of a strip club and by selling her body.

What seems like by chance, Goldie is given an opportunity to change her situation and become a Jett Girl (which she has no clue what that is). Being down on her luck, Goldie takes the chance that she has been given and throws caution to the wind.

In becoming a Jett Girl, Goldie now Lo, is introduced to a new lifestyle, in which she is put into a house with four beautiful women (Babs, Tootse, Francy and Pepper) and two highly strung men (Kace and Jett), in addition to being educated, trained and cared for. This new life does come with a few restrictions, such as, none of the members of the Lafayette Club can know her true identity and if she so chooses, she only submits to Jett, the man behind her change of circumstance.

Will Goldie/Lo cut it as a Jett Girl? How will Goldie/Lo and Jett react to each other? What outside factors are trying to destroy Jett and his holdings? What is with Kace? Is love an option?

Read, read, read this great book. And engulf all the other books by Meghan Quinn while you are at it.