
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max

meeks3's review against another edition

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Before reading this book, I had heard that Tucker Max was very egotistical, a huge player, objectifies women and a complete and total a-hole. After reading this book, I can say that he is indeed most of those things (I honestly don't believe he's as sexist as a lot of feminists make him out to be) but he is one hilarious guy. He's a person who is completely honest about who he is and what he does that you can't hate him for that even if how he lives his life is completely different from your own.

The book itself is a compilation of his life experiences most of which involves drinking and having sex. What makes this book so funny, in my opinion, is that Max holds nothing back. Half of his stories most people would never want to share with a single soul (see the story on when Max tries anal sex for the first time) but he's sharing with the world. Theses stories are written in a way that you can't help but laugh hysterically (see the story on when Max tries anal sex for the first time). If you can see this book for what it is (humorous), then you will be sitting there crying from laughing so hard at his antics. Also, if you read and enjoyed Chelsea Handler's "My Horizontal Life" you'll like this book.

baileyjane1's review against another edition

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Wow, I suffered through about half of this book and just couldn't finish it. Not only is it not the style of reading I prefer where every chapter is different from the previous or next, but it was just AWFUL. Some of the stories were funny, but mostly I was asking myself "Who would ever want to be friends with this person?" Even my boyfriend who was a Hell's Angel and loves to drink beers with the fellas while talking s#*t would think this book was horrible. Anyone who actually lives this kind of lifestyle and proceeds to brag about it is just not a very good person, and why in the world would we want to read about the crappy things he's done to himself, his friends and random women? Beats me. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, male or female. Even if this book was written with the intention of being taken faceciously and I missed the point altogether, it still wouldn't be that funny.

oldnew23's review against another edition

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Complete garbage. Don’t get me wrong, the stories could be entertaining. I can appreciate the potential. But how this book goes from a big bag of potential to a big bag of negative sum gain profoundly baffles me. Perhaps it lacks something, similar to that reality TV show that you forget about by the next day. This should be a bad movie that quickly goes to video, not something that future generations will stumble upon at used book sales in damp basements and make the conclusion that this was a good book back in 2009. It is sophomoric at best and boringly unsatisfying at worst.

carlylottsofbookz's review against another edition

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I felt so many emotions reading this book, I am almost unsure how to revew it.

To start, I thought after my last David Sedaris book (and a string of other books like it), that I would officially stop reading books I termed the "I'm an asshole" genre. I don't agree with giving someone a book deal just because they have writing abilities, and the ability to be a complete selfish jerk to everyone they come in contact with.

However, I knew that was what this book was...and I still wanted to read it. I needed, somehow, validation of "How absurd can he REALLY be?" Mind blowing is the answer.

I have an internal conflict with this book. I found Tucker Max to be the most terrible human being ever to walk the face of the earth. Literally, I have seen characters like him in books/tv/movies...but didn't know that kind of person really existed.

But (and we knew a but was coming..) I laughed my butt of reading this book. What does that say about me?

The thought that just kept popping into my head while reading this book is that Tucker Max represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with our country (maybe the world?). As a former teacher, I dealt with so many students who were disrespectful. And I remember thinking, How did they get this way? The answer: role models like Tucker Max (or perhaps Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson?). I do not doubt that Tucker has a pretty high intelligence. But rather than using that intellect to DO something, he makes a living by being an asshole to people. Well, if I were 16 and reading this book or seeing him get a movie deal and MTV shows...I might ask myself why I would bother to try in school--afterall, if I can get money to just be a dickhead to people?? Why not? It's easier than working.

What's worse, is the knowledge that, if there were a book about a person with the opposite qualities of Tucker Max: ie, a book about someone who just went around being nice to people and helping people....would I read it? Probably not. It'd be boring. So, while I can detest Max and the fact that he is only famous for being an ass...I must realize in myself that I contribute to the problem I say I detest.

That is the internal conflict.

One more note on the book itself: Although I laughed, and was shocked, I was bored by his actions halfway. The last half of the book was a DREAD to get though. Funny stuff still happened, but I just didn't care anymore.

gsatori's review against another edition

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The book is vile. It only exists because a shallow self absorbed spoiled kid got lucky with a web page. And he was worshipped by other shallow self absorbed kids worshipping at the altar which was MTV.

And no, acknowledging one's vileness doesn't excuse it or make it acceptable.

All this being said, I laughed several times throughout the book, once uncontrollably with tears in my eyes. F me.

emjay24's review against another edition

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A couple years ago, I saw this movie. It was really funny. The hotel pooping scene LOL. Then I discovered the movie had a book, and that it's true! (someone on twitter told me it's not, but i looked it up and all evidence points to it being true.) I finally got around to reading this book and it's funny. A bunch of short stories that Tucker Max had published on his blog about him and his friends going out drinking and hooking up with girls. They don't just drink, they DRINK. Most of his friends have interesting nicknames, and I would just LOVE to get to know Slingblade, he sounds just so weird that it's hilarious. The rest of them, i probably wouldn't like to know in real life. Tucker seems funny, but all the throwing up and pooping and things just seems a bit messy. In their defense, all of this takes place when they are in their 20s, and while not this bad, my friends and i (well, mostly my friends) came close when we were that young. I always thought that stuff would be funny in a book, and i was right. Some people, a lot of people, will probably hate this book, so be forewarned. If you hate gross things, or are a feminist, or get offended easily, or don't laugh easily, you may want to skip it. There are a lot of offensive things in this book. But I liked it, and i see why he had all those girls willing to meet up with him from his blog. I think he'd probably be fun to hang out with one night, so long as i wasn't stuck taking care of him or his friends at the end of the night. Good book.

obartuckisawildreader17's review against another edition

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raunchy, raw humor. Don't read it If you are easily offended. I read it several times with my coworkers. Great fun, great read!

emilyknap's review against another edition

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This book was funny but I'd hate this guy in real life. Almost unbelievable but I've met people like him in college. P. 292

namaria's review against another edition

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This book had a lot of potential for being something very entertaining. Unfortunately, the writing was absolutely awful and the way the stories were told did NOT flow well at all. On top of all that, the author was so conceited, it became obvious it was an act to increase sales. None of the stories he told were even that original (change the people involved and they could easily be something YOU did as soon as you could legally drink). All the drinking, poor behavior, and stunts were typical college-age activities, so there wasn't even THAT for entertaining reading.

I'm glad I didn't buy this book (got it from the library) or the sequel when I saw it. It would've been a huge waste of money. As it is, it was just a waste of time.

ced5025's review against another edition

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Entertaining, ridiculous, inappropriate, hilarious, degrading, etc. An easy and fun read, but can only take so much of his antics for so long...