
The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller

kimberly88's review against another edition

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This is a great summer read! It's very cute and nerdy :)

lorune's review against another edition

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quick but fun read :)

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I picked this book up because I was in the mood for a light, quick read, and it pretty much hit the spot! In middle school Maddie got made fun of (very publicly) because of her love of comic books, and so she’s been hiding that part of herself – and anything else she worries might be deemed geeky – for years. Even though she’s dating the high school quarterback, she’s not that into him, and she’s been secretly crushing on a fellow comic book nerd, Logan. When she gets the opportunity to spend more time with him (and with the geeky pursuits of comic books, LARPing and more!) she can’t resist – even if it could lead to social suicide if anyone finds out. Maddie was endearing, even though I sometimes wanted to shake her and tell her to just confess already! (Especially to her best friend, who was sweet and understanding, and there was absolutely no reason why Maddie shouldn’t confide in her). But, at the same time, I realize that the pressure to be “cool” in high school is real, and I could definitely see how Maddie’s past embarrassment had shaped her fear of letting anyone know the real her. The pressure we put on ourselves to fit in (in any scenario – not just high school) can sometimes be way more powerful even than pressure put on us from any outside source. Oh, and I loved the LARPing scenes – SO much fun!!

If I had one complaint, it would be that Maddie’s issues with her best friend and boyfriend were settled really quickly and easily. She had to work a little harder for Logan, but in all of those cases I would have liked to see just a little bit more of the repercussions of her actions. Still, this book was just what it was meant to be – lighthearted and entertaining and sweet. I give it 4 stars.

michalice's review

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I saw The Summer I Became A Nerd on Netgalley and the synopsis drew me in immediatley. I requested it but didn't really expect to be accepted so I was super excited to find I had been.

Madelyne Summers is leading a double life. On the outside she is a gorgeous cheerleader who dates the star quarterback, but behind closed doors she is a secret geek, fangirling over the newest comic or movie. Her two worlds haven't crossed paths for years, until the fateful day she makes a trip to The Phoenix, a local comic store to purchase a copy of the Super Ones #400, the last one is the series and only available in print copy, one that she has to wait 4-6 weeks to be delivered due to being out of stock.
Logan works at The Phoenix, well technically his family owns the store so he looks after it rather than works there, but he also attends Madelyne's school, and he sees through her disguise but keeps it a secret from school. Soon this duo find themselves spending lots of time together, discussing comics and playing LARP games.

I instantly loved Madelyne, there was something about her, possibly the fact that she is a secret geek, that made me like her and want to know more about her. When she tries to be all sneaky and secretive when going to get her comic I thought it was cute and ridiculous that she would think her flaky disguise would mean she was safe.

I love Logan and his family. His Mum was a cheerleader in school, married a geek, and has no qualms about showing off her cheer leading skills to Madelyne. Logan has three siblings who remind me so much of my childhood growing up and petty arguments, although a lot of the time it was me getting picked on. Although we don't get to see them much it was another case of instant love for them.

I loved every single page of The Summer I Became A Nerd, the characters are believable and likeable, even the popular crowd don't seem so bad in small doses. Trying to live a double life is bound to end up crashing down on Madelyne, and when it does she is left to pick up the pieces and try to sort out what she truly wants from life. I enjoyed getting to see how Madelyne's double life unfolded between the pages, and while she does make some silly mistakes when she tries to repent her ways she certainly does it in a spectacular way. I love the geeky references thrown into this The Summer I Became A Nerd and while some parts of it were extremely geeky, especially the LARP (live action role playing), it sounds cool when reading it in a book, but it's not something I would personally do.

The Summer I Became A Nerd was a light fun read that was a refreshing change to my latest reads. Leah Rae Miller is definitely on my to watch list now and if at some point in the future we get to visit Madelyne again, I will definitely be picking up the book.

chellereadsrd's review against another edition

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This book had some really cute scenes. It was enjoyable. There were parts that were predictable, but all in all, it was a good book.

imys's review against another edition

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this book was a little too predictable for me but it was just what i needed to kick my reading slump

emma_mili's review against another edition

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In case you don't know the premise of the story, Maddie is a nerd stuck in a cheerleader's body. She loves comics but after a traumatizing experience dressing up as a comic book character in middle school, she has kept her "double life" as a nerd secret from all her friends. Then she meets Logan. The cute son of the local comic book store owner. Now, Maddie has to decide whether she wants to maintain her double persona or risk losing Logan forever.

The premise is utterly unrealistic (I don't know any high schools that still separate into "popular" and "unpopular" groups) and the book probably doesn't deserve this high of a rating, but gosh reading it was just so fun. My mouth hurts from smiling. I honest to god giggled while reading this.

Logan was the best part of the whole novel. It's so refreshing reading about a nice love interest for once and not a moody jerk with a tragic backstory who wears leather jackets and rides and motorcycle and has a tattoo and blah blah blah. He's just so adorkable and unabashedly nerdy.

Overall, I adored this novel. It has a bit too much high school drama for my liking (especially at the end), but my nerdy heart exploded from pure joy at the comic book aspect and Logan was one of the best love interests that I have ever read. I would recommend it for people who like light, YA contemporary romance who don't mind high school drama.

casg_3's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. I read the little blurb and it looked ok but at the same time I had I feeling I was going to like it, and I did! It was a very sweet story and I even got mad at the character a few times (although that is to be expected considering the book). It really isn't what you would expect, even though,yes,she is a popular girl that is really a nerd but not showing it, but there is way more to it than that. It really shows you that trying to hid your true self..... Is just a pain in the butt! I loved it and I'm sure you will too. All you have to do is give it a try.

kice7788's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book and totally reccomend it to anyone for a summer read by the pool. Light but not light at the same time.
I will be doing a review on my blog - and on my youtube channel - kwells7788

dragonstar1974's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this book. I thought it was cute and even the nerdy heartthrob was someone easy to fall in love with. Seeing Maddie maturing, just breaking free from her shell and being who she really was a treat. We all remember being young and trying to fit in--being tempted to be someone you're not and hiding the real you. Or maybe you weren't just tempted--maybe you did pretend to be someone else, like Maddie. For that reason, I think we all can relate to this story in some way. I believe most will enjoy it.
There's always a few who will hate what you love, but it's okay because we're all different.
Thanks to Entangled for allowing me to review this.