18 reviews for:

Break Point

Garry Michael


sarahgomez02's review

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pontiki's review

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Ash and Travis were best friends, then lovers, then estranged when Travis couldn’t come out as a tennis player.

They reconnect 6 years later after he wins the US Open, and both still love each other, but Travis is afraid. Only after he confronts his mentor, who advised him to stay in the closet, does he realize he needs to be brave to live his truth.

Nice novella, interesting to have some of their history play out in certain chapters.


lastofthewilds's review

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wmharter123's review

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Sweet story, with likable characters, believable dialogue, and enough dramatic tension to keep the reader engaged. I'm so glad to have discovered this novel! I look forward to reading more of Garry Michael's good writing

embrightreads's review

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oooooh boy. THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD.
It was angsty and sexy and SHORT.
Just like my review will be.
I was rooting for Trav and Ash from the beginning, I was so happy that Travis finally spoke his truth and that these men were able to be out together.
It was wonderful.

ladymacbeth2024's review

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3.5 stars
I'm a little conflicted about rating this book.
I loved the plot, the second chance, best friends to lovers, hurt/comfort tropes, especially the last one because I think this author always does a great job describing those kind of feelings (I adore his series From The Ashes).
i loved the main characters too and how their story developed from their friendship to something bigger and I also understand that Travis didn't want to come out as a 20 years old athlete: there was no one out in his field and he felt lost and confused.

But, and this is a big but, why didn't he come out after his big win at the US Opens?
I understand that being in the closet was a mindset he couldn't escape from, but he had a wondeful, lovely, supportive family and he couldn't even be honest with them. He also had a fantastic agent, who became a great friend too and yet he kept all to himself.

I'm not talking only about coming out publicly, I'm talking to confide in his parents who loved him inconditionally and could have supported him all those years.
I don't like the fact that he hurt Ash twice and that it was Ash the one who did the first step and reached out to him.

I loved this story, the sex scenes are emotional and perfect and the epilogue was very beautiful, but there was no groveling and no begging for forgiveness and honestly I'm not so sure Travis deserved Ash's love.


marharyta's review

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I love Second Chances

ltcreads40's review

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Emotional and Steamy

An emotional yet steamy second chance romance between Ashton and Travis will have you hooked from the beginning. These two men had such a vibrant history that it was sad to see when they split the first time and second time due to the constrictions of everyday society. Luckily everything works out in the end and Ash and Trav get the happily ever after they so deserve.

jen_and_her_books's review

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Garry broke my heart and put it back together in the best possible way ♥️
Ashton and Travis - what can I say about hose two?
Two guys, madly in love with each other, an aspiring professional athlete convinced he can't be out. Broken hearts, emptiness that follows them both... you just want to hug them and tell them everything will be ok...
I love the storyline, the development Travis goes through and the neverending patience Ashton has despite the heartbreak he's suffered...
My favorite line:
"I have always loved you. I could have told you that when we were teens"
My heart is so, so happy ♥️

jamie_w's review against another edition

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So so good!

I absolutely loved this book. The way the past was interwoven within chapters really gave me a sense of longing and heartache for Travis and Ashton. They fact that they shared all of their firsts together was so sweet. And they way they reunited after being apart for six years was definitely soulmate type stuff.

They experienced these huge feelings at a young age and with Travis’ plans to play professional tennis, they were bound to hit some roadblocks.
Their premature ending made my heart hurt. It was clear that it wasn’t what either wanted. I was glad that Ashton moved forward and till became a doctor.

The cabin scene was so good and worth the wait. These two men had such deep affection and love for the other. When they came together the feelings and emotion were palpable. My heart burned for them.

I loved getting to see Ashton in his hospital setting and Travis dealing with the downsides of his fame. Those were critical points in understanding both men. And the fact that their families were so open and accepting of them was truly wonderful!! Oh and that ending. Chefs kiss!!