
Grave Peril by Mary Alford

tessisreading2's review

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I try to be very conscious of the fact that inspirational novels aren't really "for me" when I'm reviewing them, but this was simply... look, have you ever been flipping channels or scrolling through Netflix late at night when you come across an action movie you've never heard of? "Hmmm," you say to yourself, "this looks decent. And it apparently stars some 90s actor who's actually very good (although it's a recent film)!" And then you turn it on, and it turns out that some guy (it's always a guy) wrote the movie, produced the movie, and directed the movie, and the 90s actor shows up in like three scenes to chew the scenery, and all of the other actors are young unknowns who are unknown for a reason. The dialogue is wooden, the plot is nonsensical, and as our young hero jumps across badly-CGI'd explosions we think to ourselves "Didn't he get shot in the leg ten minutes ago? Is the bandage the heroine threw across his knee really enough to allow him to scale a two-story building in thirty seconds flat?"

This is the inspirational romance novel version of that movie.

tiggeruo's review

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This book was really good, and it does not disappoint. The story is almost like a game of hide and seek, Jamie and Gavin are trying to find her uncle but they are not the only ones an now those same people seem to be after them. So you can imagine the excitement and the twist and turns the author throws it truly is a page turner and you find it hard to put down. It was like you just need too know whats going to happen next. I loved Jamie and her big heart and the healing that Gavin needs and how no matter what happened in the past they both kept fighting. This book was certainly one you will not regret reading.

melmo2610's review

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3.5 stars
Mary’s books are always explosive(literally!) and this one is no exception. This is an exciting ride to figure out a decade old murder and dirty cops and what they are up to. The book starts off with a bang and keeps up the pace and throughout to a nail biting conclusion. Exciting read!

I received this book from the author and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.