
Dream Spinner by Kristen Ashley

leslieayla's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny hopeful mysterious medium-paced


michellejerome's review against another edition

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I honestly don't know what I thought of this book. It was a like, not like thing. I wasn't sad that I was done with it, but I finished it. Have you ever read that kind of book?

mindforbooks's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this and I love Hattie and Axl but it didn't seem as GRAND as other stories. Axl being a badass who can and likes to cook is a new favourite though and I'd like more of that please.

I feel the abuse Hattie endured got a bit too swiftly taken care of and I just think girl needed therapy and it would have been nice to see that be part of her story. Saying that though, ALL the boys in this series need therapy so I guess that's a can of worms. :D

Anyway, it's a new KA so I enjoyed it, read it over the weekend which meant I could fully immerse myself. Looking forward to Pepper's story, I just hope she isn't too resistant but looks like she is. I'm a little wary of the trust/jealousy thing that seems to be ramping up there but hopefully that all gets sorted quickly! I can't deal with jealousy storylines!

robinbridgefour's review against another edition

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KA normally really does it for me. She does relationships with alpha males so well and I generally have a good time in the story. While there are parts of this story I liked there were a lot of things that fell flat.

Hattie grew up a dancer with a dad that maybe drove her a little too hard and still does. She definitely has some daddy and self worth issues. Axl has been circling her for awhile now and has been shot down enough to think it is time to move on. But after finding out Hattie when to Brett for help when she has a stalker he is back in the game.

The relationship is cute overall. I always root for the couple and we have had a lot of preamble in the other books so I was all for the lets just get to it part of the story. It was just everything else that fell so flat. Hattie's dad relationship, just resolved pretty easily after a lot of years of abuse. The stalker thing was a huge nothing burger, there is some side story stuff with dirty cops that seems to spill over to some of KA's other series but no much of it was done in this book. Also that will be ongoing as well in the overlaying arc going into the next story.

If you like appearances from other characters from Rock Chick and others then you will get a fair share of cameos but if you wanted a strong story that stood a little on its own this one might fall short. The relationship part of the story I enjoyed mostly but the tension that I expect from a KA book just seemed to miss the mark a bit.

whatcha_listening_to's review against another edition

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Heck to the yes!
I loved this book, this is my favorite book of the whole series so far. Hattie and Axl create fire.

I liked the beginning scenes where Axl puts himself out there again and yes he might have been mean but he wasn’t wrong.
He really couldn’t keep trying and being shot down like that at some point you have to just walk away. I liked that he did that maybe not in the way he did but he stood up for himself. Hattie has to be the one to make the next move and yes it might be hard but after all she put him through the only way for them to have something she has to do the work.

There is a scene with Hawke and Axl I swear it was heart melting and I loved it of everyone I am glad it was Hawke.

I want more, I need more, I can’t wait for the next book Pepper is in for a world wind. I am just hoping that is the book we get next.

The narration was FANTASTIC!!

heathermassareads's review against another edition

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I don’t know. Toxic families, along with the rest of it. Do people change? I’m not certain.

mlawlit's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
It was fine.
It won't be my favorite of the series, that's for sure.
I liked the idea of Axl and Hattie but the execution is a bit to be desired. This book needed to be shorter. I'm going to keep reading this series because I'm invested in the soon-to-be couples.

ohthatellie's review against another edition

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After the first two books in the series, I was highly anticipating Hattie and Axl's book. I figured there was going to be lots of angst. Lots of emotional moments. A bit of a slow burn considering Hattie's shy nature, but I was surprised to find we didn't get any of that at all.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the book and once Axl and Hattie got together (which was fairly quick) I had the biggest and goofiest smile on my face. They were just so cute together and they matched so well. I also love the fact that Axl owns a cat and is possessive of her even if he won't admit it. I love when KA heroes own cats (I'm looking at you Tate). He was the perfect boyfriend. So supportive and a shoulder for Hattie. Hattie was no slouch. She has so much passion within her in both art and dance and I loved that we saw that side of her. She also was so supportive of Axl and wasn't shy at all when it came to defend him against his jerk of a father. It was wonderful to see her put him in his place.

Overall it was a good read but not exactly what I was expecting. I wish the book would of addressed the abuse that happened to Hattie and have her confront her father about it. I also would've liked her self harm explored more and it was completely glossed over. I don't know, I just expected more from the plot and admittedly, I was underwhelmed.

whatobsession's review against another edition

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I only gave this 3-3.5 stars because it just wasn’t as good as other books I’ve read from her.
It was however written well.

dancingterracephantom's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

This book was like the others in the series. I liked it mostly because I like all the interrelationships with the friend group, and that so many cameos from other KA books are present. And I like that another couple that Lottie matched up got their HEA. But just like most of KA's new books, it was missing so much that could have made it great. There was almost no tension, no big THING that drove the story. It's just...two people were falling in love & we watched it unfold. Which isn't bad per se, but when it's a series that's almost reminiscent of Rock Chicks series and it falls so so flat in comparison, it's disappointing.

I always read KA books when they come out because I'm always chasing the high of reading her books for the first time. I just keep hoping her earlier magic will reappear.