ithil's review

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Este ha sido mi primer Wonder Woman. Lo he sacado de la biblioteca, asi que no sabía que era el volumen dos (no lo ponía en ningún lado) pero tampoco he notado que me perdiera gran cosa al leer el "anteriormente en Wonder Woman" del principio.

En general me ha gustado, aunque la trama me ha resultado algo floja y, en ocasiones, algo forzada. Para no destripar nada os diré que sobre todo, con los motivos de las Amazonas. Sí que me ha gustado mucho tanto el dilema interior de Wonder Woman, y como se ha desarrollado, creo que es algo con lo que muchos podemos sentirnos identificados. No conozco al personaje, pero me ha parecido interesante ver como va surgiendo un lado humano, que se cuestiona las consecuencias y dilemas morales tanto propios como comunes a héroes y humanos.

Por otro lado, me ha sorprendido el enemigo del tebeo. Creo que encaja muy bien con el tema, y ayuda con el desarrollo de dudas internas de Wonder Woman.

Entre las cosas que no me han gustado son los diálogos de "tirar fichas" o "tirarse los trastos". Entiendo que la autora lo ha visto como bromear y es recíproco entre ambos personajes, pero me parecía innecesario, forzado y que no venía a cuento. Como el momento en que uno de los personajes, masculino, aterriza JUSTO, en los pechos de un personaje femenino. Pues me sobraba vaya.

Ha sido una lectura amena y divertida que, como lectora novata de tebeos y novata con los personajes, recomiendo. Tal vez no para comprar pero si para leer. No me va a cambiar la vida pero me ha gustado.

thisgrrlreads's review

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Lots of Wonder Woman's inner voice, which is kind of weird for a comic book but what I expect from Picoult. Might entice more girls to keep reading.

londonmabel's review

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Terrible, I couldn't even finish it. Terrible writing, plot made no sense, terrible romantic banter (they had no chemistry), terrible characterization of WW. Couldn't finish it, and didn't care to find out how it would end.

ckeeve's review

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canadianbookworm's review

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squidbag's review

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A highly intelligent and introspective WW story from a time when she was questioning everything about herself after the Maxwell Lord killing. This is all I have read from Jodi Picoult, and I was prepared to be impressed, and then, wasn't, not really. The Wonder Woman in this story spends the entire time questioning everything, down to her existence, which, while a necessary part of a character's development, is not necessarily the part you want to come in for. Circe as a villain isn't compelling for me, and Nemesis seemed created just to motivate. Not the best collection.

anothergain's review

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Absolutely horrible. Its official, Jodi Picoult is a tool.

blueeyedshook's review

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Haven't actually read a comic book is years...but Jodi Picoult's name on this one required me to pick it up! I just had to see how she did. And to be quite honest, at first I was disappointed. I didn't like the first chapter, the writing or the artwork. But then it got much better. I enjoyed that I could read it so quickly, but it really reminds me how much fun it is to read superhero comics! And 3 year old my son sat with me the whole time wanting to see Superman. Maybe he'll be a comic book reader soon.

carryonamelia's review

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Like many others, I recently saw the Wonder Woman movie in theaters and I immediately fell in love with the world. I fell in love with the characters, the story, the premise, and so much more. I became obsessed and found myself eager to read one of the many comics of the Wonder Woman franchise.

This is my first Wonder Woman comic, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I did enjoy the comic overall. I thought the drawings were well done and I loved the exploration of Diana (Wonder Woman) as a person with flaws and self doubt and all of the other awkward things we all go through but don't want to talk about because it isn't "cool." It was quick, fun, easy read and I thought it was a good introduction to the characters and world.