
Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh

claire_loves_books's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this but it was slow going in places, there was a lot of meetings, political manoeuvring and intrigue and it felt kind of repetitive by the end. The story didn't feel like it moved forward much, it felt like a bit of a tangent. I'd never heard of the Luminata before (that I remember- they may well have been mentioned but I don't think they played a bit part in any of the previous books) so it felt a bit like it came out of nowhere. The intrigue with the Luminata took up so much of the book, it's only right at the end that we get into the 'main plot' - Lijuan's disappearance.

I liked that Raphael and Elena's relationship is strengthening further and this book did seem to move a lot of the other personal relationships forward as well.

I'm not opposed to character lead novels and I liked that we got to see deeper into some characters and personal development for others, I just wish the plot would have moved forward as well, it felt like quite a slow moving book.

meganmreads's review against another edition

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This installment of the Guild Hunter series was back to being focused on Elena and Raphael as they met up with the Luminata along with the rest of the Cadre. The plot was crazy! I enjoyed the change of scenery and existence of an organization we hadn’t been introduced to yet.

I’m loving the series and I like that I get some Elena and Raphael stories along with other characters meeting their matches as it goes along, so it’s the best of both worlds. I definitely recommend this series and I can’t wait to continue.

starlitbooknerd's review against another edition

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I love seeing how Elena and Raphael’s relationship has progressed and I’m glad their family has grown! I can’t wait to see what happens next!!

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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3.25 stars
I'm really enjoying this series but I just don't like Elena and Raphael relationship. They don't do anything for me sadly. But the last quarter of this book was amazing.
Trigger Warnings: child abandonment, blood, graphic body injuries and gore, murder, loss of loved ones mentioned, suicide mentioned, kidnapping, captivity, violence, and body horror

desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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5 stars.

So I ended last year with an amazing GH book by Nalini Singh and I've ended this year with another amazing GH book by Nalini Singh. Not on purpose just a happy coincidence.

My favorite GH stories by far are the ones that focus on Elena and Raphael. And this one focuses heavily on Elena and her history. I was completely engrossed from page one and after the prologue when we know who the child is, I did not want to put this down.

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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English and French reviews
* Some small spoilers *
With the alleged disappearance of Lijuan and the awakening of Alexander, the balance within the Cadre is very precarious. With all the other Archangels, Raphael and Elena are summoned by the mysterious order of the Luminata in Morocco to settle the question ... Or so it seems.
Well as I am a HUUUUGE fan of this series and Nalini Singh, it's difficult to have an impartial opinion =)
The universe is absolutely AWESOME with the perfect reshaping of the myth of the angel and the vampire in a world of urban fantasy where dark mysteries and murderous intrigues mingle =) The angels' shenanigans are addictive and each book complicates a little more the main plot and the subplots !!! (I can't wait to learn more about the story of the Hummingbird !!!)
The characters also make the richness of this series !! They are characters who reveal themselves over the books, who evolve and who are ultimately very human in their inhumanity !! If I had only to mention a few in this book, I would say Hannah who is much more present in this book for my greatest pleasure (I'd love to have a short story about her first meeting with Elijah !!), Alexander (The "Alex and Callie" scene was HILARIOUS !! I hope that one day he will have his own book, I would totally see him having his own romance =D) and Ilium and Aodhan (I loved seeing them argue, it makes them more human =) And then in this book, we learn a lot about the past of Aodhan !!) (Hmmm I can almost smell the future book about Ilium =D)
I also found it fascinating to see all the interactions between all the Archangels (they are all unique in their own way and I really like the fact that there are not bad guys VS good guys but it's more nuanced !!)
The bad guy was GREAT !!! A true sadistic psychopath with a huge scary obsession for the heroin and a superiority complex x) (and some suicidal tendencies xD)
Only one thing I regret : the reunion with the
Spoilergrandparents who are finally alive and so the fact that Elena finally a real family ...
I don't know why exactly but I thought this part was a little discordant comparing to the tone of the series (too Care Bears ><)
Finally to sum up, as usual, Nalini Singh adds a new addictive book to an absolutely fabulous series that I recommend to everyone (fans of vampires, fans of angels and fans of travelling especially <3)


* Quelques petits spoilers *
Avec la prétendue disparition de Lijuan et le réveil d'Alexandre, l'équilibre au sein du Cadre est très précaire. Avec tous les autres Archanges, Raphaël et Elena sont convoqués par le mystérieux ordre des Luminata au Maroc pour régler la question ... Enfin c'est ce qu'il semble.
Bon je suis une ENOOORME de cette série et de Nalini Singh donc il est difficile pour moi d'avoir une opinion impartiale =)
L'univers est absolument génial avec le remaniement parfait du mythe de l'ange et du vampire dans un monde d'urban fantasy où les sombres secrets et les intrigues meurtrières se mêlent =) Les manigances des anges sont addictifs et chaque livre complique un peu plus l'intrigue principale et les autres intrigues !!! (Je veux trooop en savoir plus sur l'histoire du Colibri !!!)
Les personnages font aussi la richesse de cette série! Ce sont des personnages qui se révèlent au fil des tomes, qui évoluent et qui sont finalement très humains dans leur inhumanité ! Si je devais seulement en mentionner quelques-uns dans ce livre, je dirais Hannah qui est beaucoup plus présente dans ce livre pour mon plus grand plaisir (j'aimerais trop avoir une nouvelle de sa première rencontre avec Elijah!), Alexander ( La scène "Alex et Callie" était HILARANTE ! J'espère qu'un jour il aura son propre livre, je le verrais totalement en ayant son propre romance =D) et Ilium et Aodhan (j'ai beaucoup aimé les voir se disputer, cela les rend plus humains =) Et aussi dans ce livre, nous en apprenons beaucoup sur le passé d'Aodhan !) (Hmmm je peux presque sentir le futur livre sur Ilium = D)
J'ai également trouvé fascinant de voir toutes les interactions entre tous les Archanges (ils sont tous uniques à leur manière et j'aime beaucoup le fait qu'il n'y a pas de méchants VS bons, mais que ce soit plus nuancé !)
Le méchant était génial !!! Un véritable psychopathe sadique avec une énorme obsession effrayante pour l'héroïne et un complexe de supériorité x) (et certaines tendances suicidaires xD)
Une seule chose que je regrette : la réunion avec
Spoilerles grands-parents qui sont finalement vivants et donc le fait qu'Elena ait finalement une vraie famille ...
Je ne sais pas pourquoi exactement, mais je pensais que cette partie était un peu discordante par rapport au ton général de la série (aussi trop Bisounours ><)
Enfin, pour résumer, comme d'habitude, Nalini Singh ajoute un nouveau livre addictif à une série absolument fabuleuse que je recommande à tout le monde (fans de vampires, amateurs d'anges et amateurs de voyages spécialement <3)

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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Fantastic! This is an Elena & Raphael book with a bit of Sparkle.

molliverr's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed finding more backstory to Elena and her family as well as some more cool world building to add to the series. My only complaint is that it was a lot more slower in pace and felt more like a novella side story rather than a main one in the series as it didn’t really advance the overall plot (cascade storyline). Excited to continue the series.

naomilane's review against another edition

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While this was more of a filler book in the series, I really enjoyed it and the storyline. It's always great to go back to Raphael and Elena.

kiwiwonder's review against another edition

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Slight shift from her others in this series, focussed almost entirely on plot advancements in the wider story. Loved it though and being less of a "typical romance" was nice too.