
Sweetheart by Greg Ruth, Abbey Mei Otis

rixx's review

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[Sweatheart]( is a well-written very short story by *Abbey Mei Otis* that is first sweet and then chilling in the path the story takes – nothing too special either, just a perfectly fine scifi short.

warloujoyce's review

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She brings him marbles that hum and lets him position her antennae into funny shapes. He has a lisp that the speech therapist has given up on, and she has clicking mandibles, but in their invented language of coos and giggles they are both poets.

Too short for my liking but the concept is good and quite thought provoking.

goldbirdcages's review

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"He has a lisp that the speech therapist has given up on, and she has clicking mandibles, but in their invented language of coos and giggles they are both poets."

Lovely and heartbreaking.

mayzwatson's review

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"He has a lisp that the speech therapist has given up on, and she has clicking mandibles, but in their invented language of coos and giggles they are both poets."

Lovely and heartbreaking.

blakeybuttons's review

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Appearing on in 2010, "Sweetheart" is a short story that left me chilled. Written in second person, the story centres on a young boy and his childhood sweetheart, the neighbour, an alien child. I found this story disturbing and thought provoking- a discussion and reflection of the way one culture can dominate and distort another.

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