
The Billionaires: The Bosses by Calista Fox

kymreads's review

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3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️+1/2

This was the first story I've read by Calista Fox and I was pleased by the fact that Bayli, the lead female character, was depicted as a young woman interested in learning and digging deep to become knowledgeable when faced with a new opportunity versus the typical troupe of a woman trying to make it big on NYC with only her looks! The fact that Bayli was bright, a quick thinker on her feet and self-assured (mostly!) was refreshing for a story with this setting.

The chemistry between the main characters was off the charts and the characters were independent and developed enough to be seen as strong individuals in their own right (not just a twosome with a third sidekick).

What bogged this down was the slow pace to the story. I kept waiting for it to pick up speed but before a plot scene was done I kept thinking: ok I've got it, can we move on?
As this continued to happen it made me wonder why the author felt the need to perpetuate the slower pace. Character development! Plot development? Plenty of that! Unfortunately, this became a distraction from the story...

Luckily, I was interested in how their big venture (don't want to give any spoilers here) would turn out, how their relationships would progress, etc., enough to keep me engaged in the story...but only just.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

romantasylife's review

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I thought I would have liked this one a lot more... the overuse of exclamation points in this book. It definitely made the main character seem a lot younger than she is.

She's also just super annoying anyway. I'm glad I only have one more book of this to read... not any time soon, of course.

jgilge's review

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Finally one that kept my attention outside of the ridiculous romance story. It was a bit longer, but worth the read. It seemed easier to enjoy the characters, and be interested in what they were doing, they had a story, some background, and worked well together.

Full review here.

stumpfed's review

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I read this in one sitting. It was a solid beach read. Not much thinking, but enough to keep you engaged. Predictable? Sure. But, plot details helped with that tremendously as did strong characters. I enjoyed it!

carrsbooks's review

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Started and finished the book in one 4 hour reading session. This is the first book I’ve read by this author… needless to say I’ll be reading many more.

mags_louise's review

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This was an enjoyable and engaging story. That quickly caught my interest and then held it throughout. Even though I'm not a huge fan of ménage a trois stories. Although I do read them occasionally. But really only if there from an author I love or if the story sounds promising, and this one certainly fit that bill. As Calista Fox is a completely new author to me and the story was hot, the characters sizzled, shared plenty of chemistry. Which I think is always important. Especially in this type of story and I liked the way their shared relationship progressed.

As for the actual storyline I thought it was good, wasn't expecting the stalker element and when it happened it did seem a little obvious as to who was behind it. But otherwise it was an enjoyable read and I can definitely see myself checking out more books by this author in the future. And I would happily recommend The Billionaires: The Bosses to others.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC by the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

bookwormerica's review

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I won this book and appreciate it. I didnt like it. I love my sexy books but this one Too much he was sexy and Lord knows the sun shines out Baylis ass. Too much repetition of how alluring everyone was...and the words pussy throbbed and cream.

Also the whole Rory rubbing on her asshole the first time they have sex ... she said no...literally said no and he goes yes. Not sexy. Not sexy. No is no ... then he says he wants to fuck her ass...she said no...he still doesn't get it. Again the 2nd time meeting and first sexy time.... why not repeatedly demand ass play 🤷‍♀️


I gave it 150 pages. I tried...but I started to skim and I don't skim...I just end the pain.

I'll give leave this copy at the library free section with a note to review if read.

therealarigold's review

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Super cute, but yes - the ending was predictable.

suzannemsabol's review

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This dragged and about halfway through, it felt as if the author decided this needed to be an erotic suspense, throwing a crazy stalker into the mix. It seemed unnecessary. Alot of the dialogue felt contrived and rushed. Overall, it was okay.

mildy_lozza's review

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It was ok.
I still think the first book in the series is the best so far.