
Amber to Ashes by Gail McHugh

kayla_llbr's review

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DNF @ 10% and then skimming to the end to see wtf this book is actually about

I was really looking forward to this one after seeing so many 5 star reviews pop up among my blogger peeps. I am never one to shy away from love triangles or angst so I figured this would be right up my alley. WRONG. Within the first 5% the heroine makes out with one of the love interests, slaps him, and then agrees to go out on a date with his best friend. Top that off with the heroine's inner monolgue about how broken and damaged she is (mind you, I'm still at 5%) I just couldn't stop rolling my eyes. I gave myself up to 10% and then basically skimmed till the end. From what I gathered
Spoiler nothing really happens. It's a lot of back and forth between the heroine and both the guys who are apparently dealing coke, are in love with her, and then participate in an awkward menage scene. Oh, then the heroine is kidnapped in the end.

Bizarre barely scratches the surface for what this book is. No thank you.

readingwithheba's review

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This book was horrible. I also have zero tolerance for racism.

Amber takes a cab and this happens.
"No questions askes, Bin Laden's ghostly doppelganger
takes off, the vehicle slipping in and out of traffic like a
centipede as we head toward Ryder's. I have to hand it to
the Middle Eastern men. They might scare me a bit, but
they sure as hell know how to navigate the busy streets of

And this

"And to think I was gonna slip the undercover terrorist an
extra twenty for his speediness. Shame on me."


lphr3ads's review

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WOW. First off, I'm Team Ryder. Right off the bat, he captured my attention. I've read Gail's previous works, Collide and Pulse, and I was already a fan, but with this book, I just fell in love with Ryder. Despite the whole love triangle-esque love story, I really enjoyed this book. This book was a roller coaster of emotion, sexual expression, love, jealously and passion. Our leading lady is no stranger to loss and being a victim is something she's familiar with. Amber, as a heroine, is just as broken on the inside as the two leading heroes. Amber sees her college life as a new way to start over and become a new person. During the first days of college, Amber walks into the dining area at school and trips over a bag and falls into the lap of Ryder. Tall, hot, tattooed bad boy with a joker side, he and Amber have an instant connection... until he opens his mouth and earns himself a slap in the face. Next, we meet Brock. Super down to earth, all American, beautiful man-candy. She's the complete opposite of Ryder, but there's an edge to him that Amber is drawn to. With an instant connection to two different men, what's a girl to do? With Amber's history of sexual conquests, she picks the safer choice and dates him. Ironically, he's just as dangerous as the other one. As the story progress, Amber is caught between two magnetic personalities and the more time she sends with them, the more she loses herself to the passion and pleasure. Near the end of the book, we meet shady characters who will threaten everything our trio holds dear. I absolutely loved everything about this book. I can't wait for for eventual sequel.

jaywithwhiskey's review

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The dialogue was unrealistic but I liked the story a bit more than I should've. I'm probably going to read the next one.

aliciafromtheashes's review

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Amber to Ashes is one of those books that will grab on to you, and you won’t want it to let go. The problem is it eventually has too, and then you’re just left feeling...empty. I was on the edge of my seat begging for more the entire time. This is a new adult romance unlike any other.

We start by meeting Amber who is a head case in her own right. The traumas in Amber’s past unspeakable and she knows this. Accepting a life where she’s a social outcast, Amber starts college expecting to just get by until she graduates with her psychology degree. Insert Brock and Ryder, our two hunky heroes of this story.

That’s right ladies and gents, there are two of them. Both Brock and Ryder understand Amber on levels she never thought possible. They see her for who she is and all that she can be. However, they’re both dealing with their own emotional messes as well. The situations these three end up getting themselves into are not only risky, but deadly at best.

There are gut-wrenching emotions, heartbreaking pasts, and a whole cast of side characters to add to the drama of it all.

I give this read a 5 out of 5 stars hands down. It had me at page one and it didn’t let go. I didn’t want it to end, but it did. It just did. Now, I’m reeling for the next part of the story. At one point I was such an emotional mess that I couldn’t keep reading. I put the book down at least ten times and would pick it right back up. I didn’t want it to end, but I couldn’t force myself to stop reading. This is a book that deserves to be read on every level. Go grab a copy for yourself today.

bridaniel92's review

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I'm confused with how I feel about this book...there's half of me that loves it, and half of me that isn't enthralled......There's so much that I have to say about it -- which you'll be able to see on my review for Once Upon A Twilight.

dubvanna's review

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***3 Stars***

I'm so torn with the way I feel about this book. And I rarely have a problem with love triangles, I actually crave the angst that they provide. But in this book it wasn't the love triangle that bothered me, it was the prologue and the fact that what happened in the prologue didn't happen in the book at all. This isn't really a spoiler since it's in the very beginning. But usually I'm expecting the prologue to play out within the pages of the first book in the series, and I was disappointed that I was anticipating this "death" for the whole book and it never happened. I understand the importance of leaving the reader hanging for the cliffhanger effect. But there was already a pretty good cliffhanger at the end already. And by the time I got to the end I was already frustrated.

I will say that Gail has a great knack at storytelling and whether I was mad or happy or frustrated I will admit that I was fully engaged (on and off) for most of the book. I did do some skimming during the filler areas. I didn't feel that some of those scenes were necessary to put so much effort into. But I get the importance of their meaning. They just weren't important to me personally, towards the growth of the story.

One of the guys (Brock) really bugged me from about halfway through with his wishy-washy ways and out of the blue controlling behavior. I get why he changed, but he brought this whole threesome situation on himself knowing that Amber had feelings for Ryder. And this whole thing...

"That means you’re no longer allowed to kiss my friends . . . in their cars . . . after they’ve treated you to lunch unless I give either of you permission to do so.”
--So with permission it's cool? Ummm ok.
And this:

“I know my friend very well, and I can’t say I’m shocked or mad at him. Ryder and I are both a little . . . fucked up. When we see what we want, we go after it, no matter who’s in our way. Seems odd that we’re buds, right?”
-Well that explains it.

OF COURSE Ryder is going to accept this scenario!! And Amber started bugging me too with her indecision towards the end. She's also in denial:

"I’m not a cheater, and I don’t intend to become one."
--Unmmmm yeah you are. You just cheated.

The saving grace in this story was Ryder, he was perfect in every way. He was hot and sweet and EVERYTHING. I really just want to read more about Ryder, so I'm hoping book 2 goes my way. There's a pretty hot MFM scene and some GREAT dirty talk....

“keep your heels on. I want to feel them cutting into my back while your legs go numb around my head.” He unbuckles his belt, the promise in his eyes flaring over my skin. “Also, I never talk game. Ever. I’m about to lick that pussy undone.”
-- That gets a slow clap...

But the fact that these men were SO infatuated and overly complimentary towards Amber had me rolling my eyes more than once. Don't get me wrong the threesome aspect of this story had me itching to read more. It's so forbidden that a guy would request this for him and his girlfriend whom he's passionately in love with, but I get it, everyone has their own freak button. And that's totally cool. I enjoy that! I just wished the outcome didn't completely flip my opinion on Brock, because it did.

The story is told in all three POV's which I liked. And there's a couple little twists that keep the angst going but overall I was kind of disappointed. I liked the book, and I REALLY wanted to fall in love with it, because I'm a huge fan of Gail's other books. It just didn't work for me.
**This is the first book in a two book series.

babblingchatterreads's review

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My head is spinning. My heart is getting ripped into two. I don't think my heart, mind nor soul can survive this—my feelings and mantra while reading all throughout.

Amber to Ashes Teaser #4 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

I can't imagine everything Amber has gone through. All the lies. The revelations. Every single thing that just happened blew my mind out the window. I feel so bad for everything she had to endure, but I am in awe of how strong and brave this pretty Italian is. She may be scarred from a very young age, leaving her a shell of a girl—haunted and troubled for years—but her life never got easier. Throw in the two mighty fine men who are such opposite poles, trying to snag her attention and affection. They were both alpha men who knew what they wanted. At first, it's definitely making me swing back and forth from Brock to Ryder to Brock again then Ryder. Hot damn, these two! It was like—will it be Brock Cunningham, the captain of the football team who's so sweet and romantic on the outside yet so broken and dominating when it comes to the bedroom? Or Ryder Ashcroft, the captain's best bud who's such a huge, tempting asshole upfront, but a smart, sentimental and thoughtful wiseass once you get to know him better?

Amber to Ashes Teaser #3 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

As I read further and went deeper into the story, I can't help but fall head over heels for Ryder. His tough-guy act and sweet, tender side just slew me. I love him and it's not just because he's the forbidden fruit. No—he is the most loving and giving man ever. I saw him as a very selfless guy who never thought of himself and had put Amber first and/or his family before him. Ryder is not perfect. But then again, who really is? He has his fair share of skeletons in the closet haunting him, he has his own issues and insecurities eating at him, but he was wonderful. Just the way he was with Amber every single time just brought me to my knees. The words coming out of his mouth—and these are not just the declarations I'm talking about here. Another thing—wait till you see him with Casey, his little sister. That one part with her just had me melting into a huge puddle on the ground, making me love him even more.

Amber to Ashes Teaser #2 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

On the other hand—I'm sure not everybody will agree with me on this, so forgive me—but the biggest shock to my existence? Brock freaking Cunningham. You have left me stunned speechless with how you turned out. I swung for you at the beginning, but after a couple chapters in, you creeped the freak out of me. And it's in a very disturbing way that bothered me so much. What happened to you? Why'd you turn out to be such a sick, demented son of a gun? I mean, you still do have your sweet, romantic moments and I know how broken and in pain you are as well, but that doesn't justify much the fact on how you did things. The decisions you made. You realize how fast they backfired at you, didn't ya? I don't think I have ever cried more times in a book than this. You literally and physically shattered and shredded the piece of my heart that's left.

My mind is such a mess. I felt so much emotions for this book that I feel so overwhelmed by all of it. I admit, I was scared shitless when I was on the earlier chapters, thinking what could happen or who would Amber eventually choose? I've been dreading it from the first time the two men have been introduced. I can't stand it. And I was right. Everything that happened just killed me. It just went from bad to freaking worse. So fucking fast. To say the least, this has been by far the craziest, most intense and disturbing love triangle I have read about. Wait 'til you hit about 80%... You will know what I mean by then. I'm not new to books with these kinds of situations, but this one? OH. MY. GOD. I'm done. Hottest fucking scene ever. E-VER. And just a fair warning, the end will have your mouth dropping. I felt like I was chasing the pages without wanting them to move to the next one, knowing that I was nearing the actual end of the book. I literally had my eyes the size of saucers, my mouth hanging open, and gasping a big "hell no" once I read that last sentence. It just can't end that way.

Amber to Ashes Teaser #1 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

I never expected a book like this from Gail McHugh—what with Collide & Pulse—this is such a huge leap to the other side of the genre. Although this just shows Gail at her finest, doing what she does best. Putting together a mind blowing, heart wrenching and soul shattering story with a freaking love triangle. It's a thrilling, suspenseful roller coaster ride that will leave you wondering and fearful for what will happen next. It will stir up emotions you never even thought existed within you and really fuck with your head. It was beautifully heartbreaking and I loved it. Did I mention it made me cry? I know I have, but the feels all throughout this entire book was just way up there—you wouldn't be able to control it. My heart is ripped into a million shredded pieces. Totally obliterated. It freaked the crap out of me and then some, making me feel as insane as Amber felt when shit hit the fan, but I loved it. It was full of angst and action that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Oh, and just putting it out there yet again—#TeamRyder. ~Renery, 5 stars


Damn! Damn! Damn to the moon & back! When I first read the blurb to this story it was TOTALLY not what I had expected! Seriously to date…the love story here went straight to the top of my list! Twisted, ugly, heartbreaking, and heartwarming are just some of the words that come to mind.

The heroine, Amber Moretti has experienced a rough start in life and deals with it the best way she knows how. Due to those traumatic experiences she is not a believer in/feeling/or nor cherished when it comes to love and lives in a way that satisfy her comforts of the reality she had to endure. Given an opportunity at a better chance in life, she takes attending Hadley University a new start. Unexpectedly it was a something that would change her whole world in the hidden shell she has always lived in.

Amber to Ashes Teaser #5 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

Cue in Brock Cunningham. A sexy, greened-eye man with his persona capturing Amber’s attention becoming a force to be reckon with in her heart, mind, and soul. He is all tough guy and arrogant on the outside but there is more to him than meets the eye and that if you do not look close enough he can have you loving him and/or being screwed by him. Just reliving his actions has my blood boiling in both good and bad ways! His actions can have you making you seeing pissed off red or making you feel really special because of the reasoning behind his decisions.

Amber to Ashes Teaser #7 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

Also cue in Ryder Jacob Ashcroft. He had such a sweet name for a broken, beautiful, blue-eyed, man. Just the flow of that name alone (regardless of his actions) itches me to be Team Ryder! He too has captured Amber’s attention in ways she had not planned. Also a tough and arrogant guy on the outside but anyone who know him and gets to know him on a deeper level will know that it goes beyond his physical features. I must throw in the absolute love for the ladies in his life (his little sister, Casey, his mom, and his grandmother) just melted my heart in more ways than I had least expected. I was in tears when it came to the close bond he had with Casey needing a breather and a must needed rant from my best book buddy also reading along with me. Do not even get me started on his actions towards Amber unless you have read the words that were written in this book!

Amber to Ashes Teaser #8 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

Between #‎TeamBrock with the enchanting green eyes and ‪#‎TeamRyder with the mesmerizing blue eyes they had my head constantly spinning! Each one unique with demons that make their personality in their own way! And #‎TeamAmber...WOW! This poor woman had me in tears on the life that she has encountered and dealing it in a way she felt was best for her. I have not had a story get me pulled in so many overwhelming directions all at once. Needless to say the connection between Amber and the men in her life kept me on my toes!

Amber to Ashes Teaser #6 - #RentasticReads #BabblingChatterReads

I just love how absolutely angsty the reading experience was. The emotional feels and the tingles I had felt while reading this 5 stars novel just blew it out the water for me! I need book two now. No scratch that…I needed it as soon as this book was released! No blurb, no cover, no release date is making the cliffy for me crazed and the wanting and needing to know what happens next as important a breathing! I am a new reader to this Gail McHugh’s books and one that did not definitely did not disappoint. I look forward to reading more and getting to experience more of her works. :D ~Cristina, 5 stars

cowmingo's review

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Woah nelly.

talonvictoria's review

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I just love a good angsty freaking love triangle. The messier the better (unless it's Molly McAdams then spare me). And in this book Gail delivers head strong and bravely. I'm still thinking and processing all of her words. Two whole days later. They have just stuck with me.

The story is written in mostly Amber’s POV but we are blessed with both Ryder and Brock’s POV along the way which I appreciated deeply.

Amber, Brock and Ryder are all very complex and flexible characters and their histories make this story and these people easy to understand (which I appreciate in all books). I was able to empathize with them as they tangled and created a massive web of lies and secrets.

This is the kind of story that guts you, ruins you, and has you feeling torn and out of place. This book is one that can and will shatter your heart to pieces but leave you wanting and needing more.

The plot was so damn THRILLING. I had questions and scenarios that just kept stirring in my head and it didn't play out like any of them but I was okay with that because what WAS created was raw emotions. Raw. Emotions. Everywhere. I felt stripped bare and vulnerable.

I am not torn between two men. I have my mind set and my team picked. The relationship between Amber and Brock, Amber and Ryder, Amber, Brock, AND Ryder is lust, insane, complex, funny, twisted, obsessive, passionate, confusing, and intense. They take and take all of each other from each other (if that makes sense).

Amber was okay. She wasn't so terrible that I DNF. I just learned to cope with her and it turned out to be easier than I thought it would. She wasn't my fave, but I liked her because of what the boys brought out in her.

Round of applause for that cliffhanger though! I think it will set the sequel up real nice be quite the shit storm.

Hey Gail, that's what the title of the sequel should be. Shit Storm. Thank me later.