
Second Chance by Gena Showalter

alexperc_92's review against another edition

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I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Review and blog tour can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

I was excited to hear that this series was getting three more books! Needless to say that Dorothea's story was one of my favorites, even more than the three previous books.
It's a story about bullying, family problems and how a woman's resolve to help her family makes her stronger. I liked Daniel as the male protagonist. He and his friends have lots to deal with (PTSD mostly) and around Dorothea, he softens and becomes the boy Dorothea had fallen in love with.

The cameos of previous characters were a nice touch too! And obviously, I am excited to read about Jude and Ryanne on the next book too!

whitney0498's review

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I have been provided with a copy of Second Chance through NetGalley for an impartial review. This is the fourth book in the Original Heartbreakers series and was previously titled Can’t Hardly Breathe. I just absolutely loved getting to go back into this wonderful world with it’s amazing characters. Oh my gosh this book was just absolutely amazing. I was just drawn into this amazing world and I just couldn’t enough of these characters. My emotions were just all over the place and I just couldn’t help but fall in love with these characters. I was just drawn into their story and I just felt so much for what they had gone through. I was so sad to turn the last page and I hope we will see more of these characters in future books.

whitney0498's review against another edition

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I have been provided with a copy of Can't Hardly Breathe through NetGalley for an impartial review. This is the fourth book in the Original Heartbreakers series. I just absolutely loved getting to go back into this wonderful world with it’s amazing characters. Oh my gosh this book was just absolutely amazing. I was just drawn into this amazing world and I just couldn’t enough of these characters. My emotions were just all over the place and I just couldn’t help but fall in love with these characters. I was just drawn into their story and I just felt so much for what they had gone through. I was so sad to turn the last page and I hope we will see more of these characters in future books.

melissasfandomworld's review against another edition

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Gena never disappoints. Whether I'm reading a Young Adult book, her paranormal romance books or now this contemporary romance; it was such a joy to read!!

extended review will follow soon!

aboutthatstory's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness. I felt like my emotions were on high the entire time I was reading this. Daniel and Dorothea were such rich, deep characters, I loved them. These two together had an awesome story with an exceptional slow burn. I thought it was a fantastic read!

Dorothea and Daniel seemed to be such tortured soles, trying to work though past issues. I could really relate to Dorothea and I loved her strength and perseverance to pick herself up and keep fighting to stay strong. She was such an amazing heroine, a real fighter. And Daniel, this guy was so sweet but in so much pain. He was so freaking stubborn too as he battled his demons. I loved him and wanted to hug him but wanted to shake him to wake him the heck up all at the same time.

Dorothea and Daniel coming together was emotional, sweet, loving, and sometimes heartbreaking. I thought there was great character development for each of them as we learned about their past connection. It was just this beautiful, yet heart wrenching story as they come together, truly growing, and working out their issues, fighting their feelings and falling in love.

I really liked all the descriptions and thought there was a great build. I was filled with so much anticipation for them to come together. There's a nice amount of drama and tension mixed in too keeping me turning the page. There were some good moments of humor mixed in as well which I was thankful for. It was really emotional so those small moments of lightness were appreciated. Nice heat too but a defined slow burn, it was totally worth the wait. I loved the other characters in the story as well. I’m excited for what has been set up for future books and where it all could go. I'm enjoying this series immensely.

This was such a great read. I loved the complex characters, the personal battles they were fighting, and this loving relationship that grew and grew. Heck of an ending too. From start to finish I was all in. Awesome read!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

gwensreading's review against another edition

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Going to start a drinking game for every time they quote Daniel: “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Can't Hardly Breathe is a another fabulous addition to a heartwarming series that this talented author has given us. Now I will admit I don't think I have read book three so I was hoping that I wouldn't get too lost, and I was more than fine. From the get go, was I hooked on this story. What I have always admired about Gena Showalter is the way she spins a web of depth of personality into her characters. It doesn't matter what genre she writes, she has this remarkable talent to pull me right into a story and all the while I am these characters most vivid cheerleader. I get so hooked and I come out feeling happy, free, with a tear or two at the same time. In Can't Hardly Breathe we have a story that brings all the feels and boy I was so wrapped up in this story even if the characters become a bit stubborn in the end....they still work out all the kinks and find their HEA.

This story begins with our two characters when they are in high school. Dorothea was bullied constantly all through high school. But there was one boy that didn't bully in her, he believed in her and this is where Thea first started to fall in love with our hero Daniel Porter. But then he broke her heart, and now in present day they are back in the same town. Both Thea and Daniel are dealing with their own past demons. Thea has come home to recover from a relationship gone south and suffering a miscarriage, and Daniel is suffering the after effects of serving in the military. Both have scars, both inside and out. Thea knows better than to encourage Daniel's advances, because she knows what he wants. A never ending supply of women, countless meaningless affairs and Thea could never be like that. But Daniel is relentless in his pursuit of her, and through this dangerous game they play with each other, love gets in the way.

In Can't Hardly Breathe we have a story where we have two people that fight what they feel for each other but for different reasons. Our heroine knows that Daniel is a bad boy and she shouldn't encourage him. But she also can't deny the way he makes her feel. Daniel sees nothing with having casual relationships with women, it keeps him from having nightmares of his time serving in the military and keeps his father at bay with the "marriage" questions. What I found most interesting about this book was how the romance played out. I got a kick out of Daniel and Thea together. And what a team they make together, and boy did they make me laugh constantly. I adored their bantering, the way they tease and play with each other. We are also introduced to some new characters (Daniel's buddies from the military), and boy are they delicious and I can hardly wait for their books in the near future. And also some old favorites that made me smile and got me thinking I should re read the series.

He loved her, loved her madly, passionately, and completely. She had become his everything. His reason for waking up every morning. His reason for smiling. His reason for breathing.

His reason for being.

Overall this is a story that you will be head over heels in love with....a style of romance that is engaging and witty, a romance that brings a smile to your face, a tear jerker that forces emotion from the reader and gives you tingles and makes you sigh in satisfaction when you reach the last page. A TASTY TREAT OF A ROMANCE!

What do you think of Gena Showalter's Heartbreaker Series?

Do you love small town romances?

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taylorfennerwrites's review against another edition

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Review Originally Posted On: Taylor Fenner's Bookish World

I thought this series was completed but Gena Showalter is back with Can't Hardly Breathe about Dorothea Mathis and Daniel Porter - the innkeeper and the sexy army ranger.

Dorothea was picked on in high school but her one bright point was Daniel Porter, her high school crush. Unfortunately, Daniel's kind words are quickly replaced in Dorothea's mind when she sees him with another girl and feels foolish for believing he might have been interested in her.

Now years later with a failed marriage under her belt, Dorothea is back in Strawberry Valley trying to rebuild her life, her self-confidence, and her relationship with her sister Holly. After giving up college and her dreams of becoming a meteorologist to work two jobs and pay her husband's way through college only to have him cheat on her, the last thing Dorothea needs is Daniel walking back into her life and twisting her feelings all around again.

Daniel Porter's nights are terrorized with crippling PTSD so as a rule he's made relationships lasting more than a night or two a no-go to protect himself and his father, who he doesn't wish to disappoint when a relationship goes sour. But one look at Dorothea Mathis all grown up has him throwing his rule out the window. He shouldn't want her, shouldn't taint her life with his issues, but he can't stay away.

Will Dorothea agree to give things a go between them without any strings attached? Or will Daniel risk losing the one woman he could see himself building a future with? Will it take a life-or-death situation for them to see clearly or tear them apart?

I loved Dorothea and Daniel's story and the introduction to (I hope) the next two "Original Heartbreakers" to get a book. The story moved away from the original three couples in the series but we still saw glimpses of Jessie Kay and Harlow, which was great.

Both Dorothea's self-image issues and Daniel's PTSD were both realistically written, although I wish for once that an author would write a plus-sized character that is confident in herself instead of always seeing everything that's wrong with themselves. As a plus-sized woman myself, I don't constantly harp on whether my thighs are a little jiggly and I would never demand a man to turn off the lights before taking me to bed.

I did, however, love Dorothea's passion for the weather and her cool ideas for the themed rooms at the Inn as well as how cute Daniel was with the dog he found on the side of the road.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, almost more-so than the first three books!

tanyad74's review against another edition

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From New York Times Bestselling author Gena Showalter, comes the next standalone romance in the Original Heartbreakers Series—CAN’T HARDLY BREATHE!

Order your copy today!

I fell into Strawberry Valley in Can't Hardly Breathe and I think finally broke my reading slump. We see what Dorothea goes through growing up and the connection she has with Daniel early on which gives you a history between the two. In that time, Dorothea has gone through many things that have only enhanced her feelings of low self-worth. She's now back at her family's hotel, given up on her dreams.

Daniel Porter has been spending lots of time at Dorothea's hotel and not really showing a good side to himself. But he is suffering from some serious PTSD and his actions are his way of dealing. It was just sad that Dorothea did not know what is what he was doing before she decided to be brave and surprise him.

Dorothea's surprise starts off the back and forth between the couple. Daniel trying to make up for his reaction and Dorothea trying to avoid him and her feelings for him. I loved their banter back and forth. They were serious, but not too serious. Enough to give you a smile at their interactions. Throughout the book, Dorothea is struggling with herself to be more confident and change her ways. You really root for her and then look forward to this "new" Dorothea coming up against Daniel again.

I read later and later at night, waiting to see how Daniel and Dorothea were going to get along in their next meeting. Then, just when I thought we had reached our HEA, I happened to notice that I was only barely halfway through the book! What the heck! I was already celebrating for these two! I knew then that my emotions were going to go through a major hit.

Can't Hardly Breathe had me going through a whole list of emotions. You really feel for Dorothea and everything she goes through. I was never too happy with Daniel's way of thinking and it took forever for him to get his problem through his head. When I was finished I was left with a big smile on my face and excited for the series to continue with our next couple. For this girl who is not normally a contemporary reader, I really enjoyed Can't Hardly Breathe. Gena Showalter brings in great characters that have personalities you can't help but fall in love with. I was very happy with this trip to Strawberry Valley.

An Excerpt from Can't Hardly Breathe

Daniel, having served multiple tours of duty, had come back a hero.

His life had meaning, hers didn’t. He and two of his friends had started a security company right here in Strawberry Valley. He took care of his ailing father, and in his free time he dated a plethora of city girls.

Dorothea knew about the girls because he’d stayed at the inn every time a date had ended…successfully.

Her flush returned full force as she considered the other five rooms he’d wrecked since his return…all the pleasure he’d been having…all the pleasure she wished she could experience.

Not with him, of course. With someone she liked and respected. Someone who liked and respected her, too, despite the fact that she was still too round for society’s unhealthy standards, a lot too freckled and trapped in a dead-end job.

Daniel Porter would never qualify.

Dorothea found him attractive, yes, but to her, ap¬pearance would never outshine personality.

My man must be my equal. She had a lot of love to give. She’d even grown to like herself…kind of. Maybe. Fine, she was trying to like herself.

Avoiding Daniel’s gaze, she said, “No, you stay. I’ll go.” Words her mother had drilled into her shouted in-side her head: the customer comes first. “I’ll finish your room later.” She rolled the vacuum toward her cart.

“You live here, right?” he asked. “You own the inn?”

“I… Yes.” Technically she lived in the attic. The more rooms she had available for guests, the more money she would make. At least in theory.

Money was the number one reason she cleaned the pigsties herself, rather than hiring a maid. She was saving her pennies to turn every plain, ordinary room into a themed paradise. Then Strawberry Valley residents would happily pay to stay just for fun.

Again, in theory.

So far she’d decided on six themes. (1) Four seasons—the weather, not the hotel chain. (2) An enchanted forest. (3) A techno dance club. (4) The underwater world of Atlantis. (5) A royal palace. And (6) an inner sanctum, aka a superhero’s wet dream.

Also up for consideration? A beach hut, an igloo, an insane asylum for her more daring patrons and a des¬ert oasis.

With twenty-three rooms in total, she needed other ideas fast. And more money. A lot more money.

Maybe, when the transformations were completed, the feeling of accomplishment would finally chase away her anger and bitterness. Maybe she would feel alive. Happy.

“If any part of your stay was subpar,” she said, “I will personally—”

“No, everything has been great.” He looked over his shoulder and winked at her. “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to get into trouble with the boss.”

Every pulse point in her body leaped with excitement. He’d winked at her. Her!

I think you’re perfect just the way you are.

Red alert! She would not read more into his words than he’d intended. Not this time. He was a flirt, plain and simple. Always had been, apparently always would be.

“Why would I get in trouble?” she asked.

“For not finishing the room.”

Oh. Right. “Well, as long as you plan to come back to the inn, I won’t fire myself. Not because I’m desperate to see you or anything,” she added in a rush. “I’m not.” Dang it! “I mean, I’m always glad to see you here. I mean, I just want your money.” Okay. Enough!

He laughed, his amber eyes twinkling.

Air caught in her throat and sizzled. He had the sexiest laugh on the planet. His entire face softened. He pulsed with new life; fresh and vibrant, he was the epitome of spring.

Then he frowned, as if he couldn’t believe he’d found humor in, well, anything.

Her brow furrowed with confusion. Why the doom and gloom?

“In that case,” he said, his tone flat, “I think I’ll stay another night.”

“Really?” She licked her lips. “What about your girl¬friend?”

He stiffened. “She isn’t my—”

“No, don’t tell me. I’m sorry I asked. Your love life isn’t my business.”

“I live in Strawberry Valley. My love life is every¬one’s business.”

His wry tone made her chuckle, and he stiffened all over again. Great. What had she done wrong this time?

“I’ll be alone tonight,” he said, looking anywhere but at her. “Apparently I hover over my dad when I’m home, so he’s asked for another night off. But I swear to you, this room will be clean in the morning.”

She snorted. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

The corners of his mouth twitched. “Doubting Dottie.” A pause, then, “Would you like a cup of coffee before you go?”

“Oh, uh, no, thank you.” While she no longer viewed Daniel through the wounded eyes of high school betrayal— he’d been a nice boy doing a nice thing for a vulnerable girl in desperate need of a white knight—she’d endured too much heartbreak over the years to risk getting to know him better and reigniting her crush.

Look at the way she’d reacted to him already.

He appeared…disappointed? No, of course not. A trick of the light, surely. “Well. See you around, Daniel.”

“Yeah. See you around, Dottie.” He returned his attention to his toiletry bag, dismissing her.

Irritation had her snapping, “My name is Dorothea.”

Before he could respond, she stepped into the hall and closed the door with a soft snick. Hands trembling, she hooked the vacuum to the cart and rolled the cargo to the supply room…where her younger sister Holly was smoking a cigarette.



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This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

milkibun's review against another edition

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This book is so great for the hopeless romantics out there, always up in your feels with so much raging passion, funny comedic moments and just some heart breaks with family and friends. All the relationships were perfectly written. You also don’t get the one sided view from the main female character, but you also get the view of what goes through her lovers mind as well. Which I thought was so unique and it’s interesting. However I see you Miss Showalter with your tiny self promotion through the book, which was super smart of you and it was a bit of a surprise to be honest