
Cold Heart, Warm Cowboy by Caitlin Crews

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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ARC courtesy of Netgalley.

I enjoyed the writing and characters in the first book in this series, but really disliked its conservative gender ideologies. I thought I would give this second book a try, to see if the traditional gender stuff was a one-off, or something central to this author's writing. Turns out it's pretty consistent, although the demands of the amnesia-trope plot make it a bit harder to indulge in wholeheartedly here.

We met rodeo rider Ty Everett, the middle brother in the dysfunctional Everett family, in the first book in this series, after he's returned to the family ranch to recover after being thrown and trampled by a bull. Ty's a cheerful, charming devil may care, not a stoic caretaker like his eldest brother, nor a high-achiever like his younger. What only Ty knows is that he's hiding behind his apparent drunkenness and refusal to take anything seriously, hiding from the fact that he can't remember the past two years of his life—and he can't feel much of anything, either.

When a gorgeous glittery Rodeo Queen (it's a real thing, a Rodeo Queen, this New England girl had to research to discover) arrives on the Everett ranch, claiming to know something about Ty's missing two years, Ty's drawn to her like he hasn't been drawn to anyone since his accident. And when Hannah announces that they're husband and wife, well—the one thing his drunken father hadn't done was keep a hold of his wife. Ty can prove that he's different with this second chance Hannah's given him, even if he can't remember Hannah or why he married her.

Turns out that no one else knows about the marriage, because a Rodeo Queen can't be married, so they kept their romance on the QT. And of course Hannah was a virgin, and would only sleep with Ty if he married her, so he did. But he wasn't so happy when she became accidentally pregnant (another thing Ty doesn't remember), and sent her away after his accident. Why she didn't stay anyways doesn't speak very well of Hannah's character. But the demands of the secret baby plot demand a separation, so Hannah's got to run away...

After the big child reveal, there's another round of Ty telling Hannah "you should leave" and Hannah leaving, before she comes to realize that "I always leave before anyone can tell me to go," and Ty finally realizes that he's not destined to become an abusive drunk like his father.

I liked Hannah's pluck and style, although I didn't share Ty's fascination with "the sheer array of products she claimed she had to use each and every day or the sight of her might scare off small children" (2555). And as with the first book in this series, I admired Crews' writing, especially her facility with dialogue. But the conservative gender politics behind the story are just not worth the pleasures it offers, at least to this reader. Some examples:

Hannah's mother's over-the-top man-hating:

"I've spent your entire life so far waiting for your daddy to wake up and do the right thing no matter the hush money his parents paid us. And guess what? It never happened. It's never going to happen. Do you want to know why?"
Hannah had sighed. "Because you can't trust a man."
"You can't trust a man," Mama had agreed, like it was a hallelujah. "Men always lie. They're no good and they're simply made that way" (620).

And this exchange between Hannah and Ty:

"Maybe I don't want to spend my life making meals for monosyllabic men, doing laundry, and seven thousand other domestic chores I would never do if left to my own devices." To which Ty replies, "The ranch runs fine whether you're here or not... What I mean is that anything you do to help is a gift. If you don't feel like giving that gift, don't." Which leaves Hannah feeling "childish and out of sorts, then" (2700)

And the gendered nature of Hannah's climactic realization that she always leaves because she's bought into her mother's man-hating bitterness: "I always leave before anyone can tell me to go. I always make sure that I don't let anyone really, truly hurt me. Sure, Ty said some terrible things to me in the hospital. But what kind of wife walks out and never returns? Never even checks in to see if maybe that was the pain medication talking? What kind of woman leaves her man like that?" (3632).

I don't think I'll be reading the third book in the series.

keller6690's review against another edition

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Cold Heart, Warm Cowboy is the second story in this series by Caitlin Crews. This is Ty and Hannah’s story. Again, setting in the beautiful fictional town of Cold River, Colorado. Such a beautiful setting. Like the first book I feel that character development could have been a lot deeper without so much of the story being told from within their heads. I prefer more direct dialog between the characters.

Ty is a professional bull rider recovering from a very bad bull riding injury which leaves him without his memory. Hannah is a former rodeo queen who had met during their rodeo circuit days. Hannah shows up at the ranch unannounced to inform Ty that they are married. As they learn each other again Hannah is still keeping a very big secret from Ty. While is keeping his memory loss problems from his family.

After a couple of weeks, Hannah is feeling guilty about not telling Ty the whole truth. Will Ty get his memory back, will Hannah reveal her secret, and will Ty and Hannah finally give themselves permission to fight for what they want in life? This book has so much potential. Overall, I did like the book and found myself routing for Hannah and Ty to wake up and find their way back to each other to create their forever family that they both deeply desire. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review of 4 stars.

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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Such a story of two people making bad and rash decisions leading to two temporary broken heart. So glad Ty and Hannah found a way for their hearts to heal.

curls's review against another edition

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Release date July 30, 2019

Hannah was in love with rodeo star Ty when he left her and broke her heart - and left her pregnant. She goes to his home town years later to confront him once and for all. When she confronts him, he treats her so casually she can’t figure him out.

Ty was thrown from a bull and has spent the last eighteen months getting his life together after nearly dying. He has kept it hidden from his family that he lost the memory of the last two years of his life before the bullfight by being charming or being drunk. So when Hannah shows up on his ranch and clearly knew him from the rodeo days, he’s intrigued.

This was a book where I wanted to yell just talk to each other already!!! Hannah takes way too long to tell him they are married. And I understood her reasons. She’s telling a man who had no intention of ever getting married that he changed his ways when they met and they fell in love. Being told about something you did with no memories of it is difficult because there are no emotions attached to the memory.

She eventually tells him they are married. He’s shocked. She realized he doesn’t have memories of her, and that means his absence in her life wasn’t intentional.

The problem with a secret marriage is if no one knows about it, when your spouse loses their memory you are working uphill to prove you’re together. And Hannah really struggles when he introduced her to his family as his wife. Not only have they not heard of her, they assume she left him high and dry when he was injured and shows up when he’s getting his life back together.

And she still hasn’t told him about their son.

I liked the rodeo culture. It’s not one I have read much about, so I was surprised when I looked up at how strict the Rodeo Queen rules actually are.

If a contemporary second chance romance with a wounded cowboy and a sugar and steel rodeo queen sounds intriguing - give this book a try.

chandlerainsley's review against another edition

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i don’t do memory loss or second chance romances (with a few exceptions) so this is a no for me :/

dnf @ 8%

teresajluvs2read's review against another edition

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**I received a copy of Cold Heart, Warm Cowboy from Net Galley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions were not solicited in any way.**

Cold Heart, Warm Cowboy by Caitlin Crews is the second book in her Cold River Ranch series. I loved the first book but this one panned out to be rather lukewarm but I'll still wait anxiously for the third brother to get his book. This is Ty Everett and Hannah Moore's story.

Hannah Moore who was a former Rodeo Queen met Ty at one of the rodeos where he was injured severely by the bull he was riding. Since his injuries also left him with amnesia and returned back to Cold River, Montana to recover. But he leaves Hannah with two things that she decides he needs to know about one is a child but the other is a surprise. So she decides after 10 months to head to the ranch and find Ty to give him a little information but how will he take it if he doesn't remember?

Ty Everett has always wanted two things to leave the ranch and his alcoholic father and rodeo he's accomplished both enjoying the rodeo bunnies was just a perk. When he meets Hannah it doesn't take long for him to realize that she may be "The One". However, one ride on a rather testy bull will injure him and take all his memories too. When she shows up at the ranch not only does he not know her but she drops a bombshell but only one, so he'll not only try to remember but could he see if they can start over?

My only problem with the story was how bitter Hannah's mother was even though she doesn't accept her bitterness toward men in general (both were abandoned even though Hannah wasn't really) but I still would give the book 4 stars.

mafryc's review against another edition

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A very sweet romance, making for a fun laid-back read.

Very mild spoilers
Hannah and Ty are rodeo folk through-and-through he a bull rider, she a rodeo queen, and this means more to them than I understand, not being from the rodeo crew myself. They fall in love, keep their marriage secret (for reasons I again didn't fully comprehend), she gets pregnant, they fight, and that night Ty has a serious accident in the bull ring. In the hospital, Ty tells Hannah to scram, breaking her heart. She leaves. Eighteen months later, Hannah has a little boy, and is headed back confront Ty on his family ranch because a new idea occurred to her: maybe that night Ty lost the memories of her, his wife...

Thus ensues a romance of self-finding and family-forming. Though there is a colorful scene (not for kids), on the whole it can be classified as a cleaner, sweeter and more moral read than a lot of romances these days, which is something I significantly appreciate. Here for the love story, not the sex!

Won an ARC.

tiggeruo's review against another edition

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When you take two very imperfect people you get this book. I really at first was not a fan of Hannah, she boarded on annoying and very very irresponsible. However as the story went on and things started to make more sense my view of her changed. I like Ty but I felt like sometimes I wanted to read through the pages and choke him and shake him a little. I really liked being able to catch up with Grey and Abby from book one and see how things were going in there lives. Overall I thought this story was cute and very fun to read. There is a sex scene if that's not your thing this book might not be for you or you could skip that part. I can't wait to see where the author takes Brady and follow up with this sweet but crazy family. I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley. I was under no obligation to post a review and have given my honest opinion

amyma's review against another edition

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Cold Heart, Warm Cowboy by Caitlin Crews is the second book in the Cold River Ranch series. I thoroughly enjoyed the story of Ty and Hannah, I was immediately engrossed in it and it was difficult to put down. As this is the second in a series, I also appreciated reading "updates" on Ty's brother Gray and his wife Abby. This is what I love most about series, the fact that the story line goes on for longer than just one book. I liked Hannah and felt she handled the touchy predicament she was in as best as she knew how. Obviously, with hindsight and more knowledge things would have been different, but she is young and lived through a pretty horrible situation with Ty prior to returning to the ranch. I loved how Hannah owned and embraced her "Rodeo Queen" self (even when she realized this was certainly not the way of people in the small Colorado town), complete with full makeup, big hair, and flashy clothing. It was also sweet how Ty loved her that way and also fully natural. I am definitely looking forward to the third book in this series that will feature Brady. Thank you to St. Martin's Paperbacks and NetGalley for giving me this book, this review is my honest opinion.

mags_louise's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable, emotional tale. That although slow to draw me in did eventually and it kept me engaged throughout. But I must admit to finding myself frustrated at times not so much with Ty but Hannah, whose not only slow to tell him she's his wife, but also about their son.

Yet, the characters and the way this story developed did hook me. Not to mention the issues Ty faced with his amnesia and his home life. As well as those Hannah dealt with being that she's found herself in a similar situation to her mama whose constant line that all men are liars and she should've known better than to get herself hitched and pregnant in the first place certainly kept me reading.

And there's no denying I enjoyed it more than the first book in this series and I would certainly look out for book three.

I would also recommend.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC by St Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review**