
Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson

sjyoklic's review against another edition

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I loved it and hated it. I wanted to throw the book across the room screaming but also I couldn't put it down. Thomas Covenant is perhaps the most detestable main character in a book I have ever come across, but he is sick... So... Maybe I can forgive it?

jdowner's review against another edition

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DNF. The protagonist is a whiney rapist.

leevoncarbon's review against another edition

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Haven't read a fantasy book in years. Interesting set-up in terms of getting us into the imaginary world. I sometimes got lost in the sheer volume of detail in describing terrain and the lore, but generally enjoyed the read.

apryde6226's review against another edition

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I read this years ago, right around the time that it first came out. I was always struck with the emotion that Thomas Covenant has and at the time it seemed excessive. For example, always emphasizing "I'm a leper" and "don't touch me."

That was a long time ago. I've personally contracted Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fybromyalgia and intractable pain. Reading again as an adult, I can actually see the pain he's going through, so it meant much more to me at 53 than it did a 10... I'm going to run through the balance of the series now.

scheu's review against another edition

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EDIT: I just finished my probably fifth read-through of the first book, having completed the Grim Oak Press reissues (which are lovely). I found myself reflecting on different aspects this time than I had before. I very much wanted to focus on Covenant's feelings over
Spoilerhis rape of Lena, to help put his later actions and reactions in context.
I also wanted to think about some odd memories I had about the story - like, this enormous Land with so few people in it - and the kind and compassionate people who DO populate the Land, in contrast to Covenant.

I'm glad that I still enjoy the series as much as I do.

2007 REVIEW: The Thomas Covenant books have always held a special place in my heart. I freely admit that the series is not for everyone; the singular nature of the protagonist turns a lot of readers away before the first book (this one) is halfway finished.

Compared to other heroic fantasy, I find the Covenant books to be somehow more believable, and to have more emotional impact. The theme of redemption, present throughout the series, resonated with me when I first read the books twenty years ago, and continues to resonate with me.

ianl1963's review against another edition

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Audio not up to present day standards.

Not as good as I remember but people change!

loonyboi's review against another edition

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Wow, I hated this book. The plot isn't dissimilar to [b:A Princess of Mars|40395|A Princess of Mars (Barsoom, #1)|Edgar Rice Burroughs||1129624] crossed with a bit of [b:The Lord of the Rings|33|The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)|J.R.R. Tolkien||3462456]. The difference between this and those books is that the protagonist of this novel is utterly and completely unlikable. He's a leper, which is a clever twist, but good lord, he's unpleasant. His self loathing isn't amusing, it's annoying. Even when he's seemingly cured of his afflictions he's unbearably gloomy. Oh, and he expresses his return to health through a brutal sexual assault on a sixteen year old girl. Maybe he was under the thrall of a dark lord during that act, maybe not. It's not clear, and the author doesn't seem to care much.

So yes. I loathed this book. I always finish what I start, but this was a slog I had to push through. I have no plans to read the others in the series. One was quite enough for me, thanks.

taylstark's review against another edition

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I didn't dislike it because Covenant was a contemptible character. I disliked it because it was a slogfest. Simply meh.

drbjjcarpenter's review against another edition

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Couldn't finish this book. Though the world was somewhat intriguing, the plot was overly contrived and the main character was entirely repugnant. Just not for me.

petealdin's review against another edition

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Couldn't get through it.